Chapter 11 - Danny Williams

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Hola! I know that it's been a lot of Steve right now but here is a Danny instead. Thank you dancer6297 for this lovely request!
Request: the reader is pregnant and goes in to labor during a case.

I know that I have posted this before but I'm sorry to say that I copied a bit of this from a tumblr story, so I changed it. I hope you still like it and I'm very sorry that I copied the story. If you don't want to follow me any more or send in requests, that's fine. Just know that we had a good run. If you still want to send in request please send in something else than Steve. Thank you and sorry for what I have done!
Yours POV
You and Kono were sitting at Kamekona's shrimp truck and eating shaved ice. She had decided that the two of you needed a little girl-time since you two hadn't seen each other that much since you got pregnant. So here you were. "So how's the pregnancy going?" Kono asked. "It's going fine. Hurts when the baby is kicking you know." She looked down at my stomach and quickly looked up at me again. "You're water just broke." What? I'm not do for another four weeks. "Oh my god."
Kono helped me into her car as she called Danny. I groaned as another shock of pain made it's way up in my stomach again. "Deep breaths Y/N, deep breaths."
Danny's POV
Me and Steve were sitting in my car with him driving. As usual. My phone called stopping him mit in a sentence. I saw that it was Kono so I put her speaker. "Hey, Kono. We are on our way to the palace now." I heard traffics in the background. "Don't." Was the reply. "What? Why not?" I could feel the worry growing inside me. "Just drive to the hospital now. It's Y/N." As soon that her name had rolled of Kono's lips I froze. Thinking the worst of all scenarios, I didn't answer. Thankfully Steve did. "What happened Kono?" Steve asked and you could hear the worry and concern in his voice. "She's going into labor. I got to go, see you when you get here." She hung up. Y/N isn't due for another four weeks. Steve stepped on the gas peddle and in no time were we at the hospital. Steve and the other were sitting in the waiting room as I was sitting next to Y/N holding her hand as she delivered our baby girl. Soon enough was she out but there was no cries or any sound at all coming from the baby. "No breath sounds." Y/N desperately tried to see what was going on and so was I but I got pushed out of the room as I heard them say "no pulse". I leaned against the wall as I heard someone say my name. I looked up to see Steve. "What's happening?" I was to shocked to get a full sentence out so I said the only words the was on my mind. "No breath sounds. No pulse." I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around me as Steve pulled me into a tight hug. Soon enough the doors were open and I walked in seeing Y/N lying in the bed with out beautiful, crying and  alive daughter. I had never been more relived before in my life.
I hope that this is something what you wanted dancer6297 I hope everyone is having a great time where ever you are. Luv u!💞🎉

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