Chapter 72: Filler

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"Joker, I know you're upset. But, you can't blame yourself! He wanted me to save you!"

"Wait a minute," Joker said, putting a finger on his chin while wiping away his tears. "You tried to kill me with your freaky laser eyes, right?! So do me a favor, and open this stupid thing!"

"Joker," Superman said in a calm tone as the poor chubby clown was still flipping out, panic hitching in his breath. It has been ten long and painful minutes since the Dark Knight has disappeared. And since then, the clown was in a panic and covered in guilt. This wasn't his fault. It was no one's fault other than the Scarecrow, of course.
"Look, I can try. But, I can't guarantee that it will-"

"Great!" Joker exclaimed with a happy, eye twitching grin. He got up on his feet and walked away from the covered hole. His eyes were fixed on the superhero with a wicked expression. He had switched from innocent cutie pie mode to Suicide Squad mode. It was mind blowing to the tight wearing hero, and Joker knew it from the look on the other's dumbfounded face. It wasn't that hard to notice.

Superman let out a sigh as his eyes turned red, shooting out two red lasers onto the hole. Almost instantly, it burned right through and a circular shape was beginning to form. He got up from the ground to turn around and around a few times. The hole seemed to be either double or triple layered. Why would it be triple layered?

Once the hole was exposed, he looked at the Joker. He had a twisted expression on his face. His left eye twitched every five seconds and tear stains could be seen on each side of his cheek. It was an interesting, yet familiar, appearance.

"We should head done there now while we still can," said Superman. "Who knows if that black hole thing will appear again!"

Joker nodded as Superman swept him off his feet. He held onto him and chuckled a little more.
"When I see that sorry excuse for a  voodoo doll, I'm gonna kill him! He thinks he can flirt with Batsy and get away with it? I don't think so, buster!"

"Hey, don't say that! That would make this fanfic very matu-"

"Shh!" The clown hissed while interrupting the other quickly. "Don't break the fourth-wall! It's already been broken enough. The poor thing," Joker said with a soft giggle as they began to fly down into the hole. Just before one of them could speak, a large inhale of air caught them by surprise and pulled them down into the Dark Void.

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