Chapter 61: Breathe Today

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Batman sped down the empty streets of Gotham city, eyes focusing instensly at the road. He headed downtown in a hurry after getting a call from the butler about a collapsing building. It was, most likely, caused by his fiance once again. It didn't surprise the Dark Knight in the slightest. But, what did surprise him was when Alfred told him that Chief Kurt, head of the police and security, was knocked out by some sort of form of knock out gas. It made the victim laugh until they passed out.

As he parked near the security gaurds and climbed out of the Batmobile, Batman was stopped by a panicking Harley Quinn. He raised an eyebrow at her and tilted his head. She was speaking too fast for him to understand. All he heard was his beloved's name.
"Where is Joker?"

"That's just it, B-man!" Harley said as calm as she could, tears pouring down her cheeks. "He was in the buildin' when it exploded! I tried goin' back in, but these stupid gaurds stopped me!"

Instantly after Harley explained and stopped talking, the caped crusader pulled out his grappling hook at shot it at the long pole that was still ontop of the building. He pressed the retraction button and flew at fast speeds onto the top of the collapsing building.

Grabbing the pole with a hand and wrapping his legs around it, Batman put back his grappling hook and bit his lip as he jumped down. He landed on his feet and gave a low groan. Several waves of dark green smoke flooded his vision. The caped crusader covered his mouth as he ran around the roof, calling for his beloved, who was no where to be seen. Tears of anxiety began to form in his blue eyes as panic took hold.

Controlling himself and keeping calm, he continued to run around and calling for the Joker for about five minutes. He gasped as part of the roof began to collapse. Batman ran to the collapsing stairway and ran down the stairs as fast as he could. As he continued to run, half of the roof began to fall, crushing and crumbling down towards the man in black. He kept running and coughed at the green smoke as he pulled awat his hand to yell louder for the clown. Loud hissing noises could be heard as more of the building fall into oblivion.

Gasping for breath and wishing for a happy ending for this horrific scene, Batman kept on searching as more tears fell down his cheeks. He yelled as loud as he could in a fit of rage and kept searching for Joker. Suddenly, he heard a loud, familiar scream in the distance. The Dark Knight ran towards it and kept calling for the clown. He ran into a large room where several large chunks from the roof were scattered everywhere. It was dark, and to his surprise, no smoke was in his presence.

As he kept walking and screaming for his love, he suddenly heard a groan and another cough in the distance. Batman walked over and pulled out his flashlight to see if it was his beloved villain. And, to his horror and relief, it was. But, it was the state of the other that made the caped crusader's heart skip a beat.

Joker was on his stomach with blood trickling down his chin. He had many scars and some bruises, most likely from the rubbish that fell earlier. Half of his body was underneath a large portion of the collapsed roof. Debris and dust covered some of the clown's pale face, making him cough each time he would take in a gulp of breath.

Batman rushed to the Joker's side as more tears fell down his chin, his hands trembling slightly. He placed the flashlight down onto the ground and began to pull away the large pieces of the roof off of the clown. The Dark Knight watched as Joker's eyes began to flutter closed. Panic rushed through his bloodstream as he went faster and faster, tossing the large pieces left and right carelessly. He choked out a sob as Batman finally got the clown out of the rubbish, pulling him out of the pile. The hero growled slightly and carried the limp body out, sobbing as he did so.
"Joker. Wake up! Wake up, J-bird!"

Not thinking of anything else to do, Batman suddenly heard a loud hissing sound. He turned around and his eyes went wide. A loud, horrifying scream of another explosion's aftermath had just went off. Batman could feel Joker tremble in his arms as he ran out of the room quickly. They had to escape the building no matter what. It couldn't end like this. The Joker couldn't die just yet. That is not in the story.

Running towards the endless staircase, Batman stopped as he gasped in terror. A large portion of the staircase collapsed, sending him and the clown down to who-knows-where. Luckily, he quickly pulled out his grappling hook and shot at a broken piece of the roof. He threw Joker over his shoulder and retracted the hook, sending the two flying in the air.

Suddenly, but unexpectedly, the rope of the hook broke. Batman screamed as they landed into an even larger pile of rubbish. Luckily, he did not get badly injured. He grabbed the clown and carried him bridal-like towards an exit door. An exit door to get out of this horryific, heart pounding, breath holding, nightmare. Batman almost tripped over more of the many pieces of rubbish and such, trying to get over to the door. But, to his horror, the door began to collapse slowly due to the roof's weight. He looked up and bit his lip. The caped crusader knew that he would not be able to reach the door in time. Instead, he saw a large hole that lead to the basement of the building. Just before the roof collapsed to finish he and the villain off, Batman jumped down the hole and landed safely.

Once he landed on even more rubbish (no surprise since the building was entirely rubbish at this point), the Dark Knight ran towards a room that had a dim, orange light on. Once inside, he placed the unconscious villain down onto a navy blue table and slammed the door closed. Batman sighed shakily as he began to search for an aidkit, ointments, anything to help the poor Clown Prince of Crime. Luckily, he found fifteen aidkits from a janitor's closet. The man in black then ran into a large stationary area that appeared to look like a kitchen. There was a fridge, already turned on orange light, opened cupboards that were filled with different kinds of food, and a cooler that was still on. Batman ran to the fridge and, to his surprise, saw twenty-seven packs of water bottles inside. There were fruits and vegetables that appeared to be freshly bought. It was strange. Very, very Doctor Strange.

The caped crusader grabbed two water bottles out and shut the fridge door as he ran back to his beloved fiance. He sighed and took off Joker's purple suit and orange and white shirt carefully. There were many wounds and cuts across his chubby belly, neck, and chest. It was a horrifying and bloody sight to glance upon. Batman could feel even more tears fall down his cheeks as he kissed Joker's wounds gently. Blood began to spread onto his lips, but the hero did not care anymore. He kissed Joker's pale, left hand and stroked it slowly, hoping for a response from the unconscious man.
Why did this have to happen? Batman thought. This shouldn't have happened. How could this happen?

Grabbing one of the aidkits, he opened it up and began to treat the clown's wounds carefully. The caped crusader spread some ointment onto almost all of his wounds carefully. To his surprise, Batman began to see the Joker flinch and heard several groans coming from him. He kept aiding and treating the wounds, until he reached the clown's chubby stomach.

Instantly, Joker cried in pain as he felt the ointment hit his wounds. Pain flooded throughout his entire body, making him tremble in agony. It was too much for the clown, but he had to stay strong. Panic began to flood through his mind. Who was treating his wounds? He looked down and was met with the familiar set of blue, illuminating eyes, starring back into his acid green. The familiar figure cupped Joker's cheeks gently and bit his bottom lip. Immediately, the clown hugged his fiance tightly and started to cough hard, his chest hurting in response. Batman hugged him back and sighed shakily as more tears fell down from the corners of his eyes. He then let go of the clown and went back to treating him carefully. Joker laid back down, but everytime the Dark Knight touched his wounds with the ointment, he would spring up and break into a painful sob. The caped crusader shushed him and kept working. It pained him horribly to see the other in so much pain. He didn't want to hurt him, but in this case, he had to in a way.

After he was finished, Batman placed several bandages over the treated wounds and kissed then each time Joker flinched. Once he was done, he went over to the Joker's left side and sat on the table with him and put his head in the man in black's lap. He caressed his pale cheeks and gently held onto his hand tightly. The clown whimpered softly and tightened his grip on the other's hand slightly. Of course, Batman did not care. All he cared about was Joker's safety. He could care less about himself. All he wanted was to keep the clown safe throughout this horrific nightmare.

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