Chapter 15: Gaol house shock

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"We have the gallows, the stocks, exercise yard and warden's office still to cover. Aaron you take the exercise yard, you could do with a jog."Zak joked. Billy take the warden's office, maybe provoke him by accusing him of locking up innocent people. Now Tracy," He turns towards me with a serious look in his eye, I gulp. "How would you feel taking the gallows? You had that reaction there yesterday, it would be good to see if you get anything else, are you ok with that?" Before I can answer Aaron butts in.
"I don't know Zak that's a bit full on for her first solo go isn't it?"

"I'll only be the opposite end of the same floor and Jay will be watching the whole time, we'll be near by if you need us." Zak reassures me.

"You don't care this much when you send me off alone." Aaron grumbles and Zak laughs, I'm just trying to process the request. Zak knows what he's doing right?

"I'l l be fine," I nod, trying to hide my nerves. "I'd love to capture my first EVPs!"

" Ok that's settled then." Billy claps his hands together and wanders off fiddling with his camera. Zak and I head in the opposite direction and make our way to the second floor.

"Don't forget i'll be just down the hall if you need me ok?" Zak checks with me. I nod again and wave him away, not wanting to speak in case my voice wobbles in fear. As soon as he is out of sight I switch on my digital recorder.

 As soon as he is out of sight I switch on my digital recorder

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"Tracy alone at the gallows, 3.45am. " I start calling out the usual questions but all I hear is Zak in the distance conducting his own session. "I can hear Zak at the stocks." I mark on the recorder so we don't think it's some loud American ghostly guy talking to me. I continue to call out but get nothing at all and start getting a bit frustrated. I clear my throat. Then I cough.  And cough again.

"Errr Jay," I say too the x camera so he can hear me. "I'm starting to get that tightness around my throat again. I'm ok just wanted you to know." I say, feeling more worried than I was letting on. "Is that you doing this to me?" I ask. "Are you trying to make me feel what you felt? I'm so sorry you had to go through that." I sympathise.

All of a sudden the sensation on my throat worsens and becomes unbearably tight and I beghin to cough and choke. I try not to panic and grasp at my throat trying to remove the invisible force but my fingers find nothing. I can't hold back the fear any longer.

"Guys!" I try to shout, but nothing escapes my mouth other than a hoarse whisper. I'm getting seriously short of breath and I can't stop coughing, I try to will whatever it is that has a hold of me away. In the distance I hear Zak call my name but I can't get the air that I need to be able to answer my lungs start to burn. He shouts again sounding panicked this time. I'm still unable to catch my breath but can see his flash light bobbing in the distance. Before Zak could reach me I suddenly felt a massive rush of biting cold air and the choking sensation was gone. I gasp for breath, sucking in the oxygen that I desperately need into my lungs just as Zak reaches me.

"Tracy!"He placed his hand on my back and crouched down next to where I was doubled over, taking heaving ragged breaths. 'Oh my fucking god! What happened? Are you ok?"

All I could do was nod, still gasping for adequate oxygen. Finally I felt able to stand up and before I could say anything Zak gasped his eyes  wide with shock. "Your neck! There's a massive deep red mark around your throat! Jesus! Fuck! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have left you here." He berated himself, his face pale with shock. I reach out to take his arm and shake my head.

"Its ok." I rasp, "I'm ok! I think something or should that be someone, saved me!" I explain, my breaths and heart rate beginning to slow. Zak grabbed a hold of my hand that laid on his wrist and pulled me into a hug.

"You're sure, you're ok?" He whispers, his voice trembling slightly.

"Yeah,except I can't breath again, loosen up a bit would ya!" I strain to say and giggle as he loosens his grip. He looks me in the eye to reassure himself that I wasn't going to keel over and with his arm around my waist he steers me back to base where we find everyone else waiting. I brush off their concerns as other than a little hoarseness and a slightly tender neck I was feeling fine, I groaned loudly as I was ordered to stay put with Jay while the others wrapped up things before we left but none of them would hear of me going anywhere else that night, least of all Zak.

Jay was enthralled when I explained what had happened.

"I can't wait to see the footage! He was saying just as the others returned, Zak frowned but said nothing. We packed up and stepped blinking into the early dawn light as Mark let us out. I leaned groggily against the van still wearing Zak's hoodie, the night's events starting to catch up with me. We all piled into the van with few words, the post lockdown hangover already beginning to set in.

"Ok we'll drop you off Tracy then get ourselves back to the hotel." Zak instructed. Too tired to control my emotions I felt my face fall, I had been so hoping that we would spend the night together again, I specifically didn't really feel up to being alone after the night I had just had. But I should know better, i'm well aware he prefers to be alone after an investigation. I sigh quietly and hope he doesn't sense my disappointment.

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