Chapter 13: Flick a switch

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Dressed simply and comfortably in black jeans, lace trimmed vest, shrug and skater shoes I bounded out of my bedroom. Zak looked up from where he was working on his lap top to find me hopping from foot to foot.

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" I demanded. Zak rolled his eyes but couldn't keep the smile from his lips.

"Just hold your horses there lady, we've got plenty of time. I need to finish up a few things before we had out, do you think you can contain yourself for half an hour?" He jokes.

"Yeeees."I whine and Zak shakes his head at me as I pout in silent protest. He stares at me a little longer before turning back to his laptop but I can't read the look upon his face.

I spend the time waiting for him by sending a quick message to Sara giving her a brief report on all that had happened since the crew had arrived. I was interested in her take on things and thoughts on Zak because I honestly couldn't fathom what was going on and I was really concerned about making a fool of myself. I was confident that he was to believed that I had a friend for life in him but there was more to it than that wasn't there? I was trying desperately to remain level headed but I was right on the precipice and it was long way to fall. I glanced over at Zak and watch him for a moment. His face serious as he concentrates on the screen before him. I loved that serious face, the one that I had studied closely as I watched hour after hour of Ghost Adventures. Yep, I definitely need Sara's objective point of view to keep my head out of the clouds and my heart off of my sleeve, at least for now.

As if Zak could feel my eyes on him he looks up from his computer,

"Ok,ok! I'm coming!" He says in exasperation.

"Hey, I didn't say a thing! Did I say a thing?" I reply defensively hoping he hadn't noticed me staring.

"You didn't have to." He chuckles, "Come on then, lets go and pick up the others and get going, crazy girl."

'Yay!"I call as I bound past him and out of the door.

Zak must have let the guys know we were coming as they were already waiting outside of the hotel and piled into the van as soon as we pulled up. Aaron grabs my shoulders and plants a rough kiss on the back of my head.

"Hey, Tracy, I hope you slept well." He winks. I glance at Zak who was staring daggers at Aaron through the rear view. He notices me watching him and he flushes and the anger quickly leaves his face. I give him a reassuring smile, hoping to calm him down further. I'm not sure whether he is mad with Aaron for kissing me, for being boisterous or for not very subtly letting me know that Zak had told him about us spending the night together.

"I slept like a log and am ready and raring to go!" I exclaim in a goofy camp councillor type voice hoping to pep everyone up and diffuse the atmosphere.

"Excellent but let's grab something to eat first, I'm wasting away!" Complains Jay and we all laugh.

We agree that food was definitely the next stop so I direct Zak to one my favourite Italian restaurants on Lygon Street. As we were sitting down Aaron was about to take the seat next to me until he spies the thunderous look on Zak's face. He frowns back at Zak but moves one place over and Zak takes his now familiar spot at my side.

"Are you ok?" I ask him quietly after the waiter had taken our order.

"Yeah, why?" He asks shortly.

"Just checking! You seem a little on edge all of a sudden is all." I explain, not enjoying his tone.

"Just mentally preparing for the lockdown." He dismisses and turns to talk something technical with Billy.

I frown to myself but quickly shake it off. To be fair this more like the Zak i'm used to seeing on my TV so I try not to take it personally. Aaron caught my eye and leaned towards me while the others were distracted. I had a feeling he had been observing closely ever since he joined us in the car.

"How you feeling Tracy?" He enquires.

"I am sooooo excited!' I enthuse and he laughs. "Of course I'm nervous to and hope that I don't lose my nerve completely or freak out, but mostly i'm excited and happy to be doing all this with you guys." I unconsciously glance at Zak as I say this and Aaron can't help but notice.

"Glad you're looking forward to it, you'll be great i'm sure! It will be really interesting to see what effect having you with us will have. "He tells me. I can't help wondering whether he was talking about the effect on the ghosts or something else entirely. As if he reads my mind he adds quietly. "And don't worry if Zak treats you any differently tonight and even over the next day or two, he really gets into it you know and kind of gets tunnel vision. It can take a while for him to shake it off."

I nod in understanding and give him a grateful smile for explaining that to me. It was a little disconcerting however how he obviously knew how I felt about Zak. Pfft he's probably used to watching girls trip all over him and anyway there's not a lot I could do about that now and it could be helpful if I need to get some advice from someone, I mean who knows Zak better right?

Our food arrives and our conversation drifts towards what we thought might happen later on and of course there was lots of well meant teasing to be had. It was fun and I couldn't help feeling like I had finally found a group of people with whom I felt I belonged.

The ghosts are coming! I promise! Keep on reading...and keep on rocking! *GM*

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