Chapter 6: Breakfast of champions

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I slowly awake from my deep slumber, stretching my toes and yawning widely I smile to myself before I open my eyes. I come face to face with Zak leaning on his elbow, his chin in his hand smiling at me. I blink a few times just to make sure I'm not still dreaming.

"Good morning sleepyhead, sleep well?" He asks.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? But, yeah great, best sleep I've had in ages actually." I admit and stretch again, hoping I hadn't blasted him with morning breath when I yawned.

"Hmmm,me too." He agrees looking slightly puzzled for a moment but quickly regaining his composure. "We should really think about getting up and getting ready for this afternoons interviews and run through."

"Do we have to?" I whine as I stare at this fine man lying in bed next to me, sheet drawn up loosely to his waist and his usually pristine hair slightly tousled. It should not be legal for someone to look so good!

"Yeah we do!" He insists as he leaps out of bed. "Mind if I jump into the shower?" He asks, I desperately try to maintain eye contact as he stands there in his underwear, completely comfortable with his near nakedness and seemingly oblivious to the effect he is having on me!

"Sure, go ahead." I manage to squeak.

"Cool, thanks, now get up!" He orders and pulls the sheet off me as he walks past to the bathroom. I squeal and groan as I bury my face in the pillow next to me and I hear raucous laughter coming from behind the bathroom door. Mmmm, this pillow smells good! I think to myself and sniff deeply. Guess I'm never washing that pillow case again, I chuckled. As I hear the water begin to run I try not to imagine the now naked man in my shower and follow orders and get out of bed. I throw on some leggings and a hoodie and tip toe out of the bedroom. Aaron and Rufus are both still sleeping, spread eagle and almost falling off the couch and now joined by spooks who has curled up almost on top of Aaron's head. I chuckle to myself and Rufus' eyes open and he wags his tail, I grab my purse and keys, click my fingers fo rRufus to follow and head out the front door to the bakery on the corner. They make divine croissants and muffins and a decent coffee so I grab us a selection and go back to the house.

I get to the door and with my hands full I give it a loud kick and holler at Aaron to let me in. Aaron appears bleary eyed at the door and is nearly knocked of his feet as Rufus greets him.

"Hey buddy, I thought you'd run out on me after our night together!"He jokes as he accepts Rufus' kisses. "Is that coffee I smell?"He asks hopefully.

"Yup, breakfast!" I show him the cups and box of pastries, "Triple shot is the cup by itself." I tell him as he takes the box and cup holder from me.

"Gimme gimme gimme!!" He sniffs the cup gratefully. "Sorry for crashing on you last night, I guess the jet lag finally caught up." He apologises.

"No worries at all, it was nice to have the company." I assure him just as Zak emerges from the bedroom pulling on his black tee. Aaron raises an eyebrow and I can't help but blush a little.

"Good morning everybody!" Zak booms, grinning and bending down to give Rufus a scratch, Aaron's eyebrow raises even further. "Can I smell coffee?"

"Yep,breakfast on the table as provided by our wonderful host." Aaron points out.

"Thank you." Zak mouths at me and smiles his sexiest crooked smile and strokes my arm as he walks past. Once again I feel a jolt of electricity and the heat rise to my face, hoping the Aaron didn't notice how bad I had it.

We all moved out to the back deck to enjoy the morning sun as we ate breakfast and discussed the day's plans.

"We'll need to go back to the hotel to freshen up and grab our gear. Billy called he's already picked up the rental." Aaron tells us.

"Cool, it's 9.45 now, we've got to meet the curator at 12 so that gives us enough time if we grab a cab now." Zak suggests.

"Yeah,you need the time to fix your hair." Aaron jokes, I laugh as Zak tries to deny it.

"My sister is coming to pick up Rufus and Spooks as they are staying with her while I'm away, shall I meet you at the Gaol after that?" I ask.

"Yep, sounds good, just be TV ready as we'll be filming your big intro today!" Aaron tells me.

"Oh that won't take long." Zak smiles and I feel my face turn scarlet.

Beep beep! Bark bark! Phew! Saved by the taxi! The guys pile out of the door, Aaron gives me a quick hug and gets into the cab as Zak pauses briefly grabs my hand and gives it a quick squeeze.

"Thanks again for a wonderful night." He says softly with a small smile and intense gaze that he holds a little longer than is normal and then he's gone. I stare dumbfounded at the receding taxi and in a haze I turn back into the house. Can this be real? I wonder, but I'm definitely in no rush to wake up if it is just a fantasy and I walk dreamily into the bathroom. I gather up my towel and glance at myself in the mirror, which brings me crashing back down to earth!

"Why didn't you tell me I was sporting a bird's nest on top of my head?!" I ask Rufus who cocks his head at me in puzzlement. "Never mind, not much I can do about that now I guess." I mutter as I ruffle his ears and give him a playful tap on the rump. I jump into the shower and take my time enjoying the water and scented soaps. Drying off I choose my outfit carefully. Same boots as last night, dark flared jeans, long black top with skull motif on the front and a corset type tie at the back, natural wavy hair free to fall around my face and over my shoulders, slightly smoky eyes,couple of chunky silver rings, delicate silver cross and chain around my neck. I look in the mirror, yeah that'll do.

I say a reluctant goodbye to my pets as my sister swings by to collect them. She teases me about the effort I have gone to, I reminded her that I was going to be in front of the camera of course I was going to make an effort! It had nothing to do with Zak, nu huh, no way, nohow! Hmmm convincing....not!

I checked the time, 11.30, I better make a move. I lock up the house and trot down to the tram. I try and ignore the butterflies kicking up a tornado in my stomach, telling myself it's just nerves for the filming, the grin plastered to my face might convince you otherwise.

I make good time and arrive with 10 minutes to spare so grab myself a coffee so I would be ready and alert. I had just tossed the cup when I heard a commotion coming from further along the street, I look up to see a large black SUV pulling up, lights flaring, horn blaring and Aaron hanging out of the window calling my name. So many people are staring wondering what the hell is going on.

"You're so embarrassing!" I admonish them as they tumble out of the car.

"Ah you love it!" Aaron hugs me in greeting and I grin at him in agreement.

"All ready?" Asks Billy as he and Jay unload some cases.

"I think so." I nod nervously.

"You'll be great!" Zak assures me as he comes around the back of the van,"perfect choice of outfit too." He says so only I can hear. I blush again and he winks at me. He friggin winks at me! My butterflies now feel like bats.

"Ok, Tracy wanna come with me and meet the curator while these guys do all the technical stuff?" Zak suggests.

"Sure!"I agree, excited to get started and see Zak in action as Mr Ghost Hunter extraordinaire!

"Great,we'll have a chat with him first to get some info as he walks us through the location so we can get our bearings and then we'll do the same again more in depth with the cameras rolling and choose the spots for the x cameras. We have a couple of witnesses to interview and of course we need to film your big debut." He flashes me a grin and my stomach flips, "all in all we should be finished around 6ish."

"Cool,sounds good." I enthuse as I really am looking forward to being apart of my very own Ghost Adventure!

Bit of a shorter chapter this time but hey you do get to imagine Zak naked so no complaining right! ;P Let me know what you think and thanks for reading , GM

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