Chapter 67 - Luke Alvez

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Hi! This is like my second Criminal Minds story so bear with me, it's probably gonna suck a lot. Thank you for the request Marveliana !
The request: You are the sister of JJ and when you're out running you bump into a guy who turns out to be working with your sister. You start dating with out telling anyone. Read to find out how everyone finds out.
(Garcia calls Luke new guy or something in the show so that's why I had her call him that in this to.)
                                   Y O U
"Are you okay, ma'am?" You heard someone say as you took a hold of the hand that was in front of you and helped you up. "I'm fine, I wasn't looking where I was going." You said looking at the man who you had run in to for the first time since you went down. "Luke, Luke Alvez." He says and you take his hand that once again is in front of you only this time you shook it. "Y/N, Y/N Jareau." You said and watched as a look of surprise took form on his face. "What?" You asked him and furrowed your eyebrows. "Are you by any chance related to a Jennifer Jareau?" He asked you.  "Yes. She's my sister." You said and looked him up and down. "You're not here to like kidnap me or something, right?" Your older sister had repeatedly told you about her job and that someone might want to use you to get to her. "What? God no! I work with your sister at the BAU." He said looking a little bit shocked as you let out a quiet chuckle. "I'm sorry, it's just that you never know if someone has a beef with my sister and wants to use me to get to her." He smiled at you and all the sudden you felt a tingling sensation in your stomach. "How about this, to prove that I'm not a serial killer or something like that, would you let me take you out for dinner tonight?" He asked and if smiles could kill you would be dead now. "Um, yea, sure!" You answer and maybe, just maybe, you answered a bit quick but when he chuckled all the nerves you felt went away. "Here's my number and I'll pick you up at eight, see you tonight." He said and winked at you before he ran away. And that's how you scored your self a hot date for tonight.
( 2 months later)
                              G A R C I A
"What about you, Alvez? You coming with us for drinks tonight?" Emily asked Luke as we had all decided to go on a team night out. "Nah, got somewhere to be." He answered and took his bag and left with a wave. "That is like the hundredth time he bailed on us." JJ said and the rest of the team silently agreed with her. "I think i know away to find out what he's up to, but it'll require me to hack New Guy's phone." I said. Emily looked like she was thinking it over for a while, I mean she is the unit chief after all, but after like two minutes she told me to do it since she wanted to know what he was up to so I started to hack his phone. "Oh my god." I let it slip out of my mouth before I could stop myself. "What?" The whole team, minus New Guy, asked me. I turned the screen around so that they could see the pictures and the text messages. "That looks exactly like you JJ." Rossi said. "That's because we share the same DNA, she's my sister." She said and the whole team was at a loss for words for a moment. "So, what should we do now?" Reid asks. "Well we could either go to Luke's place now because by the looks of the texts they are there now or we could just tease him in the morning. I would like to go there though, I want to talk to my sister and ask her why she didn't tell me." JJ said and the whole team agreed. That's why we are standing outside New Guys apartment at like nine in the evening. Spence knocked n the door and soon could we hear a female voice calling out, "coming!" The door opened and a shorter copy of JJ Stood in front of us now and the smile she was wearing on her face disappeared when she saw her sister. "Who is it, babe?" I could hear New Guy say as he came up behind her. "Oh." He murmured against her head. JJ's sister, which we hadn't gotten the name of yet, cleared her throat before letting us come in. "When where you two gonna tell me, Y/N?" JJ asked as soon as we where all inside the little apartment. Ah, so that's her name.
                                  L U K E
I decided to step in as I could see that Y/N was getting a bit anxious. "It was my decision, I didn't want to tell you that I was dating your little sister before I knew that it was serious." I said as I laid my arm around Y/N's shoulders. "And? Is it serious?" She asked and I smile lovingly. "Yeah, I mean, considering we've been dating for 2 months I would say that." I kissed Y/N's forehead and even though we had planned a quiet date night it turned out to be a team night with games and alcoholic beverages involved. God, I can't believe this is my life. How did I get this lucky?

Hello! As I said before, this is my second Criminal Minds story so I'm sorry if it sucks. I hope you enjoyed and that you know that you are a perfect human being no matter how you look. Good bye🌹❤️
Ps. I hope you all know that you look beautiful and gorgeous very single day. 💗👩🏼

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