Chapter 58 - Steve McGarrett (brother)

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Hello! This was requested by Bethgrace_16 thank you very much!
The request: You are Steve McGarrett's 16 year old sister and you get kidnapped by his enemies and he has to find you before it's too late.
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"Hi, sis! Um, listen, I'm kinda busy right now-" I start but I get cut off by a high pitched scream which I'm sure the others could hear as well. Y/N?" I ask, worried. "Did you hear that, McGarrett? That's what happens when you screw me over." "Hesse." I hissed out and told Kono to trace the call. "What do you want?" I asked. "Oh you know, just your head on a stick." I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose before speaking again. "Well, give me back my little sister and I'll cut it off myself." It was quiet for a while but then I heard small sobs, coming from a few feet away from where the phone was. "Well I don't think your little sister would appreciate that, so I might just have to give her head to you instead. Meet me at the old warehouse at Kauai, alone." He said before hanging up. I put the phone on the table and went over to our armory and put on a bulletproof vest and got a gun and some knifes.
"You're not actually going alone, are you?" Danny asked. I sighed before turning around and looking at my team. "Of course not. I just need you to stay away from sight so that Hesse can't spot you." And here we are. I'm standing here, waiting for Hesse and the rest of the team are somewhere around here where they can't be seen. "Hesse!" I shout after I had waited for like a minute. Then the door opened and two people walked out.
"Hesse!" I could hear my older brother shout outside of the warehouse. Hesse walked up to me and put a gun in my face. "You gonna do exactly what I say, okay?" He asks as I nod. "You're gonna walk before me and work like a shield. If you don't do as I say, I will paint your brothers face with your brain, okay?" I nod as he unties me and put me in front of him and pushed me forward and told me to walk forward. When we came out I was blinded by the brightness as I had been in a dark warehouse for a few hours now. But when I could see normal I saw the anger and sympathy that had formed on my brothers face. He was probably angry at Hesse because of the blood that were currently running down my face, even though he had hit me hours earlier. I did link a bit as well so he might be feeling sympathy since I'm hurt and he feels like it's his job to take care of me. "I'm fine Steve." I croaked out. "Shut up." Hesse whispered in my ear. He pushed me to the side where I landed on the ground and cried out with pain. Steve drew his gun and shot Hesse at the same time Hesse shot my brother. "NO!" I screamed and started to crawl towards Steve as the bullets stopped. "C'mon, Steve. Please don't be dead, please. I whispered to my self as Danny came running up to me and taking me in to his arms. "He's alive, vest." He said and with that I slipped into a unconscious state and went limp in Danny's arms just as Steve sat up.
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I sat up and coughed but stopped as I saw Y/N laying limp in Danny's arms and him taking her pulse before stroking a few bits of her head away from her bloodied forehead and pressing a kiss against it. Danny's as like a second older brother for her and the action got me to think the worst. "Danny...?" I croaked out as I realized that I had tears in my eyes. Danny's head lifted and looked towards me with a gentle smile. "She's fine, a little banged up but she should be all new soon." He said and smiled down at Y/N. I let out a breath of relief before laying down and allowing the paramedics that had arrived to take care of me and Y/N. Knowing that she was gonna be okay and that Hesse was dead was enough for me as I became unconscious.  I woke up a few hours later at the hospital with Y/N sleeping in a bed next to me and I smiled thinking that this story got a happy ending.

Hello everyone! I hope that you are having a great day because I sure am! Im actually on my way to a concert right now so I hope that it's good and I will see you for my next story! Peace! ✌🏻💗

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