Chapter 60 - Steve McGarrett

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Hi! This was requested by niallforever15 thank you very much!
The request: Faith and  Steve are childhood best friend and you were both in the navy so when you got back home he recruited Faith to be apart of his task force. When Steve gets injured on a mission and his girlfriend Kathryn gets kidnapped, he doesn't remember a thing after high school. To save his girlfriend Faith gives herself up and they let Kathryn go and take Faith instead. When Steve gets his memory back and goes to work he sees that Faith isn't there and the team tell him what has happened. 
( #metoo I think that it's horrible that we need to create a hashtag to get people and more specifically men to listen...)
                                F A I T H
"STEVE!" I scream out as I see him fall out of the window and land on the ground two stories down with a thud. I shoot the two gang members and run down the stairs to where Steve is with Danny, Chin and Kono right behind me. I get to Steve first and turn him over to see a lot of blood coming from his head and I let out a shaky sigh of relief when I feel a slow pulse. "Oh god." I can hear Kono say as Chin calls an ambulance. So here we are, in the waiting room at the hospital, waiting for any news on Steve. "Family of Steven McGarrett?" A doctor asks and I'm out of my seat in an instant. "That's us, how is he?" I ask so quickly that I'm surprised the doctor even heard what I said. "Mr. McGarrett suffered a very seriously head injury but other than that he's physically fine. But since he hit his head so hard he have suffered from temporary amnesia." The doctor said. "A-amnesia?" I stuttered our. I couldn't believe that my best friend since elementary school had lost his memory. And all this because he wanted to become a good boyfriend and save his girlfriend Kathryn. "How much does he remember?" Danny asked the doctor after awhile of silence. "As of right now, he only seems to remember up to high school but after that nothing." I wiped a tear that ran down my cheek before asking, "Can I see him?" "Sure, but remember, if he doesn't remember you, don't be afraid, he-" "We grew up together so I think he remembers me." I cut the doctor of and when I have gotten the room number I'm off as fast as I can. I knock on the door with Danny, Chin and Kono behind me. "Come in!" I could hear Steve's voice say and I almost immediately opened the door and stumbled in. As soon as I saw him lying on that bed with a bandage wrapped around his head I threw my self in his arms and I felt a few tears escape my eyes. "I'm so glad you're okay, Steve." I said when I had let him go. "Why wouldn't I be okay Faith?" He asked me with a confused face. "And who are those people?" He asked and pointed towards his team. I smiled sadly before speaking. "Steve, I know this might sound strange but just listen to me okay?" He nods his head. "You're a former navy seal turned cop and this is your task force. That's detective Danny Williams, he's your partner and that guy next to him is lieutenant Chin Ho Kelly and he girl next to him is his cousin officer Kono Kalakaua. We were on a case and you fell down two stories through a window and you hit your head quite hard and the doctor are saying that you are suffering from amnesia. That's why you can't remember anything." I smiled sweetly. "But I remember you?" He asked with a confused face. "You only remember up to high school so that's why you only remember me." I said and we stayed and chatted with him until the doctor came in and said he needed rest. We said our goodbyes before leaving. "I know that look, Faith. And I know that you're gonna do something bad and trust me-" "I'm trading me for Kathryn." I said, cutting Danny off. He groaned before sayin, "I'm not gonna talk you out of this are I?" He asked and I shook my head before leaving the hospital.
A week later
I had just left the hospital after the doctor had cleared me. I had started to get my memory's back since the day Faith explained a few things for me. I walked in to HQ to see Danny, Kono and Chin talk to each other frustratedly and when I walked forwards I could see a picture of Faith on the screen. "What has happens since I was away?" I asked with a slight chuckle but also a bit of worry in my voice. "You remember Kathryn now don't you?" Danny asked and I nodded. "Well, for starters she broke up with you since she didn't want to be kidnapped anymore." He started but hesitated to tell me the rest. "And..?" I asked him, urging him to go on. "Faith trade herself to the kidnapers so that they would let Kathryn go." He said fast, so fast that I almost didn't hear him. "What?" I asked. Before Danny got a chance to answer me Kono yelled out, "I found her!" So that's how we ended up here, in the middle of the forest in front of a cabin. I kicked the door in and yelled, "Five-O! Drop your weapons!" There was only one guy there so there weren't so much to take care of. "Faith!" We all yelled as we looked for her. "Hey! Over here!" Chin yelled and we all ran over to him to find Faith lying still on the floor bleeding from her stomach where she most likely was shot. "Faith!" I gasped out and put her head in my lap as I stroked some hair away from her forehead. "Steve?" She mumbled and I smiled. "Hey, hun. I'm here. Im here. It's gonna be okay." I said as I could hear the ambulance chopper coming. "Hey, Hey. Stay awake for me, okay? Please, you can't die with out knowing how much I love you." I said right before she closed her eyes and the paramedics came running in.
A few days later
I groaned as I woke up to a bright light shining right in my eyes. "Oh god, you're awake." I heard Steve's voice next to me. "Hi." I said. "Hey." He said back and smiled at me. "So, about what you said when you thought that I was dying?" I asked him and I could see his surprise that I heard him. "Just for the record, I love you too." I heard a sigh of relief leave his lips and he looked at me. "Good, because that means that I can do this." He said before kissing me.

Hi! I hope you like this chapter and remember that I love you all and if you ever wants to talk, just hit me up.

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