Chapter 36: The Wise words of Aaron Goodwin

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"Hi Aaron." I smile weakly as the door opens, I'm swept up into a big hug and deposited inside the doorway.

"Welcome to the wrath of Zak!" He grins.

"Ha!Thanks! I think!" I scoff as flop onto the bed.

'He only gets like that with people he really cares about, we've all copped it more than a few times." He tries to defend Zak.

"That's lovely but it doesn't excuse him from acting like a demanding, controlling dick!" I feel my anger rising again.

"Hahaha! No it doesn't and you told him that good just as I was leaving." He grins again and raises his hand for a high five. I slap his hand halfheartedly but can't help returning his smile. "He's really worried about you Trace."

"I just wish he would stop blaming himself and actually believe that I can look after myself." I throw up my hands in exasperation.

"Well I'm sorry to say he will never truly forgive himself, he never does when one of us gets effected, he doesn't show it on screen but he takes responsibility for everything that happens to anybody on that show. It takes its toll on him." I nod and begin to think that maybe I had been a little hard on him. "And he'll get the message soon enough that you're stronger than he gives you credit for, you've proved that already these past couple of days. But he will never let you face it alone, non of us will! So just maybe you should let us help you whether you think you need it or not. Especially let Zak in, don't shut him out it will only make him worse. It doesn't mean you're being an damsel in distress." He says using my own words to get his point across knowing full well that he has hit a nerve. "You can still be your strong, brave and independent self while accepting support from your friends and Zak."

"Humph!"I huff and Aaron laughs at my stubbornness. "When did you go getting all wise and sensitive and shit?" He laughs again and shrugs. "Any chance you could tell Zak the same? He needs to let me help him too." I counter. "Can I confess something, it might sound absolutely crazy though."

"You know me I'm all up for crazy." Aaron rubs his hands together and I roll my eyes.

"Seriously though since you first got here and Zak stayed with me that first night its as though there's this invisible bond between us, not just emotionally but sometimes I physically feel it. It nearly broke during the attack, I could feel it pulling at my chest, it was even painful." I confess to Aaron who is enthralled. "I'm more intuited to everything when he is around and here's the craziest part, I have this unshakeable feeling that us meeting and even me getting this damn attachment was because I can help him with his. Like I complete a circle of events or something. I keep mentioning the 'light' to banish this thing, I don't even know what that means yet it works! Its like Zak and I are equal parts darkness and light and together we create a balance, a shield even, and it feels like it will only grow stronger as we learn more and grow closer." I shrug and break out of my thoughts. "See I told you it was insane! Its probably just my fan girl wishful thinking that we were meant to be."I screw up my face dismissing the idea before Aaron can even answer. He shakes his head at me.

"You really need to talk to Zak properly dude. He doesn't share much about his personal life but he has let slip about this strange connection that he feels with you." He says rubbing the stubble on his head. "Man had you said this to me 10 years ago I would have thought you had lost the plot! But now I think anything is possible. All I do know is that there is something weird about you two together, you radiate energy when you are with each other. I just thought it was because you were happy but maybe.." He breaks off. "You should definitely talk to him." I ponder on what Aaron had just told me,Zak had mentioned a connection too? Maybe I wasn't set for the nuthouse after all.

"I'll talk to him but not before he's stewed for a while and calmed the hell down!" I'm well aware that my stubbornness is still showing but i don't care, after what he said he deserved to be left to smoulder for a while.

"Wise woman." Aaron laughs again, I love how he's almost always so upbeat and fun to be around.

'Do you have to get back to work now?" I didn't want him to face Zak's mood on account of me keeping him away from his job.

"Nah, I had pretty much finished anyway. Billy'll tie up any loose ends."

"Cool, wanna hang at the pool bar for a while?" I ask still not wanting to be alone and feeling the need for a medicinal beverage.

"Hell yeah!" He booms, we head off arm in arm and grab a couple of loungers by the pool. We order the biggest, silliest most colourful cocktails we can find on the menu and crack up as we decorate Aaron's beard with the umbrellas and sparkly twizzle sticks. We chill out and joke together at ease in each other's company. I feel like i've known Aaron forever, he's a great friend, fun, sensitive, caring and cute, you know if it weren't for Zak... 

As if on cue a shadow falls across my lounger and Zak's formidable frame looms over me.

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