Chapter 43 - Steve McGarrett (part 2)

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Hello! This is part 2 to my previous chapter so I suggest that you read that one before this. I hope that you like this as much as I like writing this. Also I'm sorry if you get confused or don't like the time jumps but I thought it was cute. Well enough said, let's get on with the story!
Again thanks to VictoriaBarrs for this story idea. I hope that you like this chapter. 🏆

Friday night, 7 pm, Oahu, Hawaii
                              S T E V E
I drove my car up to the hotel were she and her team were staying to pick her up for our date. When I arrived I could see her standing there looking gorgeous. Oh man. I really hope that this works out. I got out of my car and opened the car door for her and then got in to the drivers seat. "You look gorgeous, Y/N." She smiled that little cute smile that sent butterflies in my stomach. "You don't look too bad your self, handsome." She said. "So, where are we going?" She asks after awhile of driving. "It's a surprise." I say and smirk slightly. "So you're gonna have to put on this blindfold for the rest of the way." She smiled before taking the blindfold out of my hands. "Fine. But if I die or get hurt in any way you're gonna have three really angry guys coming after you. Even if it was an accident or not." She says to me while she puts on the blindfold. I drive up the hills to a mountain that overlooks the whole island and I'm really sure she's gonna love the view and the picknick. We drive for another ten minutes before we're there. "Okay." I say and turn off the car. After I open her door I help her get out and loop my arm around her arm. "This way." I say.
"Okay, you can take off your blindfold now." He says and I take off the blindfold. I open my eyes and see a gorgeous view. "Wow." Is all I can get out, I'm too baffled to say anything more. "Do you like it?" Steve asked. "Like it?" I asked. "No. I-I love it." I said and turned around to see that Steve had put a blanket on the ground and pulled out a basket with food in it. "Steve?" I asked him as we sat down on the blanket and he started giving me food. "Yeah?" He asked back. "Thank you for this, I love it and all but what are we gonna do when I fly back home to L.A. tomorrow?" I asked the inevitable question. He smiled a bit sad and said, "we'll just have to work it out. I mean we can call and text and Skype or FaceTime and I don't know about you but I want this to work. I really think you might be the one." He said and for the second time that hour I was baffled. "You think that I am the one?" I asked him, not really believing his words. He nodded and stuffed some food in his mouth. "Eat up, I didn't stand and cook for hours only to have it go to waste." He said. "Don't worry." I sad smiling at him. This is the best date that I have ever been on.

3 years later , Kahului airport, Hawaii.
                                  Y O U
Me and Steve had been dating for three years now and it had been going well. Even though he lives in Hawaii and I live in Los Angeles, we made it work. We visited each other as many times as possible and we Skyped almost every night, despite the different time zones. I had just landed at Kahului airport and was looking for Steve. Once I saw him and he saw me I ran towards him and jumped in his arms. He spun me around, not caring about the weird looks the other people gave us. When he let me down I went to take my bag but he spun me around so that I was facing him again. "Steve? What are you doing?" I asked. But when he got down on one knee and took out a little red velvet box with a beautiful ring inside it, I knew what he was doing. A hand flew up to my mouth as he held the other one. A little group had started to form around us, all waiting for any off us to speak. Steve did so first. "Y/N, I have loved you ever since the moment I met you. When you walked out of that airplane and the sun shined on your face as you made that joke I knew that all I ever wanted in life was you. And when you accepted to go on a date with me I was the luckiest man in the world. We have been together for three years now and I want to spend a lot more with you. So Y/N Y/L/N do you want to do the honour of making me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Steve finished and I could feel the tears run down my face. Everyone was now waiting for my response. Unable to make a sound I nodded my head frantically. "Yes! A million times yes!" I said when I had found my voice and Steve put the ring on my finger and kissed me passionately as the people around us cheered. "I love you." I said, my forehead resting against his forehead. "I love you more." I smiled. "Impossible." I said and went to grab my bag, my hand never leaving his.

