Chapter 63: Bringing faith

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I'm not a religious person, I respect those that do believe but I just can't bring myself to have that unwavering faith in an unknown higher power but God I'm willing to believe in you if it brings my Zak back. I would do anything for that. Seeing the evil take him over is more heartbreaking than any of the malicious words that he has said to me. Billy contacts Bill Chapel back in the USA to enlist his help in tracking down a qualified and experienced priest who could help us here in Sydney. It doesn't take long before Bill sends through the details of a local priest who is well known in the community for tackling things that others would baulk at. After Billy calls him and explains the situation he agrees to help us and comes straight away.

I pace the room listening to Aaron and Billy as they explain what maybe involved in treating Zak, it sounds horrible, traumatic for everyone involved but its clear that we have no choice. Father Gwynn arrives in under an hour, Billy fetches him from reception and as he enters the room and lays eyes on me he makes the sign of the cross. I mean I know I'm tired and upset but I don't look that bad do I? His actions stop me in my tracks and I look at him quizzically taking in his appearance,  his dog collar, his glasses perched on the end of his nose, he takes a sash out of his pocket, kisses it and places it across his shoulders, he smiles at me warmly.

"Before I see this other chap I need to spend a little time with you young lady." He says to me in a soft lilting voice.

"Oh but I don't have the faith, Father." I explain, convinced that he won't be able to help.

"That may be my lovely but whatever is attached to you probably does." He smiles kindly. He sits me down on the bed in front of him, grasps the cross around his neck and starts quietly chanting. He makes the sign of the cross over my head and recites words in what I can only imagine to be Latin in his sing song voice. I can't deny that there is a strange but not unpleasant feeling bubbling inside of me and I begin to rock gently unable to hold still. After a few minutes he pulls out a small vial and wets his thumb and marks my forehead with the holy oil. I suck in my breath at the instantaneous burning sensation but it quickly fades and I feel the energy calm inside me and I suddenly feel lighter than I had for weeks.

"Thank you Father!" I exclaim, not quite able to believe the difference.

"No I've not been able to banish it completely, as I understand this is quite the unique situation between you and young Zak and your twin demons. In all my time I've only heard rumours of such a thing! But for now I have been able to erect a ummm spiritual wall is the best way I can describe it. So that demon fellow's touch will be greatly diminished. The wall won't hold forever but it will give you some time to find a solution. Now take this." He hands me a beautiful rosary of black and blue beads with a simple elegant silver cross. "Keep that with you, if ever you feel the tell tale heaviness recite these words with the rosary 'via et veritas et vita'."

"What does that mean?" I ask as I recite the words in my head.

"It means, 'the way and the truth and the life'. Supposedly spoken by Jesus Christ himself it allows in the light enough to keep the evil at bay for now." He assures me and I nod. He clasps my hands between his for a moment and leaves the rosary warm in my palm.

"So where's the patient?" He asks Billy, apparently Zak is still with Jay in our room so we head that way, I loop the rosary around my neck and tuck it safely in my shirt as I follow them bracing myself for what is to come. "This may be quite distressing." Father Gwynn warns us, "But I'll need you to stay close, Zak will need the love and support of his friends and especially you Tracy dear to help pull him out of the darkness. You will be his guiding light." He explains. I nod feeling apprehensive as I unlock the door and we file into the room.

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