Chapter 96: Boys do cry

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We had spent the night clung together, afraid to let go, but I wake with a start as I realise I could no longer feel Zak's body wrapped around mine. I blinked into the gloom of the grey dawn light and find him sat on the edge of the bed, already dressed and with his head in hands.

"Zak sweetheart? Are you ok?" I ask softly as I reach towards him. He squeezes the bridge of his nose with his fingers as if to stop the tears. He turns and lays next to me pulling me to him but I don't fail to see the glistening wetness on his cheeks.

 He turns and lays next to me pulling me to him but I don't fail to see the glistening wetness on his cheeks

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"Zak what's wrong baby?" I stroke the back of his head as he buries his face in my shoulder.

"I don't want to go." His voice breaks and it feels as if my heart does too. I bite my lip hard to keep myself from breaking down.

"I know babe, I don't want you to either but we'll be together again soon, I promise." I kiss the top of his head and gently rock him trying to comfort him in this rare moment where his emotions get the better of him. We say nothing more as he clings to me and I stroke his back and play with his hair, letting his feelings run their course. Eventually he sits up wiping his face with his sleeve, his eyes dry but red rimmed stay focused on the floor.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles, obviously embarrassed by his show of emotions that is so out of character.

"Never ever apologise for how you feel or for showing it!" I berate him."You are allowed to feel sad and you are allowed to show that you feel sad, I would never judge you for that." I brush his as yet to be styled hair back from his face.

"I didn't want to spoil our last day." He shrugs still not meeting my eye.

"You haven't, not even close." I pull him back to me and hug him close, he had been so strong for me through this all now it was my turn to be there for him.

As if a switch is flicked he pulls away with a quick kiss and tells me to shower while he fixes breakfast. I can tell he's still feeling sad but he has regained his composure and is determined to carry on with the day. He treats me to a delicious meal of pancakes, fresh fruit, maple syrup and cream. I felt guilty that the cold rock of dread in my stomach stops me from eating more. With everything packed up and ready to go we take Rufus for one last walk at the bay. The rain had cleared overnight and the day was sunny and unseasonably warm. We take our time enjoying the sunshine on our bare arms and the gentle salty breeze coming off the waves but we knew we couldn't dawdle any longer and with a final glance at the beautiful bay we headed off towards Melbourne.

 We take our time enjoying the sunshine on our bare arms and the gentle salty breeze coming off the waves but we knew we couldn't dawdle any longer and with a final glance at the beautiful bay we headed off towards Melbourne

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The journey back was a complete contrast to the drive we took just days before. There was no excited chatter or pointing out interesting sights along the way, even Rufus laid quietly on the back seat. We shared the driving, neither of us wanting the thinking time that the passenger seat afforded us.

It was just after 11.30 when we pulled up to the house, the guys had a 12.30 check out from the hotel and were due to join us after that. Zak places his bag just inside the doorway and hovers awkwardly.

"Errr you coming in?" I ask, puzzled at his actions.

"Ummm no actually, I need to go out for a little while." He points out the open door with his thumb.

"Oh, ok. Can I ask what for?"

"I'd rather you didn't." He looked kind of sheepish and concerned about what my reaction to that might be.

"Oh, sure, no problem." I force myself to smile.

"Thanks sweetie." He visibly relaxes as he realises that I'm not going to get upset. "I'll be as quick as I can I promise." He kisses me on the forehead and I smile as I watch him out the door. As soon as the door closes behind him I turn away, his bag ready to go is a stark reminder and the house feels too empty already. I make myself a cup of tea and take it outside. I sit on the deck and wait, quietly working on my laptop to occupy my mind and pass the time.

Before Zak has the chance to return Aaron, Billy and Jay were clamouring at my door much to Rufus' delight. As soon as Aaron was through the door he envelopes me in a big bear hug.

"How you doing witchy poo?" He asks as he lets go, I shrug not trusting my voice or ability to hold back the tears that were ever threatening. I guess that's how I will be spending much of the afternoon. I distract myself by brewing up a fresh pot of coffee, just as I'm finishing pouring I feel arms slink around my waist and hot breath in my ear.

"That better not be you Aaron or Zak just might kick your arse if he finds out." I joke, I know full well that its Zak, I would recognise that delicious musky scent anywhere. He chuckles softly and I turn my head to kiss him on the cheek. "Did you get shit done?"

"I did get shit done and it was much easier than expected so all's well." He smiles as he sneaks a biscuit off the plate I had just put on the tray. I frown as he still gives nothing away about what he was doing but I let it slide. I didn't want to be the pushy, insecure girlfriend, I was going to have to learn how to deal with not knowing where he was or what he was doing most of the time, I may as well start now.

Taking the coffee outside we sat and chatted for a while. I couldn't help but reminisce about the very first night they had spent here. Looking back none of us could quite believe all that had happened since then.

"Its been one hell of a ride that's for sure." Billy concludes and we all nod and murmur in agreement.

"Who knew one little email could be so life changing?" I manage to smile as I think back to how it had all started and how I had woken Zak in the middle of the night the first time I spoke to him. Now here he was and he had been a permanent fixture at my side throughout it all.

We went out for something to eat and continued the chatter throughout the afternoon but all too soon the time came to leave for the airport. The emotional goodbyes started before we even left as everyone fussed over Rufus. Seeing Aaron and Zak in particular giving him farewell cuddles brought a lump to my throat.

"I'll see you soon little buddy, I promise you that but you gotta promise to look after your mom for me and keep my side of the bed warm." Zak crouched down to his level and spoke to him, Rufus took the opportunity to give his a face a final lick causing Zak to laugh and splutter. I chuckled as he almost lost his balance but the tears began to fall. I turned away and to wipe my eyes before Zak could see me but instead got crushed against Aaron's hard chest.

"You big softy." He chuckled quietly. "But you better dry those eyes before you get behind the wheel."

"I think it'll be safer if I do the driving don't you?" Zak laughed softly behind me, Aaron pushed me gently in his direction and I was quickly wrapped in the solid arms that I loved so much.

"Thanks bro." Zak said to Aaron, appreciating that his best buddy was there for his girl. Aaron climbed in the waiting taxi that already held Billy and Jay and half their bags, while my little car was packed to the brim with the rest of the luggage and Zak and I. And so their journey to the other side of the world began.

Sorry its taken a while to get to this chapter, I have had a bad case of writer's block! Ending the story is proving to be harder than I expected but it should be finished by the end of this week with only one or two chapters left to come. But don't be sad because there is a sequel in the making! It will probably be a week or two after i finish this one before i begin to publish the next, to give me a chance to get ahead and develop the story a little. I will add a note to the end of Double Down Demons to let you know when the next story is up or of course you could give me a little follow! Either way I hope you will stay on board for Hexed, the next instalment of Zak and Tracy's adventure. *GM*

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