Six months later, in a church in Hawaii.
                                S T E V E
I could feel my hands starting to sweat as I was so nervous. It was like Danny could feel me being nervous and put a hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "don't worry, it's going to be fine. She loves you and you love her." I smiled reassuring against him, to show that I really took in his words. Kono, Chin, Callen, Sam and Deeks were also here as well as our families. Well my sister was here but that was it. She had her mom and dad and little brother here. When the music started playing,  I got even more nervous than before. Soon the doors opened and out walked she with her dad next to her. She looked stunning in her white dress and her hair and make up looked flawless as always. When she reached me her dad took a hold of my shoulder and looked me straight in the eyes. "If you hurt her, you'll have me to deal with, son." He threatened me and walked away to his seat. "Hi." She whispered. "Hi." I whispered back. "We have gathered here today to witness the marriage between these two people. Lucky for me the pair have written their own vows." He paused as bit of laughter spread through out the church. "Steve, you may start." Since I had learned my vows without a paper I just started, staring at her beautiful eyes. "Y/N, when we first met I was completely infatuated with you. I thought that you were the most beautiful thing on this planet if not even the universe. And when I watched you being an amazing cop as well I just fell in love with you even more. When you agreed to go on a date with me I couldn't stop smiling or brag about it to my friends." I smiled, sucking in a breath. "That's true." Danny said, earning more laughter in the church. "I used to go around saying that I had a date with the most beautiful and smartest and just plain amazing woman in the whole wide world before I actually was on the way to pick you up. When I sat in my car on my way to you I couldn't have been more nervous. I thought that you had ditched me for someone better or that you didn't want to go on a date with me any more but when I saw you standing there, looking gorgeous I knew that I wanted to marry you someday. So I promised myself that I wouldn't let you go and see where we are now." I finished. I could see a tear running down her face and all I wanted to do was wrap an arm around her and hug her until she stopped crying.
                                  Y O U
I could feel the tear run down my face when Steve finished. "Y/N, your turn." The preist said. "Dammit. I promised my self that I wasn't gonna cry and how the hell am I gonna top that mister poet?" I asked, smiling when I heard that the most people in the church laughed. "Steve, when I first met you and I won't lie, I thought that you were a bit of a douche. A guy who thinks that he's better then everyone else and just because he's the boss everyone must do everything he says. But as I got to know you I realised that was just a phase that you went through until you knew the person. When you took me out on our date I was really nervous. At first I thought that Sam or Deeks or even Callen had set you up to prank me or what ever but when you showed up in your blue little pick up truck and asked me to put on a blindfold because you didn't want me to see where we were going I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I didn't think that we were gonna last that long since I lived in Los Angeles and you lived here in Hawaii but here we are, three years later and we're still going strong as hell. And I hope that I will get to spend the rest of my years with you and start a family with you." I smiled a little, taking a breath. "And I hope that you know that if you cheat on me or anything you'll have three secret agents coming after you with guns you can't even imagine." Steve chuckled and shook his head a little bit. "Way to ruin the moment Y/N." He said and we both chuckled. "Go ahead and bring the rings forward." The priest says and Grace comes forward and hands me and Steve our rings. "Good luck." She whispers.  Steve began to take my hand and hold it closer to him. "I, take you, Y/N, to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this day and forward, for better and for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us apart." He finished and put the ring on to my finger.
"I, take you, Steve, to be my husband, to have bad to hold, from this day and forward, for better and for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us apart." I finished and put the ring on his finger. "I here by declare you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." So Steve did just that. He kissed me as the whole church cheered and clapped. And now I'm married.

Hello! I hope that you all are having a great day! And i hope that this story is okay even though it's like exactly 2000 words. If I don't post so much during the next two weeks it's because I'm going to a place that dosen't have the best internet but I am going to try to update this book and all my other books. I'm sorry that I haven't update them but it's hard and I'm currently focusing on this book seeing as this is my best book so far. Also THANK YOU FOR 15 K EVERYBODY!! I COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOU SO THANK YOU!! YOURE AMAZING!

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