Chapter 72 - G Callen part 2

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Hi! This is a continuation of chapter 69 - G Callen like some of you wanted me to write. I would read that one before this one so that you understand what's going on. I hope you like it.
                            C A L L E N
I opened my eyes slightly and it looked like I was in an ambulance? "Where am I?" I said but I came out more like a whisper. "You're in an an ambulance, G." As soon as I heard Sam's voice I remembered what happened. "Where's Y/N?" I asked, my heart starting to beat faster, which the monitor picked up on. "Calm down, G. She's in an ambulance right behind us with Kens." Sam said and I sighed in relief. "Is she okay?" I turned my head towards Sam. "I don't know yet. I heard the medics talk about a collapsed lung or something. I'm sure she's going to be fine, G." I closed my eyes and swallowed the lump that I didn't even know where their and I could feel a tear escaping my eye. "She has to be okay." I whispered before i lost consciousness once again.
                              K E N S I
I held Y/N's hand as tight as I could without injuring her. "C'mon Y/N. Don't leave me alone with the guys." I mumbled as I watched her chest rise and sink with every breath she took. It felt like everything went in slow motion when the ambulance came to a stop and the door opened. I followed Y/N out and saw that Callen was being wheeled in right before her. "Sam!" I called out and he turned around. "Where's Deeks?" I asked after I looked around but I couldn't see him. "I'm right here Kens." I turned around and threw my arms around him and before I knew it tears were streaming down my face. "I can't lose her." I sobbed in to his shoulder. "I know baby, I know." We stood like that for a few minutes until i had collected my self enough to go in to the hospital.
                                   S A M
We had been sitting in the waiting room for about two hours now and we hadn't gotten any information on our teammates. I couldn't get the picture of G's face out of my head. His lip was swollen and split in the middle. One of his eyes were black and blue and so swollen I'm gonna be surprised if he can even see anything through that eye later. His cheeks were covered in bruises, you could barely see his usual tanned skin anymore. He also had small cuts all over his forehead and a big one right where his eyebrow was. I shook my head and ran a hand down my face, hoping to get the picture out of my head. I felt a hand on my knee before a voice spoke. "He's gonna be okay, Sam. He's though, he won't go out without a fight." Kensi spoke softly. "Yeah, I mean he survived all those bullets a few years ago." Deeks said and tried to lighten the mood. It didn't work that much. I heard footsteps and looked around to see a doctor walk our way. "Agent Callen and Agent Y/L/N?" The Doctor spoke, looking around. "That's us." Deeks said. "Agent Callen is gonna be okay, his face is gonna take some time to heal but he should be looking relatively normal soon. He has a few broken ribs so we would like to keep him here for the next few days." The Doctor finished, letting the news sink in. "And Y/N?" Kensi's voice wavered slightly when she spoke. "It's a bit more complicated. She has a few broken ribs as well and when she came in one of her lungs were collapsed so we're keeping her for a few nights too. There is a little internal bleeding but we don't need to take her to surgery since it should fix itself. As far as her conscience, she's still unconscious but I can't find a medical reason as to why. If she doesn't wake up in the next few hours we're gonna have to run a few more tests." The Doctor told us that visiting hours were over and that we had to come back tomorrow before she went away. "They're gonna be fine. We all know it." I said since no one really knew what to do with that information. 
           C A L L E N   (a few days later)
"Bye Sam." I said as he stepped out of mine and Y/N's hospital room. Speaking of Y/N, she still hasn't woken up yet. The doctors can't find any reason to why. Her ribs as well as mine are almost completely healed by know. I looked at her and couldn't help but admire her face. She looked so beautiful, peaceful almost. I sighed and carefully pushed my self out of bed, dragging my IV with me and sat down in the chair next to her bed and took a hold of her hand. "You gotta wake up Y/N. I can't do this with out you. Kensi can't do anything with out you, her best friend. Sam needs his healthy eating buddy back and the team needs you to keep coming with comebacks to everything stupid Deeks says. Hell, Hetty needs you. She doesn't say anything but you're her favorite agent. Please wake up. Please."
                                    Y O U
You were aware of someone holding your hand and that someone was speaking to you as you we're starting to come back to the land of the living. You heard pretty much everything Callen said and you wanted to squeeze his hand so much but you just couldn't. When he said that Hetty thinks that you are her favorite agent, you wanted to snort but I came out as a groan instead. "Y/N?!" You could hear Callen's hopeful voice.  "I'm pretty sure you're Hetty's favorite agent." You croaked out. Once your eyes focused you could see Callen's beautiful face for the first time in days. "I meant what I said back there, when I told you that I loved you. Just so you know." I told him and gave his hand a squeeze. "Good. Because I love you too." He said and I could swear that he smile a little before kissing me and then pushing the nurses button. I had, after all, just come out of a coma.

Hi! I hope that you like this one, im not so sure I do. I hope that you've had a great week and that you know how gorgeous you all are! Stay safe! Peace. ✌🏻 💗

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