Chapter 79: Darkness and light

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I zoned out for a second trying to take on board the revelations that were coming at me thick and fast. My head was spinning. A witch? Really? I didn't even think that shit was real, not really. I thought a witch was just a wise woman with herbal remedies and positive words, trinkets and charms. But now I wasn't so sure, Amber was very convincing in her own knowledge and abilities but make me a witch that does not.

"Aiden is a complex entity. His descent into demonisation has not been through evil like most but through despair instead and it has taken hundreds of years. I'm sure you know exactly what I mean don't you Zak?" He nods in agreement.

"His influence has always been different from the others. He's been dark through depression and anger rather than evil and malevolence. When I feel him I feel his desperation and melancholy, it knocks me flat but it has never felt purposefully sinister." He explains.

"Aiden has been pining for Delphyne for centuries that would make the best of us insane and bitter. He attached to you Zak as you provided him with a reminder of how he used to be. He has never attacked you as such its more that there are times when he loses control, especially if you are already having a bad time." Amber continues.

"I didn't even know that was possible, I only ever thought of demons as evil beings from another plain." Zak is floored by this information as it turns everything he thought he knew about the spirit world upside down.

"Oh there are those too, and those like your third that were evil when they were human and are consumed by it in death. As I say its all shades of grey my dear." She smiles trying to soften the blow of turning his world inside out.

"We're going to have to consider this on future investigations guys." Jay points out and I see he is taking notes and using a digital recorder to document all that is being said. I'm grateful as I'm not sure I can take it all in.

"So now Aiden and Delphyne's worlds have been rocked again, they have been reunited. Sadly this doesn't reverse the damage to Aiden but it does change the dynamic, he will become calmer, he may even help you at times but be warned there will still be occasions when he is angry or hurt or just loses control, you'll always feel it I'm afraid but that is the cost of your own special ability to feel others and read their emotions." Zak is enthralled. "This is your dark side Zak. He's not the cause but he does amplify that part of you. That does not make you a bad person, far from it." I'm so glad that Amber added that as I had felt Zak tense at her words, always so willing to believe the worst of himself. "In fact it helps you tune yourself to the experience of others. You just have to be careful not to get lost in those feelings, they are but a small part of you." I watch Zak carefully as he mulls over what he has heard. I just hope that he hears the positivity. He has used it to help so many people, he must be able to see that. The cogs are definitely whirring in his brain but before I get the chance to ask what he is thinking Amber turns her attention to me.

"Now Tracy dear, Delphyne has always been with you, from the very day you were born. She is your spirit guide and there will have been many times that you have felt her influence without you even realising. She and you are the light to Zak and Aiden's dark. It is the light you drew upon to protect yourselves and it illuminates that which others cannot see, it only burns brighter now that Delphyne has found her Aiden again. Its part of the reason why your gifts are stronger now but it is because of Zak's influence too, his love for you and acceptance of who you are and his knowledge all help you to tune into that side of yourself that you have fought to hide for so long. You don't feel the need to hide any longer so your gifts aren't being repressed. Even this motley crew," She gestures to Aaron, Billy and Jay, "Have helped you come to terms with it and develop your skills through their acceptance, friendship and encouragement." I smile at them as Aaron gives me a thumbs up, Billy nods and smiles and Jay is head down in his notes. "But it is Zak that provides you with balance, in fact you balance each other, he is the yin to your yang. Together you could be quite the formidable force if you learn to harness your abilities." She stops to pour some water from the jug on the table. I look towards Zak who I find to be staring at me intently. I raise my eyebrows at him in question, I'm still trying to comprehend all I had just heard and I couldn't be doing with him staring at me like I was a freak.

"You're like Glynda the good witch from Oz!" He announces with a grin causing everybody else to laugh which only got louder when I punch him in the leg.

"Shut it Bagans, what does that make you? Scarecrow, munchkin, Toto,  or the cowardly lion?" I growl at him scowling, I know I should appreciate he still has as sense of humour at this time but I'm feeling kind of overwhelmed. Zak ignores my grouchiness and kisses my temple and I calm down instantly. Giving him a sheepish smile I turn my attention back to Amber.

"So now you know what is what with you two." Amber interrupts saving Zak's arse even though he's still grinning away beside me. "Its about time we discussed the problem, this demon you know as Hatchi."

Just want to say a massive thank you for all the reads, votes and especially the comments that amuse me no end! :) There might be a slight delay in updates from now on as i have pretty much caught up to where i have pre-written so now i will have to do a bit more than just copy and paste from my word document, lol. I will try and keep on top of it for you but sometimes there may be a day or two between chapters. I'm getting towards the end now too so starting to think of what to write next. Do a i do a sequel? An Aaron story? Another Zak story? Or something completely different, Dean Winchester maybe? Hmmm decisions decisions, if you have any preferences, let me know. Thanks all! Much love. *GM*

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