Chapter 24: Calm before the electric storm

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We woke up at our leisure, we must have really needed the sleep I think as I watch the clock tick over to 10.23am. As was typical of the hours before a lockdown we had a leisurely lunch with the rest of the crew and then decided to chill out at the beach for a few hours. We have a quick game of volleyball, Zak and I against Aaron and Jay with Billy as referee. This comes to an abrupt halt when Zak realises he's going to lose, I tease him relentlessly. Billy and Jay return to the hotel to check that all the gear is packed and ready to go, while Aaron takes the opportunity to shoot some photos, Zak and I go for a stroll and find some secluded rocks and sit and talk for a while. I lean up against him with my head on his chest, he gently rests his chin atop of my head.

"Are you looking forward to tonight?" He asks me and I sit up and look him in the eye.

"Yes and no." I admit, as it had been playing on my mind all day.

"What do you mean sweetie?" His beautiful face clouded with concern.

"I just can't shake this feeling of apprehension, I don't know why but something feels kind of wrong, something is going to happen tonight and it won't be good. Its freaking me out that I'm feeling it so strongly, I've never had such a feeling before." I run the warm sand through my fingers nervously. Zak takes my hand and strokes the sensitive skin with his thumb. I fiddle with the ever present ring on his index finger.

"I will not be putting you in any dangerous situations." He tells me frankly.

"Well for starters I'm not worried about me and secondly there's not much point me being there if you don't let me do anything!" Unable to hide the exasperation i'm feeling. He goes to reply but I cut him off. "I won't argue with you about it, I'm here for a reason and I'm going to be involved, just tell everyone to be especially carefull tonight please." Zak nods in agreement. "And that includes you, especially you!" I insist and he gives me a sheepish grin, I tut and roll my eyes at him. Dating a ghost hunter is going to be nerve racking and frustrating I think, but little did I know.

"I find it really interesting the my sensitivites or whatever you want to call it seem to have increased since you've been here." I ponder.

"It could be that we've just made you more aware of it and that you're visiting locations that will tap into it more." He suggests.

"Nah,its definitely more than that, I've never felt it like this before. Its like extreme heebie jeebies!" I try to explain, " I've been trying to cling on to my scepticism, but this is really chipping away at it, something weird is definitely going on."

"Welcome to the weird life of Zak Bagans." He chuckles, but there is a distinct cloud of sadness in his eyes turning them stormy grey. "Sorry if its freaking you out." I reach to stroke his cheek.

"Its exciting, I wouldn't miss it for the world." I reassure him,meaning every word. "I'm just worried about you more than anything.He smiles but the sadness does not quite leave his face, I don't push it but I know i'm right to worry about him. He hasn't been shy in talking about his demons and attachments but I can also sense that it effects him more than he ever lets on, more than he may even realise.

Seeing such a look of melancholy in his eyes tugs hard at my heart strings. I pull him to me and give him the biggest squeeze that I can muster and only pull away a little to plant a kiss on his soft lips. As I do his fingers wrap into the hair at the back of my head and he kisses me back with an urgency and passion that renders me powerless. Time ceased to exist as the world drifted away until we're interrupted by a loud awkward cough. I look up and laugh hysterically at finding a very embarrassed Aaron trying to simultaneously catch our attention yet not look at us.

"Aaron what do you want bro?" A touch of irritation in his voice.

"Errr sorry dude, its time to go." He explains his patience with Zak never wavering. Zak checks his watch.

"Oh shit! We should have left 10 minutes ago!" He jumps up pulling me with him. We rush back to the hotel and jump into the van that Billy and Jay have waiting for us and drive over to the Freemantle Arts Centre.

Bit of a short non chapter, sorry but i've got to set the scene ya know! :) Stick with it the next chapter is rockin' I promise! *GM*

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