Chapter 9: Silent chill

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Billy and Aaron wanted to watch the new Fast and Furious, the rest of us groaned, wasn't this like number 100 by now? Jay wanted to watch some art house production which wasn't really anybody else's cup of tea. Zak pointed out that there was a special showing of Silent Hill, the director's cut. Now it might be as creepy as hell but I love that movie and well...Zak was excited to see it so who was I to deny him that? The only solution would be to split up and go see our own choice of film so we head to the cinema.

When we arrive we purchase our tickets and come to realise that Zak and I will be there at least an hour longer than the others so we agreed we should make our own way home rather than make them wait around, we say goodbye and head off to our respective movie screens.

As it was a special screening Zak and I find ourselves in the gold class cinema with super comfy seats and waiter service, sweet! We order a couple of drinks each and headed to the huge comfy looking leather couch. We got comfortable and wait for the trailers to begin. Zak turns to me as he asks,

"Are you really ok after earlier?" And gently uses his finger under my chin to tilt my head to the light so he can take a look.

"I'm fine!" I reassure him as I swat his hand away, embarrassed by the attention. "It was freaky at the time but its gone now, I can handle it." I smile up at him.

"I know you can." He smiled back but I wasn't so sure he was convinced.

The lights dimmed and we settled into the plump leather, the couch was huge yet instinctively we were sitting close. After what feels like a million trailers the film begins. I try to concentrate I really do but there is this massive distraction right beside me and I can't help taking a sly glance in his direction. I catch myself leaning towards him slightly ensuring contact between our shoulders, I just can't help myself but hope he doesn't notice how obvious I must be being. I was so engrossed in Zak and his close proximity that I didn't even notice that we had got to the part where Pyramid Head makes his first appearance. I turn to the screen just as his formidable figure fills it and I jump in my seat, a little squeak involuntarily escaping my lips and nudging Zak's knee. I am so glad that the theatre is so dark that he can't see my face glow an attractive shade of beetroot! I dared myself to glance at him and he is staring at me in some amusement but quietly slips his hand into mine, squeezes it gently and rubs the back of my hand with his thumb. Involuntarily I move slightly closer to him so that are bodies are touching from shoulder to knee. It feels so natural to be with him this way and I enjoy the heat radiating from his hard body as our hands still entwined rest on his thigh. I risk another glance in his direction and catch him still staring at me but with an undecipherable expression on his face, his features dark and partly hidden in the gloom. I return the stroking of his hand, barely noticing the pictures on the screen ahead.

Eventually the movie has finished and the credits roll but I'm reluctant to move and Zak is in no hurry either so it seems. Just as the last few names scroll by Zak finally breaks his grip and stretches.

"So what now?" He asks.

"Depends what time it is and what you wanna do I guess." I shrug trying to remain nonchalant.

"Well the time is 10.30," he states as he checks his phone the light illuminating the strong lines of his face. "And I don't know about you but i'm not ready to call it a night just yet, its especially too early the night before a lockdown. How do you fancy a couple more drinks?" He asks me and I swear I see a glimmer of hope mixed with doubt in his eyes.

"I was hoping you'd say something like that," I grinned, "I'm always a night owl anyway and currently I'm way to hyped up and excited to sleep. So a night cap or too would be great, where do you want to go?"

"Let's not go too crazy how about the hotel, or your place? Whichever is closest." Zak suggests.

"Definitely the hotel its just a few blocks away, so shall we walk, I could do with stretching my legs." I enquire and Zak nods and motions for me to lead the way.

It was a short 10 minute walk to the hotel and we talked about the movie as we went. The whole time I was just hoping I could remember enough of it. I needn't have worried as talking with Zak is so easy and the conversation flows effortlessly as we walk in unison side by side. We soon reach the hotel and I start towards the bar when Zak stops me.

"Hey do you mind if we go up to my room?" He asks, "I wanna get away from the crowds for a while if that's ok?"

The bar looked more or less empty to me but I wasn't going to argue, I nodded and smiled and followed him to the elevator.

We ride up to the top floor in silence and enter Zak's room at the end of the hall. He goes straight the the phone on the bedside and orders a couple of bottles of wine from room service as I stand awkwardly by the desk.

"Make yourself comfortable and check out that view!" He gestures toward the french windows. I kick off my boots, flex my toes and pad over to the balcony. The city of Melbourne is spread out before me, the lights twinkling like a thousand fireflies.

"Wow!"I gasp.

"Its something isn't it?" Zak exclaims as he walks out to join me on the balcony pulling on a long sleeved tee over his fit torso.

"Uh huh" Is all I can muster in response as I stare at him my mouth agape. He looks back smiling with an unreadable glint in his eye, the moment only broken as there is a knock at the door as the wine he ordered is delivered.

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