Chapter 34: The voice of a demon

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That morning Zak has more editing to do so I have the time to myself. I decide to be lazy, a lie in followed by lounging by the pool to enjoy the last of the warm weather before the seasons change. Sounds like bliss.

Zak kisses my temple and heads off to get to work and I settle back into the pillow with a contented sigh, comfortable and ready to fall back to sleep. I doze off but i'm not sure for how long as all of a sudden my eyes fly open in fear. The energy in the room is electric and there is a distinct chill in the air. The hairs on my arms stand on end as I lay still not knowing what to do. It occurs to me to reach for my phone and start the voice recorder.

'Are you here?" I asked and waited, still feeling a little bit silly talking to thin air. "What's your name?..What do you want?..What are you trying to tell me?..Ok you've had your chance now leave! The light will protect us and you will go!" I commanded loudly and hopped out of bed flinging back the heavy drapes. The sunlight floods the room making me blink into the glare. It takes a moment for the strong Australian sun to have an effect but after a minute I feel the coldness of the energy dissipate. I sit back onto the bed not sure what to make of it all, not sure what to do next, I rub away the goosebumps and will myself to stop shaking. Reluctantly I listen back to the recording.

"Are you hear?" I hear my own voice call out, 'of course you didn't get a response, stupid question!' I think to myself. "What's your name?" There is a long pause before I hear a click and a crackle followed by a definite whisper.

"Hatchi" I think it says as I play it back a few times to make sure. What kind of name is Hatchi?

"What do you want?" My voice rings out unaware of the previous response. There is another long silence before my final question. "What are you trying to tell me?" The static starts as soon as I finish asking.

""It rasps making me shiver. What in the fluffy hell does that even mean? The recording continues as I try to cast it out and the static stops with an abrupt pop as I drew the curtains. What the hell do I do now? I ask myself as the recording finishes. I figure Billy would be my best port of call, he'll be able to run it through his audio software at least but do I tell Zak? I don't want to worry him even more but he'll be furious if I don't tell him, however what he doesn't know can't hurt him right. I mull it over as I shower and get dressed all thoughts of the pool forgotten about.

I head over to Billy's room, the make shift editing suite, and knock on the door.

"Its open!" Billy yells, pasting a smile on my dial I walk in.

"Oh hi Tracy." He greets me a little surprised to find me there. "Zak's just gone out to make some calls and get some snacks he shouldn't belong." This makes things easier, I think.

"How are things coming along?" I ask peeking at the monitor over his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah its another excellent episode thanks to you." He smiles but I can't stop the frown clouding my face, still a little uncomfortable that me getting attacked will be entertainment for millions of strangers.

'You'll get final approval, we're trying to treat it sensitively." Here assures me noticing my discomfort.

"Of that I have no doubt Billy, Its just a bit fucking freak ya know?"I screw up my face.

'Oh we know!" He agrees pulling his own face making me giggle.

"Is it ok if I wait for Zak?" I check not wanting to get in the way.

"Sure it is, he'll be back soon." He reassures me again, I appreciate how comfortable he tries to make me feel.

'Thanks Billy." I squeeze his shoulder, greet Jay and kiss Aaron on his bald head as I walk past making him jump as he was wearing headphones and hadn't realised I was there.

'Hahaha you got me good!" He chortles, as we all laugh with him. I wait awhile for everyone to settle back down before biting the bullet and approach Billy once more.

"Hey Bill do you have your audio analysis thingy running?" I ask him.

"Sure do what can I help you with?" He spins to face me.

"If you have a moment could you listen to this for me?" I hand him my phone.

"Sure thing I can do that right now while I wait for this thing to render."

'Thanks man." I say appreciatively but also making a mental note to stop speaking like! He runs the recording through the software and the familiar wave forms fill the screen. He listens to the file from start to finish, then again making a few tweaks here and there.

 He listens to the file from start to finish, then again making a few tweaks here and there

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"Well those are some great class As you've got there." He grins always excited to find new evidence. "Where abouts were you when you did this though, I don't think we got it on camera."

"Ummm, well, they're from my room...about an hour ago." I admit, Billy's face drops as I explain what happened. "Do you think I should tell Zak? I don't want to cause him to worry even more you know?"

"If you don't tell him I will, Sorry Tracy but he should know. Plus he can't help you if you don't tell him everything. And he will be beyond pissed if he found out you kept it from him." Billy warns me.

"Yeah I guessed as much." I sighed, " I just don't want to be a pain in the arse or a burden to him with it."

"Burden to who with what? Too late about being a pain in the ass though." Aaron laughs as he wonders over. The laughter dies when we explain what we were talking about and play him the audio.

"No question, you HAVE to tell Zak!" He agrees in his not very quiet at all voice. As sod's law would have it the man himself decides to walk through the door at that exact moment.

"What do you HAVE to tell Zak?" He asks closing the door behind him, making us all jump guiltily.



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