Chapter 82: Where are the Winchesters when you need them?

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It seems as though I have found myself in my very own Supernatural episode, now where's that Dean Winchester? Not that I need Dean, I have my very own sexy demon hunter right here, but you know the more the merrier! I think to myself to try and take my mind off the fact that Zak and I find ourselves laying in the middle of a circle of salt and lit candles getting ready to try and bind a powerful demon. I mean seriously?! I think if I lost my sense of humour now I would be in very real danger of going properly insane. How in the hell did my life come to this?

The sacred obsidian knife lies between us and our wrists are bound to it with a white ribbon. Zak, the knife and I are the trinity of requirements for the ritual, with us are the trinity of damaged souls, our ancestors and the demon witch hunter, then there are the trinity of the witches, Amber, Delphyne and myself and finally the trinity of the three believers, Zak, Aiden and Herrod/Hatchi. The power of three coming together in many forms to make the perfect storm.

From what I could tell from Amber the ritual itself was fairly straightforward. She would burn some ingredients, recite the spell, scatter the ashes and bind the blade of the knife. No, its not the ritual we have to worry about its Hatchi's response which will cause problems, of that there is no doubt. I brace myself for what is to come, concentrating on the cool grass beneath me and the feel of Zak's fingers resting against mine as we reach from opposite sides of the circle. I keep my eyes on him, my anchor keeping me tethered and safe from the heaviness that I feel growing around me. I can see that Zak is struggling too, there is a tightness in his face that he is unable to disguise and his eyes darken making me scared that he is close to losing the fight once more. I am about to ask Amber to hurry things along when she clears her throat and announces she is ready to begin.

In a pewter bowl Amber starts to combine the ingredients for the spell. From what I could tell it mostly consists of herbs, feathers and some unidentifiable coloured powders however, from my strained viewpoint from the grass I'm fairly certain there were some small animal bones amongst the mix but I try not to dwell on that thought. My attention was soon drawn away from Amber's ministrations when I feel Zak's fingers claw painfully at mine. I snap my head back towards him to see his face screwed up in effort and torment.

"Zak? What's the matter sweetheart?" I ask him causing the others to look up from their tasks.
"I...can...feel...him!" Zak struggles to speak. "" Beads of perspiration form on his furrowed brow at the effort it takes for him to remain calm.

"You can do this Zak, you can keep him out, I know you can. Keep your crystals close, focus on me, stay with me." I encourage him trying not show any signs of distress regardless of the fact that I'm so scared my heart is pounding out of my chest. "That's it Bagans, feel the cross around your neck, remember Father Gwynne's words." He looks at me with frightened eyes and I try to soothe him by stroking the back of his hand with my thumb. He calms a little and I give him a wonky smile of reassurance but I can't help but cry out in fright as his features twist and change before me as they had at our very first encounter with Hatchi. His brow became heavy and his lips thin and hard, his eyes so dark they were almost black.

"Please hurry!" I implore Amber as I can no longer stop the tears that I had been biting back for so long from flowing. "Zak, come on honey, don't stop fighting, I need you." I watch as Zak's face becomes his own once again but my relief is short lived as his eyes reflect sorrow and pain.

"The light! Use the light!" Amber reminds me as she brings together the last of the ingredients. I close my eyes and reach deep down. I make myself aware of the bond connecting Zak and I, thankfully it feels strong and flexible. I continue, seeking the light but find myself butting up against a dark impenetrable mass. Hatchi. I can't mentally travel any further.

"I call upon the light. I call upon the light. Delphyne, please help me." I whisper under my breath as I urge the mystic energy to protect us all. I feel a breakthrough and I try to push the shield around us as I had during the attack at Freemantle. Every ounce of concentration and energy I have is being pushed to its limit.

"ZAK!!!"I scream out in pain.

Hatchi has found the bond

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