Chapter 16: Face the Facts

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The Batmobile's engine roared, slicing through the snow trail with full speed. Alfred was keeping check behind the vehicle just in case a certain male decided to arrive unexpectedly as they headed to the tight-wearing male's ice fortress. Alfred could see nothing in the air, looking down at the tossed snow, leaving tire tracks behind. Batman knew that the, once superhero, would be after him. So, why not pay him a little visit to have a short, non-violent chat?

Coming to an unexpected stop, the Batmobile swevered slightly, haulting right infront of Superman's door. The ice-cold solid door was left open, assuming that the superhero knew that the caped crusader would arrive here. He turned to his butler, biting his lip. Alfred checked behind themselves and shook his head to Batman, signifying that the tight-wearing male was no where in sight. Not yet, at least.

He nodded as he, and his fellow butler, slowly opened the freezing door. Caution filled the air, moving slowly and checking behind and above themselves at every taken moment. As they entered the somehow even colder environment, Batman could see that a DJ station was set up. Below it, a sign reading 'Justice League Celebration' could be seen, clinging onto a single pin on the top of the roof. Various food items were laid out such, possibly frozen solid by now. A punch bowl could be seen filled with bright pink water, now a glistening piece of frozen ice. The room was too quite for the Dark Knight's liking as he and Alfred walked through the room. They assumed that the superhero never even bothered to pick up the place.

Man, he thougjt to himself. He should be nicknamed SuperLazy.

Suddenly, a loud crash could be heard from afar. It sounded as if it had come from, yet another, partying room. Alfred looked at Batman with a worried expression. The Dark Knight nodded as he and the butler dashed to the loud crash as silently as they possibly could.

Once they have located where the crash had come from, the two stopped dead in their tracks. Batman pushed Alfred into the corner with himself in it, both their eyes widened. Loud grunts of irritation could be heard coming from the oversized, empty storage space. All that was in it was a first and second floor; both not having a single thing.

Alfred turned to Batman as he leaned his head to see if the tight-wearing superhero was still there. And, indeed, he was. Superman was on the second floor of the empty space, punching large holes into the frozen solid wall. Each punch was louder than the last. This gave the butler a hint that he was angry for no reason. If only Clark would allow Bruce to speak. He glanced at the Dark Knight and moved his head towards the storage space. In denial, Batman shook his head. He knew that Clark would not listen to a word he spoke. It was for the best to let his anger out on the wall before he turned into a puddle of mush. That thought disturbed him. How would he explain that one to his parents?

Suddenly, the superhero turned around and saw Alfred peering out from the corner and flew after him. The butler tried to go back in, but Superman was faster. He grabbed him by the hem of his shirt and growled.
"Wha are you doing here?"

"Put him down, Clark," Batman said, coming out from the corner. He glared at the tight-wearing male with pure hatred. He thought that this bad excuse for a superhero was rather annoying. After all, he is well-known for having random, unexpected fits of rage. But it was very unexpected for Superman to grab Alfred instead of himself.

Clark glared at Bruce, sending a glare back. He let go of Alfred and watched as Batman caught him in his arms. The Dark Knight put the butler to the side and sighed, mumbling a soft "sorry" to him. Clark folded his arms and floated to meet at Batman's height.

The caped crusader cleared his throat and said, "I'm sorry, okay? We shouldn't fight over nothing! That's kind of stupid, especially coming from you."

Clark growled and narrowrd his eyebrows. Silence filled the air. Alfed looked at Bruce and bit his bottom lip.
"At least you have tried," he said honestly.

Superman smirked, "yeah; he did. But, I don't take apologise from a dirty bat!" And with that, Superman grabbed Batman by the neck and threw him down onto the ice-cold floor. Alfred gasped as he ran over to Bruce and spread his arms out, protecting him the best he could.

"Mister Clark, there are better ways of dealing things like this! Please, reconsider on what you are about to-"

"I don't take orders from some old man," Clark cut in, glaring at the butler and picking him up again. "Why shouldn't I fight this guy, huh? He almost destroyed the world! I thought you, of all people, would understand!"

"I do!" Replied Alfred, eyes starring back into Superman's. "But if you were a true hero, you would have done something. Master Bruce protected our world as you dozed off for no reason! If anything, Mister Clark, he should be the one who is angry. Not you!"

Clark growled, throwing Alfred ontop of Batman. He shook his head, anger boiling in his blood. The butler's eyes widened as the caped crusader was picked up again. He tried to kick the fellow superhero in the chest, but failed. Superman then threw the man in black in the air. Bruce got out his grappling hook and shot it at the second floor of the empty storage, swinging towards the wall. Thankfully, he landed safely onto the second platform, retrieving his hook. Superman flew towards Batman like an angry bolt of lightning. He began to try and punch the Dark Knight, but he dodged and ran away. He then pulled out his batarang and threw it at Clark, who grabbed it right out of the air. Batman rolled his illuminating blue eyes as he took out a smoke bomb and tossed it to Clark, who dodged it swiftly. The bomb landed inches away from Alfred. A loud hissing sound came out of the small, white ball as it activated. The butler coughed into his sleeve as he ran back to the corner, somewhat blind.

Superman laughed at the Dark Knight as he ran away quickly. He then flew fast at Batman and grabbed his neck from behind. "You know," he said in a dark tone, "I used to like you. You weren't a nuisance back then! Wonder what happened there?" He then threw Batman onto the first floor platform, landing in his left side. "Maybe there should be only one real  superhero. And that hero, should be your's truly!"

The Dark Knight got up on his feet, pulling out his grappling hook. He turned around and could see the butler who watched in awe as his Master took out his walkie talkie, connected it onto the hook and shot it towards Alfred. He caught the hook and pulled out the walkie talkie, eyes furrowed at Batman. The Dark Knight then watched as the butler ran towards an empty party room and called for help.

Suddenly, Superman striked back and grabbed Bruce by the neck, carrying him in the air. "No one loves you, Bats! So give up!"

"No!" Exclaimed the Dark Knight. "I won't. I have people who love me, fans, and a great shipping community! You're just jealous because no one likes you anymore. They only like you for that Man of Steel rollercoaster at Six Flags, New England! And I have one of the world's greatest supervillain's that I have befriended. And I don't think you befriend your enemies, Clark! So you should be the one to give up! You're a bad excuse for a superhero!"

Superman growled and threw Batman onto the floor, a loud thud echoed throughout the empty space. He glared at the Dark Knight and grabbed him by the neck once again.
"You'll regret that."

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