Chapter 67:Home coming

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Half an hour later Zak was entrenched with the others in the editing of the Picton footage. I get comfy on the bed with my laptop to continue my research. It was taking me a long tome to decipher the elaborate script of the ancient texts but it was really fascinating stuff, my ancestors were coming alive on the page before me, as were Zak's. As I took notes I fiddled subconsciously with the beads that Father Gwynn had given me in this very spot just the day before, finding solace in the feel of them running through my fingers unbeknownst to me Zak was doing exactly the same with his rosary, mirroring the movements of my fingers with his.

I had a good idea that I was getting close to the explanation we were looking for. I had begun reading documents from the mid 1700s and noticed I was getting easily distracted and my head was beginning to ache. This wasn't just from straining to read the faded pages on the computer screen, this was as though something was prodding and pulling at me to keep me from reading any further.

"Via et veritas et vita." I whispered to myself clutching the rosary to my chest. Almost immediately I feel the headache abate and I'm able to concentrate on the screen again.

"Are you ok sweetie?" I hadn't realised Zak was watching me having heard me whisper the incantation.

"All good now." I showed him the rosary in my hand. I think I'm getting close to finding something important and it doesn't like it." I explain.

"Be careful honey, let us know if anything happens ok?" His concern prompts me to jump off the bed and hug and kiss him making him catch me in his arms in surprise.

"I will babe, I promise." I assure him with a smile, knowing better than to take things lightly after recent events. I stretch having been sat in the same position for hours, I feel my back crick and realign and give a sigh of relief. "Have you guys nearly finished?"I ask, its getting late in the afternoon and we fly back to Melbourne the following day and will need to get the equipment packed up soon.

"Almost," Zak squeezes my hand that I had rested on his shoulder, "Maybe a half an hour or so just to make a few tweaks right Bill?" He checks with Billy who is sat beside him driving the editing suite.

"If that." Billy agrees.

"Cool I'm gonna order in some food so we can have dinner and a show!" I chuckle, so why they finish up I peruse the hotel menu and order a selection of tapas and drinks.

The food arrives just at the right time and we enjoy a hotel room picnic while we watch the Picton edit. I don't think any of us found it an easy watch and I gave Zak a hug once it was finished.

"A great show as always boys but damn that was hard to watch!" I comment and there is a murmur of agreement around the room.

"Yeah, even I'm going to find sharing that with the world slightly jarring, its a tad too personal ya know?" Zak admits, "I'm going to have to work hard on that voice over." He strokes the back of my hand with his thumb and I know he will treat it sensitively. God I love this man!

We chat a while with the guys mainly because it was the first real chance that we had had to convince them that we were fairing well after our ordeal over the proceeding days and the resulting intervention from Father Gwynn. Soon however, we all drift back to our rooms to pack ready for our flight the next day.

"We're all seated together on the plane and discuss what we might do with the remaining days they have left in Australia. I don't know about Zak but I try to ignore that this means that Zak only has a few more days left in the country, but there is a small sickly cold spot in the pit of my stomach that I can't entirely ignore. Our flight had been an early one so we touched down in Melbourne before lunchtime and made our way through the busy airport.

"You know how you could put yourself in good favour with the TV execs?"I ask Zak as we wait at the baggage reclaim.

"Now how's that?" He asks me intrigued at where I might be going with this.

"Well you could save them some money by staying at my place instead of an uninviting, impersonal hotel room." I suggest slyly.

"Yes, yes you're quite right." Zak plays along with my little act and ponders my suggestion, his fingers pulling at the scruff on his chin. "So is that an invitation to enjoy a prolonged visit at your fine residence?" He asks me and I pretend to think about it for a second then nod. Zak can't help but break into a grin and his pretend professional demeanour is quickly forgotten.

"I'd love to thank you sweetie." He accepts making me grin in return. We arrange with the others to go our own separate ways, leaving Aaron grumbling about being left out and only cheering up when I tell him he can visit whenever he likes.

We drop our bags as soon as we get through the door and throw ourselves at each other before the taxi even had a chance to drive away. We were desperate to connect once again, we discard our clothes as we make our way to the bedroom leaving a trail of garments in our wake. We fall together on the bed and grasp hungrily at each other's bodies. There is no pretence of being gentle, this is fuelled by pure lust and need. With few words and no ceremony Zak pulls me onto all fours and is inside me thrusting urgently. Our bodies slap together in a primal rhythm, each stroke of his length taking my breath away. He has a vice like grip on my hips pulling me towards him as he pistons forward. This is pure sex, hard and dirty and neither of us lasts long. I fall forwards grasping the sheets in my clenched fist oblivious to the pain from my wounded hand. An animalistic sound escapes my lips as the rolling waves inside of me reach their crescendo and crash over my body. I feel my inner walls contract around Zak as he continues his onslaught bringing him to his own release and he roars through the pleasure of his explosion. He collapses on top of me breathing heavily into my hair as I lay exhausted riding the last fading waves of my climax. We lay together still connected for a few moments. Enjoying the ultimate intamacy while we catch our breath. Zak eventually rolls off of me and I whine as I feel the void as he leaves my body, but I soon forget as he pulls me to him and kisses me, its yet another sensual, fairy tale kiss. Satiated we fall asleep together our energy consumed by each other, we are momentarily completely spent.

Ok I admit that this was probably a gratuitous sex scene but hey why not! Hehehe! *GM*

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