Chapter 51 - Steve McGarrett

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Hi! I hope that you're all having a great time, I know I am! Although I just basically just cut off all my long hair and now have really short hair I actually like it. Anyway, SEND IN SOME REQUESTS, plz :) This was requested by Writergirl983 thank you very much. SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't seen the season 7 finale of Hawaii Five O then you might get some spoilers in this one shot.
The request: Allison McGarrett, formerly Allison Kalakaua is Steve's wife and Kono's sister. When Steve is gonna jump on a moving truck to save some trafficked girls Allison decides to tell him that she's pregnant with his child.
"You're gonna do what?! I mean, think about our kids!" I exclaimed at my husband. We were working a case with trafficked girls that were in a back of a truck and my idiot of a husband have decided that he's gonna jump on the roof of the moving truck and then cut a hole in the roof and get the girls out. "Calm down, Allison. I'll be fine." He says and kisses my forehead before walking out to our teammates who pretended that they haven't tried to listen to our argument. I walked out after him. "You don't get to drop a bomb like that on me and then just say that you'll be fine and then walk away, Steven!" Danny smiled a bit. "Oh. She called you Steven, what did you do this time?" He asked to Steve. "He decided that the only way to save those girls is to jump on to the roof of a moving truck." I said and Danny's face fell and his eyes grew wide. "You what?" He exclaimed and instantly took my side of the argument. And that's what we did for a few minutes until Jerry came in. "I have his location, commander." He said. "You got Jerry to help you on this?!" I said and looked at him right in the eye. Before he could say anything Jerry interrupted. "If you wanna do this, you gotta get going now." He said and that's how we ended up here. Steve standing on he top of a bridge or something waiting for the truck to arrive, and me talking to him on the phone, still trying to talk him out of it, of course, with no luck. "You're actually gonna do this, huh?" I asked as I sighed in defeat. "Yeah, I am. It's the only way to save those girls, baby." That got me thinking. "Jerry?" "Yeah?" He said over the intercom, meaning everyone can hear. "How long until the truck arrives?" "Um, like a mile away. Why?" He asks but I ignore him. "You hear that, Steve? The truck is coming soon and I'm sorry if I'm about to throw you off your game but I gotta tell you this if you won't make it." "Allison! What is it?" He asks, cutting off my rant. "I'm pregnant." I say. "What?" He asks and I'm about to say the same thing again when Jerry interrupts, again. "Commander, get ready to jump in, five, four, three, two, one, go!!" And then he jumps.
Time skip
I had managed to save some of the girls back there and now I had saved the remaining girls. "Steve!" I heard her call out for me. I turned around to have a body collided with mine. "I'm so glad you're okay." She said and kissed me. "You are okay, right?" She asked after, looking me up and down for injuries. "Yes, I'm okay." I say as I kiss her forehead. "I'm glad you're okay man." Danny says and hugs me and Chin and Kono does the same. "So..?" She asks as we walk towards the car together. "So what?" I ask her and she smiles. "I'm pregnant. So I'm really glad that you're okay." I smile lovingly towards the woman who have been next to me since kindergarten and who have given me three kids, and now a fourth. "Yeah, I kinda knew anyway. I was just waiting for you to say something." I chuckled. "Wait what?" She asked. "Yeah, we've been married for 7 seven years, Alli. I know you quite well." She smiled and a light blush rose to her cheeks. "Shut up, lets get home to the little ones huh? I'm sure the sitter must be exhausted now." And then we drove home as I thought about how lucky I am.

Hello! I'm sorry if this is a but bad but I did my best as always. I hope that you all have a good day where ever you're reading this. I watched the new Spider-Man: Homecoming yesterday and it was amazing! Like if you get the chance to watch it, do! Peace ✌🏻💕🍍

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