Chapter 26: Cross hatch

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Of we all go with fresh batteries and recorders. Aaron and I hang back a little and he tries to reassure me that everything will be ok but as sweet as he is I remained unconvinced. We come up to the door and Zak marches straight in without hesitation, Billy follows looking a little apprehensive, Aaron hovers just inside the doorway and I halt at the threshold unable to make myself take another step.

"I'm not going in there, I can't, it feels horrible!" I tell them."Please be careful!" I admonish Zak again. I hear him sigh with irritation and I start to feel angry at his attitude.

"What exactly do you feel?" Billy asks me.

"Seriously do you guys not feel anything? Its so oppressive and dark." I describe. "The air feels thick, its actually making me feel nauseous and claustrophobic. That back corner is like black on black, its wrong." I point realising its right next to where Zak is standing, well of course it is!

"Are you ok to stay?" Billy checks and I nod, not taking my eyes off of Zak.

They begin an EVP session inside the room but nothing wants to communicate so they decide to try the spirit box. The white noise fills the air and immediately the sense of malevolence grows.

"I think that pissed it off." I say.

"Good!"Zak shouts making me jump, "If you don't like it then tell us!"He provokes, "Are you making Tracy fill sick?"

"Aaaahahahahahahaaaaaa!"A voice eerily similar to the EVP we caught earlier cackles from the speaker in Zak's hand.

"What's so funny? Tell me!" Zak demands.

"Attack! Zaaaak!" The same hideous voice comes through.

'Holy shit!" Zak exclaims.

'Woah dude!" Billy and Aaron look at each other.

"Zak,please..." I begin.

"Shut the fuck up Tracy! I'm not fucking stopping!" He spits at me and I recoil from the venom in his voice.

"Hey Zak, take it easy!" Aaron comes to my defence.

"Are you feeling ok dude?" Billy asks him. "Woah! Your face man! What the hell it doesn't look like your face!" I look at Zak and Billy is right, his features have become fuzzy, his eyebrows are heavy, his eyes dark and his lips thin and hard. I feel a jolt of electricity run through me and yelp in surprise. Zak stiffens and I watch helplessly from the door he doubles over clutching his arm across his midriff.

"Stooop!"He howls in abject terror and pain. The sound of it makes me physically flinch as if it hurts me too. And it does hurt me, hearing Zak in such distress rips my heart to shreds and don't hesitate as I dash through the door towards him.

"No!"Aaron shouts as he tries to stop me but I shake him off and duck past Billy as he is trying to calm Zak. Pure instinct takes over and I stand in front of Zak, I spread my arms wide and face the dark energy. I feel like I'm going to vomit but I swallow it down.

"Leave him alone!" I demand. "You will leave him be! You will not harm us! I command you to step back!"

"Tracy no!" I barely hear Zak whisper behind me. I ignore him, somehow I know that I can save him, that its what I'm here to do. The connection between us has become a physical sensation, like a rubber band stretched taught to its breaking point and I cannot stop, if I do it will snap.

"He is mine!" I almost scream. "You cannot have him! Do not touch him, go back to your domain! Go back to your fucking hell!" I shout as loud as I can. I'm barely aware of the others around us there is just me and Zak. He is standing directly behind me taking deep heaving breathes. I turn to glance at him to make sure that he is alright and this is my biggest mistake. The entity detects the weakness in the barrier that I had somehow constructed around us. I hear a devilish cackle rush past my ear quickly followed by an unbearable burning pain down my spine. I arch my back and scream. Zak tries to reach for me but I step away from him and raise to my full height straight and strong.

"Go! I command you with the power of all that is light to leave and never harm again!" I bellow. I feel another burning attack across my shoulder blades. I shriek again and fall to my knees. I faintly hear Zak calling my name as I feel the darkness retreat. I fall back on my haunches my head bent forward breathing hard. I'm completely drained,my back stings and throbs.

I feel strong hands under my arms picking me up off the floor and leading me out of the door. My senses begin to return as soon as we cross the threshold and I gulp in the fresh air. Zak is in front of me holding my shoulders look into my face his own features twisted in concern.

"Tracy? Tracy! Sweetie? Oh my god! Are you ok?" Talk to me please honey."He reaches and tucks my hair back behind my ears and I smile at him weakly blinking in the piercing beam of Aaron's flashlight.

'My back." I croak.

"What about your back?" Aaron asks.

"Hurts."I rasp. Zak moves behind me and lifts my shirt and I hear his sharp intake of breath.

"Holy fuck!" He blurts.

'Shit!"Billy whispers.

"Nooo! Duuude!" Aaron utters. I feel panic well up inside of me giving me another kick of adrenalin.

"What?! What is it? Fucking tell me!" I demand almost hysterical.

"I'll, I'll show you."  Zak stutters and I see the flash as he takes a picture with his phone. He hands it to me and I snatch it from him and gasp. As clear as day are three deep scratches running the entire length of my spine, across my shoulder blades 3 lighter scratches can be seen.You can't fail to notice that its the sign of the cross carved into my skin. Zak pries the phone from my shaking hand and draws me to him with strong arms. He wraps them around me and holds tight.

 He wraps them around me and holds tight

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"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." He whispers into my hair and I feel a tear drop onto my head. Its only then that I realise that i'm crying too and I cling onto him desperately never wanting to let him go.

This was a fun chapter to write! Just as an author's note, all the locations and experiences and the people in this story are a combination of fact and fiction, experiences of my own and those on GA with a lot of history and artistic licence thrown in for good measure. So while some parts may seem familiar i am not necessarily trying to portray them as an accurate retelling. I hope that's ok with y'all as i enjoy mixing it up and embellishing :) Cheers *GM*

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