Chapter 42 - Steve McGarrett (part 1)

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Hi! I'm back! Surprising I know.. hahaha no but really, I got a request from VictoriaBarrs thank you very much. Since she wanted the request to be in two parts this is part one. Hope you enjoy! Warning ⚠️ This may include spoilers for both Hawaii Five - O and NCIS L.A.
The request: The Five-O team is working a case, which they need help with. So Steve calls up his old buddy Sam Hanna in L.A. and asks for his and his teams help. When they arrive, you, whom is a part of the NCIS team, starts flirting with Steve who does the same thing.
"Kono, how's it going with facial recognition?" I asked her, seeing as this was our first lead in like two weeks. "I got a hit but someone have already put out an bolo on him." She says. "Who?" I ask a bit confused but also I get a bad feeling in my stomach. If someone else is after him, then this can't be good. "NCIS, in L.A. I was thinking that I could call them up and ask for their help." I flash her a smirk feeling relief wash over me that it wasn't CIA or FBI but someone I knew. This was probably still bad though. "No need, I know one of them." With that I turn around and walked in to my office and called Sam.
OPS in Los Angeles
"I see you finally decided to get out of bed, Y/N."She glared at me before saying, "Shut up, you little-" More didn't she say as my phone rang and I interrupted her mid sentence. "Langue young lady!" I said before answering. "Hello?" I answered. "Special Agent Sam Hanna?" The man in the other line said. "Yeah who is this?" I asked. "Steve McGarrett!" The man said. "Oh! Steve! What the hell happened to you?" I asked, seeing as I hadn't seen him in like 3 years. "You know, moved to Hawaii, runs my own task force." I could almost hear how smug he sounded. "Good for you! So what to you need?" "So we are working on a case and the first lead we had in two weeks were a guy by the name Damien Jones and we-" As soon as he said that name I dropped the phone so I didn't hear what he said. Seeing I was standing up the phone clattered to the floor, causing everyone to snap their heads towards me. "Sam? Everything okay?" Callen asked and in the corner of my eye I could see Deeks taking up my phone and speaking to Steve. "Callen." Deeks spoke softly. "Damien Jones are back and we need to go to Hawaii."
"So? What's the word?" Danny asked when I stepped out of my office. "They are coming to help but this seems personal for them so I don't know how cooperative they will be. C'mon we need to go to the airport and pick them up." I said as I took Danny's car keys and walked out of the door.
~Time skip brought too you by Conor~
The plane landed and three guys came out, I thought that was it before Sam shouted in to the plane. "Oi! Y/L/N! What's taking so long?!"
"Only the ability to grow hair on your head!" A girl shouted back as she walked out and high fives one of the guys. "Yes!" The guy cries out. "I've been waiting for that opportunity forever!" The other guy cries out. Sam laughs a little bit before shaking his head. "Steve, this is special agents Y/L/N and Callen." Sam says, pointing towards the girl and the guy with short blonde hair. "And this is our liaison from LAPD, detective Deeks." Sam said pointing to the other guy with long blond hair. I nodded short before my eyes landed on the girl which first name that I had yet to learn. Danny cleared his throat and I looked back at Sam. "Yes, right. Names Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett and this is my partner detective Danny Williams." "Hello." Danny said as he turned around and started to walk towards his car. Then he remembered something. "Hey, Steven!" He called out. I turned around. "Yes, Daniel?" I asked him, completely unaware of the smirks on the L.A. Agents faces. "Give me my car keys!" He shouted to me. "Why?!" I shouted back. "Because it's my car and I'm not sitting in the back, idiot!" I chuckled lowly and threw him his keys. "Yes!" He said and threw his fist up in the air. "Hey! Don't make me regret it, Daniel!" "Please! You love me and my driving!" He shouted back as he walked to his car and I followed, almost forgetting about the other people behind us but turning around I motioned for them to follow. We all sat in the car towards the palace, me and Danny in from and Sam, Callen, Deeks and Y/N sat in the back when I asked the question that I didn't really want to ask. "Why is this personal for you?" I asked them and the bubbly personalities they had instantly vanished.
                                   Y O U
"Why is this personal for you?" Steve asked and I closed my eyes, thinking of my best friends dead body. I felt a tear run down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. "He um he killed two of our team mates and best friends." I answered simply and wiped away another tear that ran down my cheek. Marty, who I sat next to placed his arm around my shoulders and pulled me towards his chest. I mean my best friend was his fiancée after all, god I miss her. "I'm sorry." The other guy - Danny - said. "Thanks." I mumbled against Marty's chest. The rest of the car ride was filled with awkward silence but as soon as we meet the rest of the team it's like it never happened. While Chin and Kono talked us through what they had on Damien I could feel someone staring at me so I looked at Steve and made eye contact. We stared in each other's eyes for awhile and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. I stopped staring at him when Deeks said something next to me and I snapped out of my little trance. We all decided that it was late and we were hungry. The five - O team promised us that they would show us the best restaurant on the island and we all agreed. When we walked out of the palace Steve walked beside me and whispered in my ear, " I think you're hot, are you sure you're aloud to be a cop?" And even thought that's the by far the worst flirting I've ever heard I whispered right back, " I could say the same to you handsome." With a little wink before I ran up to Marty and started talking to him. God that man are gonna be the death of me. The rest of the time that we spent in Hawaii was filled with bad flirting and sexual tension between Steve and me but yet, no one seemed to notice. When we had managed to track down Damien we all followed him but in the end I got to shoot him dead and let me tell you that it felt amazing. I got to avenge my best friend. It was the day before our last day in Hawaii and we had just arrived back at the palace and while all the others chatted amongst them self Steve came up to me and talked to me for a little while. "Hey, you seem like a really nice girl and even though I haven't known you for that long I really feel a connection between us. Would you want to go on a date with me?" He asked me and I smile lovingly at him.
"I would love to."

I suck at flirting so I'm sorry for that bad flirting but I hope you like this and part 2 should be up soon. Might post another chapter in between just to get a couple requests done but who knows! Bye lovely people! 🤙🏻

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