Chapter 55 - Connor Rhodes

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Hi! I hope that y'all are having a great day when you are reading this!
Thanks nightwette for requesting this!
The request: You and Connor have always been best friends with each other and that's why it didn't really surprise you when you decided that you had feelings for him. But, he always had different girlfriends here and there and you never got the chance to tell him that you liked him. Until you find him crying because he broke up with his girlfriend.
You had known Connor ever since he moved in to the house next to you who had been empty for years. So of course, you being 6 were super excited to find out someone your age has moved in next door. You and him quickly became best friends and you would always be with each other and support each other through everything. Then of course, his mothers death came and it hit him hard. So hard that he started to distance himself from you. After a week you had had enough and went to his house where you were let in by his older sister Claire. Then you made your way to his room. That was the first time you saw him cry. That was also the last time you saw him cry. You had started to grow feelings for the man when you were both 16, six years after his mom's death and you had helped him recover as good as you could. Now you were both in your late twenties and early thirties. (I don't know how old he is.) You had known him for 24 years, yet you had still only seen him cry once. That's why when you walked out on he roof after Connor had sent you 'EMERGENCY' on text you were surprised to see him standing on the ledge, crying. "Connor?" You started, worried for what he was gonna do. "Why don't you come down here, and stand with me?" You asked as you felt a tear run down your cheek as the thought of losing your childhood best friend crossed my mind. "Why doesn't anybody love me?" He asked, his voice breaking at the same time as your heart did. How could he think that? "What? What are you talking about, Con?" I watched him take a small step towards the edge of the building. If he fell, he wouldn't have a chance of survival. "Sam broke up with me, she told me she found someone who and I quote, "treats he better than I could ever do." You were so angry at her for saying that and made a mental note to slap her the next time you see her. (Which you totally did.) "I love you Connor. Can't you see? I've loved you since we where 16, Con. But you always had different girlfriends every day so I never got a chance to tell you." I said with a really low voice, almost whispered but he heard. He turned around and stepped down the ledge making you sigh out of relief. He walked up to you and took your small hands in his and you looked him straight in the eye. "You love me?" He asked. "Yes." You said, blushing.
"Yes." She said, blushing. That's when it dawned on me. I had loved her all a long. That's why none of my past relationships worked. She was the one. "Good." I said before I kissed her and I swear, I felt fireworks go off.

Hi! I hope you liked this chapter! I'm sorry that it's short and that nothing was kinda in Connors POV, but here you go! Peace!✌🏻💘

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