Chapter 81 - Angus Macgyver

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Hey! I managed to borrow a friends phone! Anyway, thank you for this request babs303 ! I'm so so so sorry for the long wait.
The request: you work in NCIS and you're dating Mac but no one knows about it. One day Mac and the team comes to help you and the rest of the NCIS team when you get hurt. Read to find out what happens after.
"Okay. Since the director doesn't think that we can crack this case on our own, he's sending over some help." Gibbs said, clearly sounding pissed. "If you don't mind me asking boss, but who is this help?" Tony asked. "The Phoenix Foundation." Gibbs all but spat out the name. You froze, hearing the name of the place where your boyfriend worked. "Y/L/N!" You whipped your head around so fast when Gibbs called your name that you're sure you got a whiplash. "Yes, boss?" You croaked out and you mentally cursed. "You okay?" You could see that he was genuinely concerned but you just grabbed your phone and rose from your desk. "I just need some air." You said and walked into the elevator. When you got outside you immediately called Mac. "Y/N? Is everything alright?" You closed your eyes at the sound of his voice and exhaled. "Y/N? Are you there?" You could hear the slight concern in his voice and you were reminded why you loved him so much. "Mac?" You mentally cursed again when you heard your voice crack. Why was this such a big deal for you? Why was it that just because your secret boyfriend was coming to work with you, you turned into a nervous mess. "Are you okay? What's going on?" You opened your eyes and sucked in a big gulp of fresh air. "I'm okay. I think. I just- I don't know." You could hear him open a door and close it after him, probably leaving what ever room he was in. "You don't know?" He asked you. "Did you know that you're coming here to work with us? My team?" You asked even though you already knew the answer, he always knew everything before you. "Yes, is that what this is about?" He sounded slightly hurt and you mentally cursed yourself times three. "I'm sorry. I just don't want people to know just yet." You hoped he would understand. "I know, wich is why we'll just pretend to not know each other. Listen, I gotta go, babe but I'll arrive in Washington later today. Bye, love you." He hung up before you could say anything else.

"I'm in the elevator on my way up with my team, but remember. If you don't want anyone figuring it out, we need to pretend not to know each other, okay?" I sighed as I sent the text to Y/N, hoping it was going to send even though we were in the elevator with bad connection. "You okay Mac?" Jack asked and I wanted to tell him about me and Y/N so much. It was hard to keep about almost anything from that man but I had done it. "Yeah, I'm just tired." I hate that I suck at lying. "Suit yourself, but you know I'm gonna pry it out of you." He said right as the doors opened. After the introductions were made I noticed how hard it was gonna be to pretend not to know Y/N since she looked so damn good. It was so long since I saw her in person. "Mac? You coming?" I heard Jack asked and I snapped back to the real world. "What? Sorry, I spaced out a little." I smiled apologetic. "We found the location of the bad guys so we're going in." I nodded and followed after everyone, ending up at the back of everyone, with Y/N. "Hi." She whispered. "Hi." I whispered back and let our hands brush against each other until we got in to the elevator which, all surprisingly, fit in.
"Y/L/N! One bad guy coming your way!" Gibbs shouted through your earpiece. "Copy." You said right when the bad guy stopped in front of you, with his gun in your face. "Now, tell me. How does a pretty girl like you, turn into one of those pigs everyone calls cops?" He spat in your face as you put your hands up. You could hear footsteps behind you and you knew that the rest of the team plus Mac and his team were on their way to you. The bad guy seemed to have heard too since he decided to make a run for it. But, not before he shot you. Everyone rounded the corner at the same time as you collapsed to the floor. You knew that Mac gave up on trying to keep your relationship from everyone the second he screamed your name. "Y/N!" You felt someone pick you up and place your head in their lap. You looked up through tired eyes to see Mac with tears running down his face. "Not the way we wanted to tell everyone about our relationship, huh?" You asked and lightly chuckled before it turned into a coughing fit. "Shh, everything's gonna be fine, okay. You're gonna be fine, okay?"
The ambulance containing Y/N sped off towards the hospital and I could hear Jack come up beside me. Y/N's team had already sped off towards the hospital in their own cars. "So, how long have you two been together?" Jack asked and I could hear that he was hurt and I knew that if I looked him I would see slight betrayal in his eyes. "6 months. Look I wanted to tell you the second we got together but we decided to keep it private until it was serious." I felt a hand on my shoulder. "She's gonna be okay, you know." He said and I hoped he was right because I really wanted everyone to meet her and see how amazing she is and I hope get Y/N wants her team to meet me as well. "C'mon. We gotta get to the hospital." Jack said and we were on our way.

Hi. I hope you liked this and I hope that I will get my phone back soon. Bye bye🌸

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