Chapter 47: A pain in Zak's arse

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I wake to the bed empty beside me and I panic momentarily until I hear the shower water running. I bask in the morning sunlight as it streams through the window enjoying the warmth on my skin. I let my thoughts drift and I inevitably end up pondering the events of the last two weeks. How has been only 14 days? So much has happened that it doesn't seem possible to have only been such a short period of time. Yet on the other hand it has flown by and Zak's leaving date looms ever closer like an ominous black storm cloud on the horizon. My head swims with it all, investigating, demons, ghosts, witches, tv shows and Zak, Zak, Zak. I close my eyes trying to slow down the whirlpool in my mind, I barely even know what day it is anymore. I rub my temples and sigh. Considering how well things were going between Zak and me I should be on cloud nine, don't get me wrong I am blissfully happy with Zak but those storm clouds are getting closer and I feel like I have a lightening conductor sticking out the top of my head.

I pull the duvet over my head and kick my feet in a tantrum. I just wish life could be simple for a change, just for a little while.  Iknew that life with Zak would be anything but straight forward and it was part of the reason I loved him but I just wanted a moment to get my bearings, I couldn't help feeling a little frustrated. I bit the duvet and let out a shriek just before I felt the the cover being pulled back gingerly.

"Umm is everything ok Tracy?" Zak asks me nervously as he looks down at me from the end of the bed his hair wet and a towel hanging loosely on his hips. I look him up and down and grin.

"I am now!" I wink, Zak tuts at me but he can't help smirking and runs his fingers through his hair making it stick up in all directions. My grin gets even wider.

"Seriously though hon, how are you doing?" He asks sitting on the bed next to me.

"Honestly I don't really know, there's so much going on in my head that I can't concentrate on any of it, I feel like i'm drowning a little bit." Zak frowns and looks down at his feet. "Hey, don't get me wrong! I'm ok and I can't even begin to describe how happy you make me, its just with that and everything else its all a bit overwhelming you know?" I rub his shoulder.

"Yeah,I know." He sighs and now I feel a pang of guilt as I realise the toll it must take on him too.

"Sorry for being a pain in the arse." I apologise, unsure of how I can make things better.

"While I'll not dispute that you're a pain in the ass," Zak grins at me,"I wouldn't change a thing because it means you're MY pain in the ass."

"Err thanks, I think." I retort as he continues to grin at me.

"I don't even know what day it is, what day is it?" I ask him as I stretch.

"Today is most definitely Saturday and will be all day." I sit up abruptly and squeal.

"Ooh then its Phantasm day!" I exclaim in excitement and laugh as Zak rolls his eyes and slaps his palm to his forehead.

"I was hoping you had forgotten." He whinged.

"Haha!Bad luck, sorry bubba but nope! I've been looking forward to this all week so you better have your costume ready." I scold.

"It will be delivered this afternoon." He sighs.

"Goody! I've got a hair appointment at 1.30." I tell him as I hop out of bed. "And I will be spending the afternoon after that getting ready and pampering myself in MY room." I instruct as I close the adjoining doors turning the large room back in to two smaller ones. "So no peeking!"

"Ok, whatever." Zak rolls his eyes as he flops back onto the bed and huffs. I can't help but laugh at his petulance, he's really not used to not getting his own way.

"Still we have a few hours to kill between now and then." I creep back towards the bed and pounce, pinning him beneath me.

"Woah!"He exclaims but quickly regains his composure and easily bucks me off and reverses the situation so I am helpless beneath him. "You'll have to do better than that." He growls and I can't help but notice that he has lost his towel in the tussle.

"Oh!" I breathe as he leans forward and kisses me roughly.

"Hmmm and what lesson should I teach my pain in the arse today?" He pretends to think and I squirm in anticipation of the lesson to come.

So this is the last installment i have managed to squeeze in before i start my new job. There's plenty more to come i'm just not sure when i'll be able to update next. I hope you can stick with me and thanks for reading  so far and for all the comments and votes. You're lovely you are! *GM*

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