Chapter 70: Mood swings

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After I had cleared away the hastily discarded plates from our meal the night before, I made some toast and brewed some coffee and I settled down to business, determined to complete the research today. Zak was outside making some phone calls, no doubt setting up new locations for his return to America. I couldn't ignore the pang of sorrow as I am reminded that he will be leaving in just a week's time. I sigh and tear my gaze away from his figure pacing in the yard and try to concentrate on the screen in front of me.

I soon become engrossed in the information that is coming to light. So oblivious am I to my surroundings that I don't notice Zak come back inside until he sits down right next to me and lays his head on my shoulder making me jump.

"Woah, I didn't see you there, everything ok?" I ask him kissing the the top of his head and breathing in deeply to make the most of his spicy musk.

"Yeah, just tedious shit back home that I'd rather not be dealing with right now." He huffed and I wondered if he was dreading the end of the next week as much as I was. "How are you getting on?" He asks squinting his bespectacled eyes at the spidery scrawl in front of us.

"Oh you will not believe what I have found out!" I bounce in my seat in excitement.

"Well tell me then."

"Nu uh, not yet, I need to finish this last document first to make sure I have all the vital info. But you will shit bricks I seriously can't believe it myself!" I shake my head incredulous at what I had read this morning.

"Oh come on sweetie, just tell me." He whines but I shake my head. "Well, when the fuck are you going to tell me?" He asks, I'm taken by surprise by his agitation but I figure the phone calls had annoyed him.

"Soon hon, maybe an hour or two at most, I just want to make sure I have got it right and accurate ok, it just seems a bit too fanciful to be true is all." I try to appease him.

"Ok Miss Skeptical McSkepticpants." He chuckles quickly returning to his usual self. "I'll go and find us some lunch while you finish up, you'll be ok by yourself for half an hour?" The lightening speed in the change of his demeanour worried me more than being left alone in my own home. I checked for the rosary around my neck and then ran my hand over Zak's neck and chest to make sure he still had his. Satisfied I nodded that I'd be ok.

"Just take your phone and don't get lost eh Bagans?" I smirk at him. He narrows his eyes at me but lets my teasing slide as I poke my tongue out at him.

"See you soon cheeky, I won't be long." And with a quick peck on my cheek he's out of the door. I sigh as it latches shut behind him and I rub my temples. I hadn't let on that my head was banging and I had had to fight the urge to throw my laptop out of the window a few times in misplaced anger and frustration. Nor did I make him aware just how worried I was about his mood swings even in the short conversation we had just had. I was pretty sure that at least one of the demons was not happy with my discoveries and was fighting hard against our protections. It seems it might be succeeding with some cracks beginning to show. I ignore the pounding behind my eyes and get back to work, the sooner I finish the better.

Sorry about the short chapter, things are a bit hectic here at the mo. So any of you guys entering the competition to investigate at the museum with the crew? I am so friggin gutted that I can't enter, i wanna be locked in the basement with one of them! Hehehe! Good luck to any of you that give it a go! Be fierce and fantastic! *GM*

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