Chapter 75: Jay Wasley's wisdom

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"So what are we going to do?" I pop a grape into my mouth, just a small part of the extravagant spread Zak had bought us for lunch.

"We should tell the others to begin with, they need to know and they might have some useful ideas to help us fix this somehow." He shrugs dipping a cracker into the avocado dip. I look at the mountain of food in front of us.

"Well no time like the present, its not like we're ill equipped to entertain." I gesture at the table and Zak pulls out his phone and sends a group text to the crew.

"They'll be here in half an hour, ummm you might want to fix your hair before they get here sweetie." He gestures with a smirk, I rush to the bathroom and yelp at the state of what stares back at me. My hair could have had its own postcode it is so big and knotted.

"Bagans!!" I yell in annoyance but I can't help smiling as I hear his laughter coming from the lounge. My smile quickly turns to a grimace as I try and drag a brush through the tangle on my head. A painful 10 minutes later I emerge with my hair pinned up loosely and pop a couple of pain pills out of the packet and grab a cold bottle of water from the fridge.

"Ok sweetie?" Zak asks his face twisted in concern. I wipe my mouth and nod.

"That gave me a banging headache." I whine, gingerly massaging my sore scalp.

"Awwww I'm sorry darlin'." He drawls his accent suddenly becoming stronger. "I would have told you sooner but damn you look so hot with that freshly fucked messy bed head look going on." He walks to me and kisses me gently on my forehead as I place my hands on his hips and lean into him.

"Flattery will get you everywhere, you're forgiven...this time. What were you up to while I was doing a bad Rapunzel impression?"
"I was reading through your research and sent it to some of my buddies back home to see what they make of it and what theories they might come up with. The more brains the better hey?" I nod in agreement.

I had just finished brewing some coffee when there was a commotion at the front door.

"I've got it." Zak called from the lounge, I marvelled momentarily how easily we had adjusted to living together but I didn't have long to dwell on that.

"No I wanna press...Oh hi buddy!" I hear Aaron's voice boom.

"Why have you got Jay in a headlock Aaron?" I hear Zak sigh obviously used to these kinds of shenanigans.

"He wouldn't let me press the doorbell!" Aaron answers with no hint of shame in his voice, I can't help but crack up laughing in the kitchen.

"I hear you giggling pompom!" He yells as he comes around the corner into the kitchen.

"Hey Azza!" I greet him fondly as he gives me a quick hug and makes me laugh again as he makes a beeline straight for the fresh coffee.

"My precioussssss." he hisses at the mug quietly, before taking the pot through to the dining table.

"G'day Jay, howdy Billy, how ya'll doing?" I ask as they sit down.

"Good thanks Trace" Answers Jay.

"Hungry!" Billy practically drools as he eyes the food in front of him.

"Well help yourselves Bagenses eyes are bigger than both our bellies!" I gesture at the table.

"Hey I'd only just got started!" Zak protests as he joins us.

"So what's news?" Aaron asks through a mouthful. Zak and I talk them through what we had discovered and the theory about Hatchi, Aiden and Delphyne. As we finished talking they all stared at us dumbfounded. I look at Zak raising my eyebrow in question wondering what they were thinking. Zak shrugs, obviously as much in the dark as I was.

"This is insane!" Aaron finally mutters breaking the silence.

"I don't know, it kind of makes sense to me." Jay ponders. "It matches up with a lot of the reading I've done on the occult, there didnt used to be such a distinction between the old religions in England as there are now, Catholicism could easily have been overlapped with some of the ancient pagan/wicca practices. Its really not so far fetched at all. Actually makes a lot of sense when you really think about it. One hell of a coincidence though!" Its the most I think I have ever heard Jay say in one go but I'm grateful that he has chosen now to do so, I don't feel quite so crazy. Zak also flashes him a smile in gratitude.

"You do know your stuff Jay." Billy confirms what I was thinking.

"You do man, but what are the chances? You two meeting and falling for each other and going to Perth. Now that is some insane coincidence." Aaron exclaims.

"I know right!" I have to agree with him, it is bat shit crazy when you really think about it.

"So what now?" Billy asks what we're all thinking, but we turn to each other and all look as equally perplexed until Jay finally speaks once more.

"You need to find a witch."

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