Chapter 44: Its twins!

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Without losing touch of each other we go back to the hotel room, once there I go to the shower and run the water as hot as I can stand in an attempt to warm up but the whole experience has chilled me to my bones. Giving up I dress in some leggings and one of Zak's hoodies and find Zak coming out of the opposite bathroom in trackies and tight shirt rubbing his hair dry with a towel. A tray of hot chocolate sits on the table and he hands me a steaming mug with a kiss.

"I thought you could do with that, it will help with the shock." He watches my face carefully as I just stare at him making him frown. "I hope you don't mind but I've asked the others to join us, they need to know what happened and you all need to hear what I learned from my calls this morning." As I sip my drink warmth gradually begins to seep into my body and I find the energy to nod. "Are you sure you're ok sweetie? You're worrying me a little." I place the mug down and walk to him for a hug, tucking myself under his chin I feel his arms come around me and hold me tightly. "I love you." H ewhispers.

"Then I'll be ok." I whisper back.

Its not long before Aaron, Billy and Jay are at the door bleary eyed and confused. Zak sits behind me on the bed and pulls me back into his chest, its only then that I realise i'm still shivering. Shock really is a bitch. He explains to the boys what happened in the pool, i'm grateful he's doing all the talking for me, I don't think I could without breaking down just now.

"Oh my fucking god!" Aaron exclaims looking wide awake all of a sudden.

"Are you ok?" Billy asks me, I force myself to smile.

'Shaken up, cold and exhausted but i'll be ok, thanks Bill" I squeeze Zak's thigh as he gives me a soft squeeze in return. Everyone sits in a shocked silence for a while trying to compute the morning's events.

"This is crazy man! We've never experienced anything like this before! And we've witnessed and experienced some shit!" Aaron breaks the silence in a way that only Aaron can making me smile a little despite the situation. "So what do we do this is getting way too fucking dangerous."

"I've been asking around to see if anyone we know has experienced anything like this before," Zak begins to explain. "Most everyone I have spoken to have never heard anything like it however, Gerry has encountered something similar." I have no idea who Gerry is but everyone else seems to know so I don't interrupt. "He told me about something he calls 'twin entity phenomena.' This is where two entities, spirits, demons, whatever are connected in some way. They could have been related in life or have matching energies or polar opposite energy signatures. What Tracy and I have been experiencing seems to fit with what he told me, not that there are many instances to compare it to, in fact he only knows of two others. What we do know for certain is that these things are either trying to keep us together or push us apart, either way the outcome seems to be the same."

"Could be either at the moment." Billy muses. "Although Tracy's seems to be dead set on trying to split you up."

"You think!?" I snort, "So what the hell do we do about it? How do we find out exactly who we are dealing with?" I feel myself getting irritated and I can't stop it showing in my voice.

"We don't know really this is really fucking rare Tracy." He sounds stressed and I know its partly because he can feel the tension and irritation in me. "The other thing that Gerry mentioned was that in the other cases and some similar situations there was found to be a history of witchcraft in the families involved, maybe a residual connection to their ancestors. Do you know anything like that about your family Trace?" He asks me.

"Nope, but do you remember me telling you that I always felt myself drawn to anything about witches, that I felt a weird affinity to it all?"

"Shit! Yeah I do!"

"How about your ancestry?" I ask him.

"Nothing that I know of, but its something we both need to look into." I nod in weary agreement.

"I do know my family has West country and Irish roots, both with long histories of pagan traditions, it won't be surprising to find anything. Fuck i'm probably related to fucking Merlin!" I sigh feeling tired and short tempered.

'Hey we will figure this out at least we've got somewhere to start." Zak tries to reassure me and begins to rub the tension out of my shoulders.

"We'll help anyway we can." Jay speaks up and i'm grateful that they are all there for us.

"This is fucking crazy dudes, and you'll probably not like it but can I suggest that you spend as little time as possible alone until we get this sorted, that includes lockdowns!" Aaron becomes quite authoritative all of a sudden and I can tell he is worried, he's wagging his finger between Zak and I waiting.

"Agreed." Jay and Billy say in unison. I nod, perfectly happy to never be leftalone ever again right now. Zak remains silent behind me and his fingers work harder on my shoulders, I know he hates the idea. Finally he nods in agreement.

"Can look after myself." I hear him mutter under his breath and I elbow him hard.

"Urrrgh! What the fuck was that for?" He cries in indignation.

"You know! Why risk it Zak? I will kill you myself if you put yourself in danger!" I warn him, I will not put up with his fearless demon hunter bullshit right now.

"Ok ok!" He concedes but I know i'm going to have to watch him closely, he wouldn't miss the opportunity to confront this alone if he got the chance.

"Guys I really appreciate you all being here I really do but do you think you could all fuck off so I can get some sleep." I grouch not caring how rude i'm being, all sense of decorum has been lost on me right now. They all hurry to leave reassuring me that they understand and will do all they can to help, with a last hug from Aaron, Zak and I are left alone.

"How are you sweetie?" He asks me with some apprehension.

"Just peachy!' I snap but immediately regret my tone, "God! I'm sorry, I'm just so tired and a bit scared, I know I'm being grouchy." I sigh and rub my eyes, he pulls me into his lap and kisses my hair.

'Close brushes with death are a perfectly legitimate excuse to be grouchy."He assures me with a hug. "I can't believe I almost lost you." He whispers into my hair, more to himself than me. I look up at him and see his eyes are bright with tears.

"But you saved me." I smile at him, trying to let him know i'm going to be ok. He smiles back down at me but one tear escapes the corner of his eye and travels slowly down his cheek. I reach to brush it away and lean back into him.

"Now we're even," He chuckles, "We're both super heroes!" I roll my eyes at him.

"Quit being so cheesy Bagins" I tut but can't help myself from smirking, he grins back at me and i'm happy that he's no longer upset. I don't want to move from his lap but I can't withhold the massive yawn any longer.

"Come on sweetie, lets get some sleep." He pulls back the covers and I climb in fully clothed still feeling shivery and finding comfort in being wrapped in Zak's scent of spice and musk. Zak pulls me to him and holds me close while soothing my hair.

"Thank you for being my Batfink'" I mumble sleepily.

"Don't you mean Batman?" He chuckles
"Nu uh, Batfink! Your demons cannot harm me! My wings are like a shield of steel!" I pull his arm and sheet around us pretending they're his batfink wings making him laugh and kiss my neck. "I love you my Batfink Bagans," I kiss his hand and hug his arm tight to me.

"I love you too my feisty foxy lady, more than you could ever know."He turns my head to kiss me softly then nuzzles into my neck and shoulder sighing contentedly. I had finally stopped shivering and I quickly fell asleep in his arms.

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