Chapter 93: Creature feature

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It was a chilly but beautifully clear day and the boat chugged easily out of the still waters of the harbour. Other than Zak and I there were a couple of German tourists, a lone Italian backpacker and three crew aboard the vessel so it was easy to find space alone. The seas were gentle and I enjoyed the slow roll as we hit the open water, with a complimentary hot tea in hand we took a seat outside at the bow of the boat. The wind rouged our cheeks and the salt clung to our skin as we snuggled close to share warmth and stolen kisses. The water always calmed yet exhilarated me and being with Zak made me feel the most at ease I think I ever had, though I was mindful to stay alert , watching for any signs of the gentle giants we had come to see. Before long I think I see movement in the distance.

"Did you see that?" I ask.

"See what?"

"Over there look!" I point out to sea right as the boat began to swing in the same direction, the crew having spotted what I had. As we both watch a plume of water sprays into the air a few hundred metres away."Oh my god!" I jump up in excitement. As the boat begins to slow Zak joins me at the rail, his arms around my waist and chin resting on my shoulder. I place my hands over his and quickly kiss him on the cheek before turning back to the water.

"Look!" Zak points and I bounce on my toes and let out a little squeak as we see the hump of a whale's back roll through the water followed by the massive flukes of its tail. This was closely followed by a humongous shadow gliding past us in the water below. Its massive bulk moving smoothly through the water rendered us speechless. That was until a few moments later as it came to the surface and with a loud hiss we found ourselves covered in a fine spray of sea water as the whale came up for air. I couldn't help but laugh in glee as the fine mist created rainbows around us.

"At least whale snot is pretty!" I laugh.

"Eeew I have whale snot on my glasses!" Zak pretends to be disgusted and I laugh even more.

There was actually a pod of four whales and they were very curious of our presence and stayed by the boat for some time. The crew were quite familiar with these particular animals as they collected data for the marine institute, we both listened fascinated as they told us about the little family of humpbacks. As the whales moved off out to sea we were treated to the best sight of all as the large male of the pod fully breached the water. It was a wondrous sight to behold as the giant creature effortlessly flew into the air before crashing into the water below. The splash foamed the water all around it as we oohed and aahed at the spectacle and with one final wave of its tail the iconic creatures were gone. I got a little teary, this was an experience I had always dreamed about and to share it with Zak was the big fat cherry on top.

We turned back to shore and followed the rocky coast back to the harbour. We spotted all kinds of seabirds high up on the cliffs and laughed at the antics of the sea lions as they rode the bow waves. We even saw a dolphin or two in the distance. It really was a magical experience to remember.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" I asked Zak as we sailed slowly into harbour.

"That. Was. Awesome!" He grinned at me as he leaned back against the rails. "Its something I had always wanted to do and now I can tick it off my bucket list. But you know what the best part is?" I shake my head. "I got to share it with my favourite person in the world."I blushed and grinned and rolled my eyes all in one go.

"Oh shhh you stop being such a charmer."

"No, I meant that weird backpacker dude, he's been keeping me well entertained talking to all the animals!" He laughed.

"Hey!" I give him a playful tap on the arm.

"Of course I meant you bear cub." He smiled as he slung his arm around my neck and kissed me on the side of my head.

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