Chapter 92: From dusk til dawn

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The peace of the room is only interrupted by the crackle of the fire and the distant crash of waves and I feel myself drifting away as Zak plays with my hair and I stroke the silky smooth skin of his stomach. That was until it is all drowned out by the almighty rumble that erupts from Zak's tummy.

"Is someone a little peckish?" I giggle at the flush that spreads over his cheeks.

"I have worked up somewhat of an appetite, must be the sea air." He quickly regains his cockiness with a wink.

"Yep, must be it." I tut good naturedly, I reach up and kiss him quickly, "Come lets eat!" I throw on my jeans and sweater sans underwear, not that had too much choice as my panties lay in a shredded mess on the floor and our bags were still in the car. Zak follows suit pulling on his trousers and padding bare foot into the open plan lounge/kitchen. I take a short moment to appreciate his form and not least his tattoos as he walks ahead of me. Hmmm, I was hungry alright! Snapping myself out of my lascivious thoughts I quickly follow him.

"Is there food in the car?" He asks me but I scoot past him and fling open the old style smeg refrigerator and show him that it is crammed full with all kinds of goodies. He checks the cupboard above his head and finds even more food as well as all the utensils we might need.He dives in pulling out glasses and plates as I lay a selection of food out on the rustic wooden table.

"See I told you I have everything under control." I tell him as I pull out my chair and sit down.

"Almost everything." He corrects me with a cheeky raise of his eyebrows and its my turn to blush as I remember why we are so hungry.

We dined like kings, even Rufus was treated to fresh kangaroo mince which he wolfed down in seconds. Zak and I however, took our time, savouring every mouthful, occasionally feeding each other from our own plates and making small talk about our day and about what tomorrow may bring. Zak retrieved our bags as I cleared away the dinner things and washed the dishes. It was getting late into the evening so after putting on a few more layers we head out to take Rufus for a short walk and one last potty break before we turn in for the night. With no street lights for miles around we stood for a while awestruck at the stars peeking through the clouds that were scudding across the sky above our heads. On our return we settled down and snuggled on the couch in front of the TV. I didn't really take any notice of what was on as I rested my head on Zak's shoulder and played with his long elegant fingers. I fought to stay awake, wanting to cherish every moment before he had to leave but my body betrayed me as my eyelids grew heavy and soon closed completely. I'm not sure how long it was before Zak gave my shoulder a gentle shake.

"Come on sweetie, time for bed." I grumbled quietly as he shifted from under my head and pulled me up from the couch. He led me by the hand to the bedroom and proceeded to undress me.

"Can do it myself." I mumbled but made no attempt to push him away.

"I know you can little Miss Independent but I want to." He smiled and took the opportunity to kiss my bare skin as he pushed the cardigan off my shoulders. I ran my fingers through his thick mane as he crouched down and pulled my yoga pants down my legs. I closed my eyes and hummed softly as he kissed my hip, his stubble rasping against my skin. I had been all ready to sleep just moments ago but my senses were quickly being awakened and he knew it. I waited and watched as he peels off his own clothes, I run my fingers over his nakedness as he steps towards me and gently pulls me down with him onto the bed. He moves on top of me, resting his hips on mine as he kisses me softly. There is no fight for control, Zak takes the lead but there is only softness and a gentle build of pleasure as he makes love to me, his eyes only leaving mine to kiss and nibble at my skin. I bite my lip as we come together, him breathing heavily into my neck. We kiss once more before he retreats to the plush mattress pulling me to him cradling me in his arms as he curls around me from behind. I pull the quilt over us and fall into a contented sleep as I listen to his deep breathing in sync with the rush of the waves on the distant shore.

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