Chapter 21 - Chin Ho Kelly

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Hi ! I got another Chin request so bare with me. If you want someone else just request and don't keep your mouth shut and then complain that I don't write about the people you want. Anyway, thanks for the request!
The request: You're in the army working as a computer specialist. One day when the 5-0 team is stuck and need help catching a criminal Chin remembers that you told him you're skills and he asks you for you're help.
Anything in this is flashbacks.
Chin's POV
I stood in the middle of the airport with my best friend who is also my girlfriend, who was all dressed up in her army clothes. You see she was a hacker for the army. Or a computer specialist as she called it. I closed the little distance between us and engulfed her in a hug. "I'm gonna miss you." I whispered to her as we pulled apart. "I'm gonna miss you too but it's only 9 months." She said with that beautiful smile. I kissed her long and deeply for the last time in months. "I have to go now otherwise I'll miss my flight." She said. "Go,go!" I said waving her of. That was the last I saw of her although we did Skype and call each other it wasn't the same as talking face to face.
End of flashback.
"Chin, you with us?" I heard someone say while waving their hand in front of my face. I cleared my throat. "Uh, yeah." I said snapping out of my thoughts. "You okay there, brah?" Steve asked. "Yeah, yeah what's going on?" Steve didn't look convinced that there wasn't something going on but he continued anyway. "It's like Rushmore has disappeared right in to thin air, I mean our best forensics can't even find him." He sighed. That's when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. It showed that I had gotten a text. I picked my phone up and looked at the text.
From: The best person in the world.
"Hi Chin, I know that I haven't been in contact a lot lately but I have just landed in the Hawaii airport and I wondered if you could come pick me up? Please? Super please?"
Came the text. I smiled thinking that I was going to see my love again. I put on a straight face and cleared my throat again. "I uh I need to go." I said and walked out before anyone could stop me.
Steve's POV
I looked after Chin as he had literally just run out of here as it was a fire. I looked at Kono. "Do you know anything about why Chin is acting weird?" She shook her head and I became even more worried.
Yours POV
"Y/N!!" I heard someone shout behind me. I turned around and dropped my bag on the floor and ran straight in to his arms as he spun me around. I cupped his face and kissed him like my life depended on it. When he let me down, I took a hold of his hand as he picked up my bag. "So." He started. "So..?" I continued as he started the car. "I missed you, you know." I smiled and squeezed his hand. " I missed you more." He said as he started driving. "Is it okay if we go by the office a bit before we go home?" He asked. "I need you're help with something." He said. "I haven't even been here an hour and you're already given me work, what is it you want me to do?" I asked. "You'll see." He said and got out of the car as we were there. "After you." He said as he opened a glass door. "Chin! There are you!" I heard someone say with relief in their voice. I shot Chin an questioning look and he just shrugged.
Chin's POV
Steve and Danny appeared in front of us, Steve visibly standing up straighter when he saw Y/N outfit. "At ease, Marine." She said as she remembered what I told her. Steve seemed to relax just a little bit. "Steve, Danny, this is Sargent Y/N Y/L/N." "Ma'am." Steve said, nodding his head the slightest. "So what is she doing here?" Asked Danny. "Well for starters, she's my girlfriend and second she can help track Rushmore." They looked surprised. "So if you could just lead me to the nearest computer.." she said trailing off. "Uh, yeah sure." Danny said and showed her our computer. "So, who is it that I'm tracking?" She asked. "John Rushmore, he was last seen-" "At Hawaii plaza, I know." She said. "He's at Queens medical. Or at least his phone is." She said smiling slightly. "But- but the phone was turned off." Danny said staring at her in disbelief. "Not anymore." She said smirking. They ran to their car and went to pick up Rushmore. "So can we go home now? I really want to sleep." She said. "Of course, darling." I said kissing her and taking her hand leading her to the car. We sat in the car in silence for a bit until she broke it. "Chin, you know why I got home at least two months earlier?" She asked, her voice cracking. I furrowed my eyebrows as I became slightly worried. I hadn't even thought about it. "No?" I said al though it came out more as a question. "I'm on medical leave and just got an honourable discharge." She said as a tear ran down her face. I stopped the car out side of our house and grabbed her hands in my hands. "Look at me okay? Everything is gonna be okay. I love you". I said looking right in to her eyes. "I love you to." She said as she kissed me.

I hope that this is something like what you requested and I'm sorry for taking so long it's just I have had a rough week with school and life right now but I'm back now so if you have a request, send it in! Don't be shy! I write for anyone on the list and mange someone else too. I write anything you want but please be more specific than "you can choose what happens." Please. Anyway, have a good day/night wherever our are! Bye!💋🎈✨

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