Chapter 50: Fantastic Phantasm

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Inside the hotel is even more impressive that the facade

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Inside the hotel is even more impressive that the facade. All dark wood, candles, chandeliers and dark crimson furnishings. I look around in wonder taking my time to absorb every detail. Aaron helps me put on my filigree fox shaped masquerade mask and we each take a flute of prosecco from a passing waiter. We wait near the entrance for Zak as I'm anxious to not miss him arrive. I barely taste the bubbles as I sip or notice the extravagantly dressed people as the room fills up. The crowd continues to grow and still Zak hasn't arrived. I get antsy as I stand on my tip toes trying to see over the heads of the melee around us.

"Where is he Aaron? He better not still be doing his bloody hair!" I growl making Aaron chuckle.

"He'll be here don't worry, you know how he likes to make an entrance." He tries to reassure me as I scowl through my mask. I continue to scan the crowd around the entrance but then the lights dim and one of my favourite songs begins to play, Hold Me by Mimi Page. I'm getting more wound up wishing Zak were with me to enjoy it too when I find myself stood in a spotlight. I try and move out of the way but Aaron stops me and points towards the door. I follow his gaze and the crowd parts before me. Standing silhouetted in the doorway is a formidable top hatted and caped figure. He strides towards me and as he gets closer I realise its Zak. He is dressed in an almost exact replica of the suit Dracula wears in his favourite film, Bram Stoker's Dracula. He has the full three piece, cravat, cane, hat and rounded glasses. The only change he has made is the suit is black and the accessories a dark red. As he reaches me without a word he hands his cane to Aaron, takes me around the waist and begins to slowly dance to the sensual music. He literally sweeps me off my feet just like the real Vlad did with his Mina. He looks stunning and I am lost for words, I lose myself in his eyes and the music and sway along with him, clutching his arms.

"You look incredible." He finally whispers in my ear.

"Th..thankyou." I just about muster, unable to take my eyes off of him.

He smiles a closed lip smile and bends towards me his hand reaches the back of my head and his lips meet mine. Its short but oh so sweet, I struggle to breathe and sway slightly on my feet. The song comes to an end and Zak takes me by the arm and leads me towards the table where Aaron, Billy and Jay are congregated, I'm grateful for the support as I am feeling a little weak at the knees, who knew that was even a real thing! We don't quite reach the table when Zak stops and turns to me.

"Are you alright, you haven't said a word." He searches my face with his eyes making me swoon a little bit more.

"Huh? OH! Yeah! Yes! I'm fine Zak, Great in fact!! Fucking wow! Zak Bagans what the fuck was that? Far out! I can't breathe properly!" I fan my face then wrap my fingers around the cravat at his throat and pull him towards me and kiss him hard. He pulls away with a thoroughly amused look on his face.

"I take it you approve." He smirks.

"Sorry," I flush, "That's the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me." I explain and feel my eyes water as I get a little overwhelmed.

'Awww honey!" He reaches for me again and envelopes me in his arms. "Its the very least I could do for you and there will be plenty more to come I can promise you that. I love you Tracy."

"Thank you." I whisper, "I love you too Zak." We kiss again oblivious to the elaborate masquerade around us.

We eventually pull apart and join the others at the table even though I'm a little embarrassed after that little show. Aaron is talking to a very attractive Harley Quinn look alike and I give him a thumbs up when he glances over. Billy is dressed in an old timey undertaker's suit and even Jay relented and is wearing a costume similar to that which he wore in the Tombstone episode, they both look great and seem to be enjoying themselves. I find a much needed drink and gulp it back, my nerves still jangling from Zak's grand entrance.

"Hey take it easy with those I still haven't forgotten." Zak leans to my ear and taps me on my behind with his cane. The bats flutter in my belly once again as I try but fail to follow the conversation at the table. I am so on edge that I can't stay still. Luckily they are playing some great music so I pull Zak back to the dance floor. The melodies were sultry and the beats hypnotic and I found myself swept away in the provocative atmosphere and the promise of what was to come as I danced for Zak.

A couple of times Zak was approached by women and I realised that he was signing a few autographs. Once or twice he shook his head and pointed in my direction, more than once I found myself being scowled at and I smile to myself knowing it will only piss them off more. I continue to dance for Zak, enjoying watching his expression as I am unable and unwilling to tone down the erotic nature of my moves. I lose sight of Zak for a moment but I soon feel his familiar arms wrap around my waist from behind and he sways his hips with mine. You couldn't have swiped a credit card between us. We danced together for a while completely forgetting the crowd around us, I was enjoying my heightened state, the feel of Zak's body moving with mine and the intense look of lust in his eyes. I didn't want it to end but soon thirst got the better of me and I led Zak back to the table. Aaron was no where to be seen and I really hoped he and Harley had hit it off, Billy and Jay were in deep conversation about the music.

Zak and I sat the opposite side of the table with our drinks whispering, kissing, sipping, lost in our own little world.

"People couldn't keep their eyes off of you out there." Zak says with what I can only describe as an odd mix of pride and jealousy.

"Pffft yeah right, I bet the women got word that there is a famous demon hunter in the house, didn't you see some of the looks I was getting."I scoff and Zak shakes his head.

"Tracy, you look jaw droppingly stunning, most people didn't even realise I was there until I blocked their path to you." he tells me.

"Yeah, ok whatever." I shrug, I hadn't seen anyone looking or trying to approach me, but then I had only had eyes for Zak.

"Wow, you really don't believe me do you?" He shakes his head again but drops the subject, of course I don't believe him, I look around the room and take in the array of costumes, mine was really quite tame compared to some, damn there were some sexy people in this room, I was far from one of the better looking, I couldn't help wondering why Zak was still sat her next to me, not taking his hands or eyes off me, but I wasn't complaining at all.

We spend some time exploring the exhibits and side shows that they had in other areas of the venue and I pulled Zak back to the dance floor once more for a replay of before. I loved dancing for him and feeling his body pressed against mine as we rocked and swayed, soon I found it hard to breathe once more as the fire burned in my belly.

"I think it is time for us to leave." Zak whispers as he nuzzles my neck and his hand wanders up my inner thigh making my voice catch in my throat. I nod and he takes me by the hand and leads me to the promise of the night.

I hope you think this and the next couple of chapters were worth the slow burn build up. I really enjoyed writing them ;) *GM*

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