Chapter 62 - Jenny Shepard

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Hello! I hope that you are having a great day! The request I got was basically Jenny Shepard x reader so here we go! This was requested by Sitka007 thank you!
Read the end of the chapter for notes. ❣️
                                  Y O U
I walked off of the elevator at my girlfriends work place and I immediately get a few weird stares. I suppose it's because I just start walking up the stairs towards Jenny's office and I haven't been here before. "Miss!" Someone shouted at me and I turned around to see a middle aged looking man in a brown suit. "Yes?" I asked him when he did say anything. "What are you doing?" He asked. "I'm going up a pair of stairs..?" I answered him, although it sounded more like a question. "Yes, yes, I see that but you can't go up there." He said and I furrowed my brows. "Why?" I asked. "Um, because you might be a criminal and you might be planning to kill the director of NCIS ,-" I cut him off. "Jenny Shepard." He looked at me with a weird and shocked face before quickly shaking it off. He opened his mouth to say something but he was cut of by a voice. "Y/N!"
"Y/N!" I called out and she turned around in all her glory. "Jen! I'm sorry that I didn't get to you sooner, I got held up." She said and glanced at Tony. "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm ready for lunch!" I said and walked down the few steps to my beautiful girlfriend. I kissed her and linked her arm with mine. "Ready?" I asked her and she nodded and we started to walk down the stairs. "Close your mouth DiNozzo!" I called back to Tony before we walked in to the elevator and started our journey towards a good restaurant to eat lunch in. "I love you, you know that right?" She asked me and I smiled softly. "I love you too, sweetheart."

Hi! I'm sorry that I haven't posted anything in awhile but I've been really sick the past month and I've been really hazy and feverish so it's been really hard to post something, but I'm getting better and better now so I think that I'm gonna be posting more soon. I hope that you like this one and I'm sorry for the wait! Love you guys! 💗

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