Chapter 3: The ghostbusters have landed.

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The next 2 weeks are a drag, I am literally counting the hours, not days,hours! I was trying to come up with tasks to fill my time and I will admit that a substantial amount of that was preparing for Zak's imminent arrival. I visited the salon and had a hair treatment, trim and colour refresh to add a gorgeous violet hue to my already dark hair. I shopped for some new outfits, especially some black items so I had a choice for the lockdowns, and well what better excuse to shop? I cleaned the house from top to bottom, and much to his chagrin I even gave Rufus a bath. Spooks very wisely kept his distance.

With just a couple of days to go I studied the itinerary again, for what was probably the thousandth time. The guys were going to be here fora whole month and I was to spend most of that time with them, I still pinched myself to make sure it was real. First Melbourne and the Old Melbourne Gaol which is a well-known haunted location. One hundred and thirty two convicts were hanged there including the notorious outlaw and folk hero Ned Kelly. I had visited the gaol before, it was a fascinating and somewhat intimidating place. The guys will love it.

Next I'm really excited about going to Western Australia for the first time and the Freemantle Arts Centre. The centre began its life as an insane asylum and is considered to be one of the most haunted places in the southern hemisphere. That one's going to be a bit of a freak out!

We'll then fly to the famous city of Sydney and investigate the Manly Quarantine station where thousands of sick with small pox, plague and TB were kept and all too often died. Supposedly an apparition of a young girl is found here and can even hold your hand. Creepy!

Last but not least is the town of Picton. Allegedly the whole town is a hot bed of activity with its railway tunnel a favoured suicide spot when it was in use. A whole town to investigate is going to be a huge challenge!

I can't wait even if I am a little nervous. There will be days off between locations and time spent reviewing the footage and researching them but all up the four locations will take 3 weeks to investigate. The fourth week that the guys are in Australia is listed as a 'free week' which I guess will be a chance for the guys to have some down time and to do the touristy stuff that you must do when you're in Australia. I make note of some suggestions for places to visit and most importantly to make the most of the first 3 weeks as I wasn't sure if I would be joining them on that final week.

I yawn and stretch, squinting at the glowing numbers on the I pod dock.Dammit! Gone one AM again! I really must get some sleep, they'll be here the day after tomorrow, eeeeeep!! I shut down the computer and drag myself towards the bedroom and ensuite. Some people might call my bedroom a boudoir with a hint of dungeon. Whereas the rest of the house is light and airy and has a hippy chic kind of vibe, I like somewhere to retreat to and hide away from the world. As my love of GA suggests and my style embodies I feel an affinity with the dark as well as the light.

As I go toward the bathroom to brush my teeth my phone vibrates in my hand making me jump. Wow! Get a grip Trace, you're going ghost hunting soon you'll need to toughen up! I smile as I see the text is from Zak, still not really believing that he has my number.

'Hey Tracy, just 2 more sleeps to go! You better be ready for us. I'll call when we touchdown Thursday morning, be sure to get some sleep!Can't wait to meet you see you soon. Zx'

Sigh!Zak can come across as a hard arse on TV and I'm sure he definitely has a temper but he also has a sweet and friendly side that escapes every now and then. I was so looking forward to getting to know him and the others. I send a quick text back.

'I'm just off to bed now, sir! :p Can't wait to get started, safe travels. See you Thursday, Tx'

My phone quickly buzzed again, just two words.
'Sweet dreams, Zx''

I sighed dreamily to myself and knew my dreams were definitely going to be sweet that night. I shook my head and rolled my eyes at myself and took my arse to bed.

The next day I pottered around gathering all my bits and pieces together so that I don't have to waste time once they arrived. It was definitely a day to try and relax as I figured I wouldn't be getting much sleep that night. I took Rufus for a run and swim down the beach followed by a relaxing bath. While preparing a light dinner at 7pm my phone buzzed,

'We're coming to get you! :p Zx'

I chuckled, he's such a nut bag, I can't believe they'll be here tomorrow!
'I'll be ready! Bon Voyage :D Tx'

I spent the whole evening with a silly smile on my face as I watched old GA episodes, just for research purposes of course! I reluctantly went to bed at midnight, I was so excited I wasn't sure if I would get any sleep at all. However, I managed a few fitful hours but ended up leaping out of bed at 7am, which is so unlike me, I'm so not a morning person. A slightly confused Rufus wasn't complaining as I took him for a stroll and shared my lazy breakfast with him. I was just finishing up as my phone rings.
"G'day mate!" The atrocious Aussie accent hollers at me. I laugh loudly.

"I thought I told you to never do that! So how was your flight? Glad you arrived safely."

"Long and uncomfortable." He chuckles and yawns down the line. "We're going to get a cab to the hotel and catch a few hours of zees and then we can meet up with you if that's ok?"

"Of course, take your time." I assure him sympathising as I recall the uncomfortable long haul flights to get here.

"Great,we're staying at the Mantra do you know it?" I know exactly where he means.
"Yep I know it, it's lovely."

"Great,would you be able to meet us in the foyer at about 3pm and we can grab some drinks or something." He suggests.

Sure I'll see you there," Then I have a sudden brainwave.

"We could go for a few drinks in town and then if you like you could all come to my place for a typical Aussie barbie, how does that sound?"

"Wow!Sounds great Tracy, as long as you don't mind this motley crew invading your space." He enthused.

"No worries at all, I'll see you at 3. Have a good sleep now Zak." I insist.

"Yes ma'am!" He chortles and hangs up. I took a deep breath and realise I was shaking a little.

"Calm yourself down Tracy!" I whisper to myself. With a quick shake of my head I grab my keys and head out for some supplies. Lucky I have a few hours to kill to get ready for the BBQ tonight. I prep salads and nibbles, chill the drinks and lay out the glasses and utensils so everything is ready to go with little fuss later. All I have to do is cook the steaks, rissoles, and snags, all proper Aussie like! I just hope they like it!

Authors note: I hope you like the story so far, it's going to be a long one so settle down and get comfy lol. Any feed back would be gratefully received. Thanks so much for reading!   XghostmeerkatX

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