Chapter 78: You're a witch Tracy

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I down the rest of my tea trying to ready myself for what was to come next. I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be easy. Zak squeezed my hand and I turned to him to find him staring straight ahead his jaw clenched with tension. I stroked his hand with my thumb trying to reassure him that we could do this, whatever this might be.

"So where do we start?" I asked wanting to get it done and dusted as soon as possible.

"First I'm going to explain some things to you, I find it helps if the subject knows the whys and the wherefores. Then there will be a ritual we will need to perform and some learning for you my dear fighter." She smiles at me reassuringly as I gulp. Zak's leg is bouncing up and down next to me the tension in him growing.

"Zak are you ok?" He gives a curt nod not taking his eyes off of Amber.

"He's fighting himself right now Tracy, they know what's coming and are trying to prevent it. If only Aiden would listen to me and Delphyne."

"Wha..! How could you know about them?!" I splutter and Amber chuckles.

"Oh don't worry I'm not that good, Jay gave me all of your research so I could prepare."

"Oh." I blushed, I needed to calm down I was getting carried away with it all, it was all just too bizarre!

"First you need to help him." She nodded towards Zak who was making my hand ache by clutching it so tightly.

"How do I do that?" I ask.

"Think! You know." She smiled again and I didn't love her quite so much in that moment. Just fucking tell me witch lady! The glint in her eye told me she knew exactly what I was thinking and I looked away.

"Quieten your thoughts and breathe." I take a deep breath and pull the crystals we had bought yesterday out of my pocket. I place them in Zak's palm and fold his fingers closed around them. I check for his rosary and position it so it lay on his chest over his heart.

"Via et veritas et vita, come back to me Zak." I say softly as I run my fingers along his clenched jaw. We all watch as the tension seems to drain out of his body. I breathe a sigh of relief as he stretches his neck and tears his gaze away from Amber and looks at me with grateful eyes.

"Thank you sweetie, oh god I was having some horrible thoughts!" He winced. "How did you know what to do?" I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders.

"Tracy has a few unique talents and gifts, you're right in that she is a sensitive, a particularly gifted one at that, you will need to learn how to control and read it." She turned her attention to me. "You also have some psychic tendencies that you could develop if you wished. But what I don't think any of you have realised is that Tracy is a natural witch." Amber pats my hand and I snatch it away and push back from the table.

"You're frigging crazy lady!" I accuse her with a point of my finger. "Sensitive I can just about believe but psychic? A w...witch? You're out of your mind!" Its Zak's turn to calm me down, he stands next to me and pulls me into a hug.

"Always the skeptic." He whispers the smile evident in his voice though I couldn't see his face. "Lets just hear what she has to say, what have we got to lose?" He reasons with me.

"My sanity?" I bite back, he pulls away placing his hands either side of my face making me meet his eyes, he need say nothing more as I see the plea in them for me to open my mind and give Amber the benefit of the doubt. "Ok, ok, sorry Amber, its just a lot to take in. Please carry on." I sit back down next to Zak who keeps his arm around me.

"Tracy your ancestry is incredibly connected through the line of witches that have been the root of your family for hundreds of years. This may not have been acknowledged in more recent generations but that natural connection remains strong. Let me guess, you have always felt different and lonely. You didn't fit in anywhere though you tried, you saw and felt things differently which made it difficult for others to relate to you. You're creative, isolated and drawn to animals, nature, history and legends." I stare at her open mouthed. "You know things but you don't know how, your coincidences in life have coincidences embedded in them, you have an overwhelming sense of empathy and are bewildered by the horrors of the world easily. How am I doing?" She smiles warmly, I continue to stare at her. "I'll take that as a yes to all of the above. " She chuckles. " These are all clear signs of being a witch but here's where you differ my dear, you have Delphyne. She has always been with you, guiding you, but when you met Zak oh the fireworks!" I turn to look at him to find him watching me closely, I can't help but smile. Fireworks? More like full volcanic eruption!

"Zak is worried that we don't really feel this for each other, that its Aiden and Delphyne projecting their feelings on to us." I blurt out remembering the heartache from the day before last. Zak scowled as I laid his feelings bare, Aaron raised and eyebrow in his direction, Billy looks distinctly uncomfortable but Jay seemed to be intrigued with all the drama.

"Hmmm, I can see why you might think that but you needn't be worried. Aiden and Delphyne do influence you both in a ways but your feelings for each other cannot be faked. The connection you have, the love you feel? Its all you, its real and strong. Aiden and Delphyne have guided you since you met but that is all." Zak was smiling happy to hear this but I was confused.

"But I thought Aiden had become demonic, his influence on Zak isn't good is it?" My brow furrows in confusion.

"Tracy love, how many times have you said yourself, there is seldom true black and white in this world, only varying shades of grey."

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