Chapter 116 - Jack Dalton

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Hello! This was requested by Maddigalea14 thank you very much!
The request: Maddi and Jack have known each other for a long time, all the way back to when he was still working for CIA. What would happen when the past comes back to haunt him?
(I'm sorry if this is bad in any way, I'm currently having a lot of writers block)
    J A C K
Mac, Riley, Bozer and I walked in to the war room where Matty was currently waiting for us. She had a look on her face that I knew meant that whatever she had to tell us wasn't anything good. "So what's new today?" I asked and before she responded she walked over to the windows and frosted them so that no one would see in.

"An old friend of mine and yours, Jack, recently resurfaced. Boris Walker." She said as a photo of Boris' smug face popped up on the screen. "I hate that guy." I said with a small sneer before Matty continued. "A CIA agent were tracking Walker when she went AWOL. No one has been able to contact her sine yesterday morning." She finished. "So the CIA asked us to find her, I guess?" Mac said and Matty nodded. "So who is this agent? Anyone we know?" Riley asked and Matty turned towards me with something in her eyes that I couldn't exactly read. I furrowed my eyebrows at her and then a picture popped up on the screen next to Boris. "No." I couldn't stop the word from slipping from my lips and Riley and Bozer looked at me with confusion in their eyes while Mac looked concerned.

"You know her, Jack?" Mac asked and I nodded. "Yeah, her name's Maddi. We worked together when I was still in the CIA." I said trying to wrap my head around the fact that she was missing and probably already dead. "Which is why I need to know that you can work this, Jack." Matty said and I nodded quickly. "Absolutely." I said and she didn't look convinced but she didn't say anything. "Then go."

    M A D D I 
My head was spinning as I tried to look around in the room where I was hanging from the ceiling in a pair of chains. It was a concrete room with only a door and no windows so I didn't know how long I had been where ever I was. The CIA doesn't operate on US soil so I know that they're not gonna send anyone to get me which means that I have to figure this out by myself.

I heard someone whistling and footsteps coming closer to the door and soon the door opened and revealed Boris. God I hate this guy. "Special Agent. I wonder if the CIA thought that sending the prettiest agent they had I wouldn't notice you following me." He said with a small smirk and I involuntarily shivered. He stood right in front of me and ran his pointer finger down my cheek.  "Such a beautiful face. It's such a shame that your own family won't even be able to recognize you when they find your body." He said and I spit in his face. "Don't talk about my family." I sneered at him.

He wiped the spit of his face before punching me in the face and I could feel it already start to bruise. "I would love to just kill you now but I need to know what the Agency have on me so I have to keep you alive a little longer but, that doesn't mean that I'll make you die the most painful way I know when I've got what I want." He said as he punched me two more times in the face and once in the stomach.

He turned around and walked over to a table that was just by the door and picked up a syringe filled with something you probably didn't want in your bloodstream. "Now, I know you, Maddi, I know that you're good at getting out of restraints and that's why I'm gonna make you go to sleep until I need you again." He said and walked closer to me and I started to try to get away as much as I could considering the fact I was still chained to the ceiling. It didn't work and I could feel the syringe breaking the skin on my neck and whatever drug it was in the syringe starting to take effect and soon enough I passed out.

We had found where Boris was keeping Maddi and we were on our way there now. I could feel myself getting more and more worried and restless as the car sped towards the underground bunker where Maddi currently was, even Mac noticed it. "You know she's gonna be okay right? We'll get there in time." He said and I nodded, not having something expect dark thoughts to add to the conversation.

"So, what's the deal between you and Maddi?" Mac asked after a few minutes had gone by. I gave him a look that said 'seriously, you want to do this now?' And he just shrugged. I sighed before opening my mouth to answer him. "I don't know man, we were kinda a couple when we worked together but since it's against the rules for two agents to date we just split, I guess." Mac nodded as he made a sharp turn that made me almost slam my head in to the window. "Do you still love her?" Riley asked and I opened my mouth to say 'no' but before any sound came out I stopped myself and thought about it. "I think I do, but I'm not sure I'm gonna get the chance to tell her now." I said truthfully as the car came to a stop. "Well lets go make sure that you do get to tell her lover boy." Mac said and we both ran out of the car.

There wasn't that many guards so getting to the room where Maddi were being kept wasn't that hard. We heard a helicopter which meant Boris was trying to escape. I looked at Mac. "Go find Maddi! Riley and I'll try to stop Boris!" He said and I nodded and ran to the door where Maddi was. I shot the lock of the door and entered the room, I quickly looked around to make sure that there were no bad guys before letting go of my gun and going straight to Maddi, who were to still for my liking.

I put two fingers on her neck and breathed a sigh of relief as I felt a pulse. I lightly slapped her cheek to try and wake her up but it wasn't working. "Please forgive me for this." I said before slapping her cheek hard. As the sound of skin touching skin echoed around the room she finally started to come to with a groan. The building shook a bit and I could only guess Mac had made some kind of bomb to stop Boris.

"What the hell was that?" She asked before her eyes settled at me. "Jack? What are you doing here?" She asked as I freed her from the restraints. "Saving your sorry ass, what does it look like." I said and before she could say anything else I felt a surge of confidence go through me and I opened my mouth again. "And I had to find you if I ever wanted to tell you I love you." I said and she looked at me with surprise in her eyes before saying, "thank god." I looked at her confused and she slightly shook her head. "I love you too dumb ass but please get me out of here and to a hospital right now." I laughed quietly and put her arm around my shoulder and pressed a quick kiss to her forehead. "It would be my pleasure."

Hello! I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while but I've felt so unmotivated lately and I've also had writers block. I hope you're all staying safe and at home where ever you are right now! Hope you like this chapter and I'm gonna try to update a little faster next time. Stay safe and wash your hands! Also, Happy Easter! 💛🐥🥳

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