Chapter 24 - Harrison Wells

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Hello! I got another request. Shocker, I know right? No but really, this was requested by Sitka007 thank you! I'm sorry but I may have got a bit carried away with this request but I hope you'll like it anyway.
Warning: If you haven't seen the whole season one of the Flash, I recommend not to read this because it may contain spoilers. So SPOILER ALERT🚨!
The request: In season one, when Wells isn't really Wells and team Flash dosen't know. Sky and Harrison is married and when the particle accelerator explodes, it gives Sky powers and when team Flash stumbles upon her Harrison needs to tell the team he's married.
Barry's POV
I was running around in Central City. I was starting to get bored so I changed my route and started to run towards STAR Labs. Something that would have taken normal people 30 minutes took me 30 seconds. I was standing outside of STAR Labs when all the sudden someone ran past me and that someone was fast. Like fast as me. But since things go in slow motion for me sometimes I saw the face of a girl that I never had seen before. I took a picture of her face with my camera that was built in to my mask. (A/N: just pretend that he has a camera there.)
I ran up to Caitlin and Cisco. "Cait, can you run this pic through facial?" I asked as soon as I had switched in to normal clothes."Yeah, sure but why?" She started do her thing. "When I was standing outside she came running and I mean running like I am running." I said as Caitlin got facial done. "Okay, her name is Sky Thawne and she is at Mercury Labs right now." "Who's at Mercury Labs?" Wells asked when he wheeled in. I quickly pulled the image down and said, "No one." As we had started to doubt him. After that I  took of towards Mercury Labs.
Sky's POV
I was standing at my desk in my white lab coat as all of a sudden someone held my hand behind my back. I was just about to take of running when he slammed cuffs on me and said, "Don't try, special cuffs against speedsters." I smirked. I knew that voice even if he changed it. "Barry Allen, I didn't know you worked as a speedster as a night job." You could feel him tense up behind you and soon you were at Star Labs and thrown in to a cell. I could hear wheels going against the ground as my husband that I hadn't seen in a while wheeled in to the room on his wheelchair. "Eobard." I whispered.
Harrison's/Eobard's POV
"Eobard." I heard her whisper as I looked at her through the window of the cell. "Why the hell do you have her in there?" I raised my voice at Barry and stood up out of my wheelchair without thinking. Without loosing a beat Barry opened the cell door and pushed me in with Sky, just as Cisco and Caitlin came running. The door closed as I took Sky and kissed her, seeing I hadn't seen her in about 9 months. "Whoah." I heard Cisco say. "Who's that?"."Oh I my so sorry, allow me to introduce my self to you. My name is Eobard Thawne and this is my wife Sky Thawne." "I can't believe we trusted you Wells or Thawne or whatever your name is." Barry said as he and the others walked up towards the lab. "Eobard." Sky said. "Yeah, Hun?" I asked. "How are we going to get out of here?" I looked at her and smirked. "Easy." I said and took ahold of her and started to shake so much that we just walked through the glass. "Oh, how I love you so much sometimes." She  said giving me a quick peck on the lips. "Your gonna love me even more when I tell you my plan to get them of our backs." I told her my plan before we both ran up to where the others were.
Barry's POV
"Wait. Wells is how now?" Joe asked once again. He had come here a little while after we had locked up Wells or Thawne and his wife. I opened my mouth but before I could answer two gushes of wind could be felt in the room. "Eobard Thawne." He said. "And I'm Sky Thawne, his wife." She said. Joe pulled his gun towards Sky and said, "Stay where you are." As Cisco had a Tranquilizer gun pointed at Eobard. "What would be the fun in that, detective?" She said as she took one more step towards Joe and he fired. Sky dropped to the floor and her dead eyes stared right at my face. "NO, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!" Eobard screamed and ran over to her.
Harrison's/Eobard's POV
I saw Sky's body drop to the floor and I started to play my act in our plan to get them stop come after us. "NO, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!" I screamed and ran to Sky and took her head in my hands. "C'mon, baby. Open those eyes of yours. C'mon. PLEASE!" I screamed the last part with tears running down my face. I looked up at Joe who looked like he genuinely felt sympathy for me. "This is your fault." I said before scooping Sky up in my arms and ran off.
Joe's POV
"Did I just really do that? Did I just really kill someone's wife?" I asked looking around the room. "Yeah." Barry breathed out. "You know he's gonna want revenge now, right?" Cisco asked. "Fuck." I said as I ran my hand over my face. "Well at least there's only one Thawne now." Caitlin said. "Yeah, you're right. It might be easier now."
Sky's POV
I felt my husband place me on the floor in our apartment. At least I think so. I opened my eyes and stood up. I dusted my self of before saying "That was an Oscar-worthy performance don't you think?" "Yeah." He said before pulling me in to a kiss. "But now we can liv our lives without the flash on our tail and we can take him down without he even knowing what hit him." I smirked and pulled him in to another kiss.

Hi! Don't kill me, please! I know it's long and probably nothing like the request but hope you'll enjoy it anyway and have a good day or night wherever you are! Bye💋🎈

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