Chapter One: Fangirl special.

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Here I was sat watching Ghost Adventures once again. Desperately searching YouTube for watchable episodes, as I didn't have any other access to the show here in Australia. I had only recently discovered GhostAdventures and I thought it was just a bit of fun at first, but I quickly became hooked. The combination of history, paranormal,sincerity, scares and humour was just right. Then of course there was Zak Bagans. I paid him no mind to begin with, he was just the presenter, I was more interested in the ghosts and if I'm honest I thought he was a bit full of himself. But the more I watched I found myself taking more interest in this presenter as he narrated each lockdown. Each of the guys of the Ghost Adventures Crew were attractive in their own right, Aaron, tall, deep brown eyes, funny and sensitive, Billy, cute a little bit nerdy and a lovely smile and lastly quiet unassuming Jay. As time went on I found that his deep voice declaring 'these are our Ghost Adventures!' Would give me tingles and I would eagerly await his appearance in the screen. And there he was, his athletic frame coming into view, my gaze sweeps over him and as always I find myself drawn to his stormy grey blue eyes and full lips. I let out a little sigh,

"Damn Tracy, you've got it bad! You're 37 years old get a grip woman!"
I roll my eyes, my conscience was right, I'm too old for this celebrity crush malarkey! And yet I can't avert my eyes from the screen and enjoy the flutter in my chest as Zak turns toward the camera and gives that little smile of his. This is the axe murder house episode and it's pretty darn creepy. Oh this is a new side of Zak, I think as he comforts the lady in the house and calls her sweetie. I drift off momentarily imagining him call me that. I snap myself back as I hear them talking about the younger brother, Herbert.

"Herbert's gonna get ya!" I mutter to myself. Hmmm, where did that come from?I wonder, but then less than a minute later,
"...and an EVP has been captured here chanting Herbert's going to get you!" Zak exclaims.
I shudder! I swear I'm far too tuned in to this kind of shit sometimes. It's true; I have had a number of strange experiences throughout my life, ranging from bottle caps flying through the air, light fittings and other objects being thrown, odd feelings, strange noises, shadows, being tapped on the shoulder and odd coincidences. I have remained sceptical but can't help thinking there must be something to the afterlife and after losing my Mum at a young age I can't help but hope there is.

The episode comes to an end and I get ready to search for the next, I mean one is never enough right? As Zak draws his conclusion to a close he finishes with this interesting request,

"We want to hear from you, if you ever have any strange experiences while watching the show please email us at this address. We want to hear what stories you have to tell." I pause the video; my prediction of Herbert's words wasn't the first experience I had while watching the show. Nearly every time I watched I would see movement and shadows out of the corner of my eye, especially out of the front window. One night I even heard a dog panting and give a shake right behind me even though my own dog was snuggled up asleep next to me and there was the feeling of being watched that would linger after the show had finished. I had always dismissed it as after show heebie jeebies bit it was a lot of coincidences wasn't it? This episode had originally aired about 4 years ago so I didn't know if the email address still even worked but I figured I had nothing to lose.I sat down at my computer and start typing,

Dear GAC,

Hey guys, I just finished watching the axe murder house episode and saw Zak asking for our experiences. I don't know if you were still interested but thought I would share mine with you anyway...
I wrote a long email describing all that had happened to me while I watched the show, explaining this was all over a period of a few months as I binge watched all 12 seasons and sent it into cyberspace,quickly forgetting about it as I settled down to watch the Salem  witch house episode.

I continued my usual routine over the next few weeks, drawing, selling my crafts, watching GA, dreaming about Zak, you know the usual. The fact that I sent the email was mostly forgotten except when I saw the shadows dart by. I sat down at my laptop preparing myself to do the boring and long overdue pile of paperwork when I notice my mail icon flashing. Forever being the queen of procrastination I clicked, fully expecting the usual spam and subscription emails. I scanned through clicking as I went, delete, delete, delete, delete, del...woah! Wait a minute, what's that?
'Re: My Ghostly experiences.

Oh my flipping God! I screamed internally and couldn't open the email quick enough.

'Dearest Tracy,

Thank you so much for your email and so sorry for the delay in replying, we have been away on location. (It's one of them actually replying! I scream again.) I'm really interested in the experiences that you have had while watching the show and would love to discuss this further with you in view of possibly including it in one of our Aftershocks episodes. Please give me a call onto discuss further,

Yours sincerely

Zak Bagans

My mouth hung open and all I could think was 'I wish you were mine!'and I shook my head to clear it of the shock and silliness. I took a moment to collect my thoughts and reached for my phone. I notice my hand is shaking, I'm not a fan making calls at the best of times and now here I was about to call Zak freaking Bagans! My nerves were shot.

I dialled the number, double and triple checking the digits and paced nervously waiting for the call to connect...

"Do you know what friggin time it is?!" The voice boomed down the line.
"Oh Shit! I'm so sorry I didn't even think to check,shit, shit, shit! Sorry! I'll call back tomorrow. Shit! Sorry!Bye!" I quickly stutter.
"Wait! That's not and American accent, who is this?" He asks. Mentally face palming myself for being such an idiot I take a second to catch my breath and explain.

"Hi Zak, It's Tracy Fox, I'm calling in response to your email. I'm calling from Australia and I got a bit excited and didn't even think to check the time difference. I'm really, really sorry. I'll let you get some sleep and call back later. Sorry!" I hear him chuckle and clear his throat, I can tell he is trying to suppress his laughter at my bumbling and obvious nerves.
"Hey, don't worry about it, you're just lucky that I'm used to being awake in the middle of the night. We can have a quick chat now you have piqued my interest. So Australia huh? But that's not an Aussie accent either is it?' Still stunned that I am actually talking to Zak Bagans and trying not to imagine him lying in bed as I speak to him I explain that I'm from England but have lived in Australia for a few years.

"Wow,that's cool Sweetie, I didn't realise GA had reached that far,I've always wanted to visit down under. I bet there are a lot of ghosts over there and I definitely know there are girls with cute accents." He chuckles again. I was so glad that he couldn't see me as I turned bright red, I really didn't know what to say and reverted to humour as my natural defence.

"You must be sleep deprived Bagans!" I quipped and had to hold the phone away as he guffawed in response.
"So there are funny girls there too huh? And one who does have an excellent point, I really must get some beauty sleep, so if it's ok at a more reasonable hour to discuss your email?" Feeling brave I laughed and joked,

"Yep,you sure do need that beauty sleep so of course you can call me later, or tomorrow, next week maybe, take all the beauty sleep you need." I bit my lip giggling hoping he would take it in jest as I had intended. Like he needs beauty sleep! Come on! He laughed heartily,
"Oh cheeky one too, hmmm I see I'm going to have to watch myself with you." He laughed again and I joined him.

"I think I'll manage on just a few more hours thanks, so how about I call you back I n about 3?" As it was mid-afternoon in Australia I agreed that would be great.

"Ok,cheeky, I'll speak to you then. Thanks for calling Tracy, in the middle of the a crazy woman!" I burst into laughter,

"Anytime Zak, sweet dreams and speak to you soon." I replied, and he chuckled again,

"I'm looking forward to it, thanks Sweetie." Click!

OMG OMG OMG!!! I put my phone down and freaked out a little, ok a lot! I had just spoken to Zak Bagans! The guy that I had been seriously crushing on for months. He had called me Sweetie! And Cheeky! I'm normally pretty shy on the phone but I found zak surprisingly easy to talk to. I let out a deep breath and slowed the fluttering in my chest. Time for a cup of tea to calm my nerves!

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