Chapter 78 - Spencer Reid

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Hi! Hope you're all having a wonderful day! This was requested by Lil_Queen_Beth  thank you very much!
The request: You and Spencer are dating and one day you get into a fight while you're discussing a case. You get so pissed so you storm out of there and get yourself captured. Read to find out what happens next.
(I totally messed up the characterization of Spencer, I'm sorry.) (Brad is the name I came up with for the killer so it's not directed at anyone)
                                   Y O U
"I love you and all Spence, but you're wrong." I said to him as he explained his theory about the killer to me. He looked at me with shocked eyes. "But, I'm a genius. I can't be wrong." I rolled my eyes. "Just because you're a genius doesn't mean your theory is right. The killer isn't working alone! They're working with a partner!" Now he looked at me like I was crazy. "That's absurd. I haven't seen any proof of it being two people, you're wrong." He said. I shook my head. "Fine, believe what you want, I'm out of here." I said and walked out. He didn't even try to stop me.
While I was walking towards my car I felt like someone was following me but I didn't see anyone so I just shrugged it of as paranoia. I took my car keys out and right when I was getting in the car I heard footsteps and everything went black.
                            S P E N C E R
"Pretty boy, where's Y/N?" I looked up to see Morgan and the rest of the team walking in after having come back from questioning victims. "I don't know. I haven't heard from her since she walked out three hours ago." I said and watched as Hotch frowned. "Why would she leave?" He asked and I looked down. "Spence?" JJ asked, worry in her voice. "We had a small fight about if the killer were working with someone or not and she left." During the time I had explained what had happened, Morgan had called Garcia to track her phone. "Y/N's phone and car is still in the garage..." This is all my fault. God. What if the last words I ever told her was that she was wrong because I'm a genius and I'm always right?
"We can only assume that she was taken by Brad." Hotchner started and put up the photo of Y/N that she took when she started working at the FBI. " Now, we have a lead on where he is but we aren't sure he's there. Let's go!"
                                    Y O U
"You're certainly a very pretty FBI agent. I'm surprised you even made it this far. What did you do? Sleep your way up to the top?" Brad laughed before taking a hold of a knife. "Maybe it's just because I'm smart." I sassed back and he backhanded me before grabbing my face in his hands making me look at him. "Don't you dare talk back to me." His voice became darker, like he was possessed, which in a way he was. Possessed by anger for the FBI. He ran the knife up and down my cheek before he spoke. "It's a shame that I need to destroy this beautiful face." He made a small cut on my cheek, right below my eye and I hissed at the feeling of blood running down my face. "But, I need to follow the plan."  Before I had time to register what he said and which plan he needed to follow, he started to throw punch after punch.
Right when I thought I was gonna pass out I could hear shouts upstairs. "BRAD WILSON! FBI!" I shot him a bloody grin as he grabbed his gun and ran upstairs. I knew he wasn't going to last long so I let my head rest against my shoulder as I feel the blood drop from multiple places on my face. I could hear the door open but I don't open my eyes, I just try to look as dead as possible in case it was Brad that came back. "Oh god." I heard someone whisper.
                           S P E N C E R
When Brad dropped dead to the floor and I walked past him I couldn't help myself and kept staring at him. His clothes had blood splatter on it and his knuckles were bloodied and bruised. We all ran towards the basement seeing as Y/N was there. Emily and Morgan walk in first and quickly check the place as the rest of us walk in, looking for Y/N. "Oh god." I hear JJ whisper and I turn around only to be met by Y/N. She's tied to a chair and I can't even see her skin, it's all red. The worst thing, though, is that her head is laying limply against her shoulder and it doesn't look like she's breathing. "No, no, no. Please don't leave me." I mutter as I rush towards her, my team frozen behind me in fear. Fear that they might have to bury another team member. Fear that they may have been to late.
I put my fingers against her neck and at the same time that I feel a pulse I can see her open her eyes a little. I hang my head and sighs (which came out more like a sob) in relief. "Is she?" I heard Emily ask. "Someone call an ambulance! She's still alive." I heard them call for one behind my back so I turned back to Y/N. "Spence?" She whispered. "I'm here, baby, I'm here. It's okay." I tried to clean all the blood of her face but only so much disappeared. "I'm sorry, for earlier. I was obviously wrong." A thin layer of blood coated her lips as she started coughing. "No, hey. It's okay. I'm not mad. I'm just glad you're alive okay. I love you. I love you so much." I kissed her forehead, not caring about the blood that got on my face, right before the paramedics came in and took away Y/N and began he journey to the hospital, my hand never once leaving hers.

Hi! I don't really know how to feel about this one but it's an update. Yay. I feel like I have a thing for hurting the characters in my story and I'm not really good at it but I hope you like this one. Have a good day you gorgeous people and don't let anyone tell you what you can do and can't. 💓💞

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