Chapter 61: Beware the bite of the wolfman

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The day was spent with all of us working hard. Aaron, Billy and Jay trawled through the footage in Picton, paying close attention to anything involving Zak and I in case there was anything we had missed. I sat at my laptop and sent emails chasing up the genealogy searches, chased family info and googled the hell out of double and twin demon references. Zak bounced between the boys and I unable to stick at one task for more than an hour at a time. His agitation was making me nervous it was so uncharacteristic of him. His usual focus and drive were gone, he couldn't concentrate on his work and we all knew how he loved his work. It was making me and the crew uneasy as he flitted between monitors, voice recorders and laptops. My anxiety bubbled under the surface as I watched him over the top of my screen as he paced the floor in front of me.

"Are you ok sweetie?" I finally feel compelled to ask him.

"Yep, fine." He replies curtly not even looking up from his Ipad for one second. He continues to pace and I glance at Aaron in puzzlement but he shrugs equally as confused as I by Zak's brusque demeanour. I try to brush it off, I make the excuse that he has so much on his plate that he's finding it hard to concentrate but it doesn't sit right with me and I vow to be extra vigilant

I feel like I'm going cross eyed as I strain to read the spidery scrawl of the ancient hand written document that had finally arrived in my email so I take a break and work through some of the recordings with the guys. After a while Zak joins us, he still seems distant as though lost in his own thoughts but at least he is sat still for the moment, well except for his right leg bouncing up and down in agitation. I watch him from the corner of my eye for a few minutes, I'm pretty sure I could stare him right in the face and he wouldn't notice. He is completely oblivious to his surroundings other than the screen in front of him and the tablet in his palm. Something is definitely out of the ordinary, he's like a space cadet, but I have no idea if or how I should deal with this new development.

As we continue watching the footage I get quite uncomfortable watching myself. Seeing it from this perspective makes it obvious that I was being oppressed. Thankfully Jay decides its break time and Aaron, Billy, Jay and I stretch our legs and take to the balcony with coffees and snacks. We asks Zak to join us but he waves us away barely acknowledging our presence and continues working. As we sip our coffees I ask Aaron if I should be worried about him.

"I don't know dude, he gets like this when he works sometimes, although this does seem extreme even for him." He admits.

"Can you help me keep an eye on him please mate?"

"Don't worry pompom I already am." He smiles and I"m grateful for my newfound bestie.

We return to work and I place a coffee down for Zak, he doesn't even look up just reaches for the cup, drains it and places it back down. As worried as I was I couldn't help getting irritated at his rudeness.

"You're so welcome!" I utter under my breath but he doesn't notice. I continue to watch more footage and it occurs to me that the experiences from each location from Melbourne Gaol to Picton tell a story of the escalating oppression/possession that Zak and I had become victim of. I consider this for a while as I ponder how comfortable I really am with having my experience shared with the world and the risk of having our relationship exposed. I think about the pros and cons and I come to the conclusion that considering that there is no getting away from sharing some of it why not go all in and tell a real story of demonic activity, bare bones.

"Guys I've been thinking." I pipe up.

"Uh oh!" Aaron jokes and yelps as I slap him up the back of his head playfully.

"I know I don't know much about TV and all that jazz but wouldn't this whole thing make an awesome 4 location Halloween weekend special or something? Demons down under or something?" I suggest, Billy nods in agreement but before anyone else can respond Zak interrupts.

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