Chapter 60: Feelings

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Zak arranges to meet Billy at the cafe explaining it wasn't safe for us to return to the hotel. Other than a slight sense of foreboding I felt ok returning to Picton but I was happy not to have to go near the inn. Billy takes the van back to get it loaded while Zak and I have some breakfast, relieved that my appetite has returned I tuck in to the stack of blueberry pancakes making Zak smile as he wipes the powdered sugar from around my mouth making me blush.

The guys soon join us and we give them a watered down version of events to get them up to speed and appease their concerns.

"I told you something was going on but you never listen to me!" Aaron accuses Zak in frustration.

"I know bro, I should have listened." His regret clearly evident.

"Its ok dude, you weren't yourself either." Aaron graciously concedes realising how bad Zak feels.

Even though none of us have had more than a few hours sleep we all agree that its best that we get out of dodge and leave as soon as we finish eating. We make good time back to Sydney and all peel off to our own rooms desperate for showers and sleep. Zak and I share the giant spa bath that is in our suite, relaxing in the warm bubbles, soaping each other's bodies washing away the fear and tension of the previous days. The cold, wet weather had followed us back from Picton so after Zak had restrapped my ankle and dressed the worst wound on my left palm we climb into bed and cocoon ourselves in the duvet quickly falling asleep.

Thankfully we sleep soundly through to the next morning and I only wake when a rogue beam of sunshine hits my face. I squint into the blinding light to find myself face to face with Zak who is silently watching me. I'm unable to decipher the set of his face through the bright light and my bleary eyes.

"Hello Creepy McCreeperson." I yawn at him.

"Morning freaky girl." He parries back at me. I move to give him a playful nudge but he grabs my wrist before I make contact and brings my hand to his mouth kissing the bandage gently. I smile at him grateful that he remembered my injuries before I even had.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me, always worrying about how I am, I never get to ask him first.

 "A little sore in places but good, well rested for sure." I'm just about to ask how he is but he interrupts.

"Yes, but how are you really feeling though?" He asks again.

"I dunno, I haven't really thought about it considering I've only been awake for a minute and a half!" I whinge, but he just stares at me not letting me avoid answering. I huff but take a second before answering. "I feel heaps better since leaving Picton but I'm still worried about what the hell could happen next. I'm confused about what it all means and how its happening. I'm scared. I'm scared of it somehow making me lose you, emotionally or god forbid hurting you physically." I close my eyes at the thought, moving on quickly not being able to linger on it for too long without losing control. " There's a million and one things going through my head constantly and I don't really now how to deal to be honest, I'm just trying to carry on best I can. But I'm feeling more like myself than I have in days and as is the same every morning I am so happy to be waking up to you." Zak continues to watch me and I have no idea what he is thinking. "Sorry if that's all a bit much but you did ask." I mumble, looking away from him. He hushes me by cupping my face in his hands and kissing me gently.

"See that wasn't so hard was it? Telling me how you actually feel." He winks at me and I tut at him, it was kinda hard actually. He grins to let me know he is just teasing and I resist the urge to call him names. "Just so you know I feel the same way, all of it. I'm eager to do more research so we can find some answers asap."

"Aren't you scared that we might find out that there's nothing we can do, that this is it, forever?" I bite my lip hoping he doesn't see the tremble.

"Of course I am sweetie but if that's the case we'll deal with it somehow. We're strong together. I'll do everything I can to make sure I don't lose you." I give him a smile and snuggle into him but his sweet words don't take the worry away.

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