Chapter 38: Celebrate good times

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Ok so taking things slowly had pretty much been launched out of the window and forgotten but when you know you know right? I was happy and more importantly Zak seemed happy too, that was all that mattered.

We were eating dinner in the hotel restaurant and I was happy to just enjoy the moment in Zak's company but I knew I had to talk to him about what I had told Aaron and this was the perfect opportunity. I take a deep breath and launch into explaining about this weird feeling of connection that I had with him and how it had felt like it was breaking during the attack. That I could feel it even now doing something as normal as having dinner. As I finish Zak remains silent and I can see his brain ticking over as he thinks about what I have said.

"Honesty I'm stunned." He responds eventually.

"You didn't realise I was this crazy did you?" I ask only half joking, petrified that I had scared him with my confession.

"Actually you have made me realise that maybe i'm not so crazy myself. I've felt it too, exactly as you described. I thought I was imagining it or going insane. But the thing I remember most from the possession was the feeling of pulling and tightness between us as though something was being stretched to breaking point, it was almost painful." He remembers.

"Have you ever heard of anything like this before?" I wondered, what with his line of work and all.

"Never. Its new to me. I'll ask around, see if anyone has encountered anything like this before. You know this just means you're even more stuck with me." He grins, "Its insane though right?"

"Bonkers!"I agree.

After the rough edit has been sent to Devin and the team to review and tweak we have a couple of free days before we are due to fly to Sydney and we make the very best of them. We partake in some sightseeing and take a half day boat trip. Zak is ecstatic to get in some fishing and I even cast a few lines myself but mostly watch out for turtles, dolphins and dugongs, it was the perfect day. We even had the chance to have a lazy afternoon at the beach. Goofing around with Aaron I knew I had made a friend for life, we had such similar tastes in films, music and humour it was inevitable, it also kinda got on Zak's nerves when we got silly, which just encouraged us even more, he always laughed along with us eventually. All in all it was a blissful couple of days, nothing out of the ordinary happened, I spent quality time with Zak and felt like I was becoming part of the team, quickly becoming the butt of jokes and pulling a few pranks myself. If it was at all possible it felt like Zak and I became even closer, we were communicating well and quite frankly we were sickeningly loved up. I was loath for the time to end but of course end it must, we had a plane to catch.

The flight to Sydney was uneventful, I was excited as I had only ever travelled through the airport before and hadn't had the chance to explore Australia's iconic city. Our hotel was located in Bondi just a few streets away from the famous beach front, we caught glimpses of landmarks such as the harbour bridge and opera house as we drove from the airport. It was a beautiful warm, sunny Autumn day, it was hard to remember the nightmarish experience of just a few short days ago. Life was good and we were all notably relaxed and happy. The hotel was modern and beautiful, all aqua and glass. Once again Zak ensured that our rooms were adjoined and we discovered that they were actually interconnected so we made one massive suite out of the two. In short it was awesome!

By the time we had settled it was early evening and we were famished, we found a cool looking bar near the beach and had just finished ordering our food when Zak's phone rings and he heads outside to answer. I don't think anything of it until he returns fifteen minutes later with a massive grin, a twinkle in his eye and a tray full of drinks. He takes a seat next to me and hands out the drinks leaving me with an elaborate looking concoction in a coconut shell making me laugh.

"Drink up we have some celebrating to do!" He exclaims, we all look at him quizzically as he takes a sip leaving us on tentre hooks.

"Ok i'll bite, what are we celebrating?" Billy asks.

"Well for starters the network absolutely loves the two episodes we have sent so far."

"I'll say cheers to that!" I lift my coconut and clink it against Aaron's glass.

"Hold your horses there lady! I haven't finished, you my dear especially have something to celebrate." He stops me.

"Huh? What's that?" I have no idea what he is talking about.

"The network love you and the dynamic you bring to the team, as do we all." He looks at the others and they all nod and smile in agreement.

"Hell yeah!" Adds Aaron

"So I've done a little negotiating and it didn't take much to convince them to upgrade you from a 'guest.'" He makes quote marks with his fingers and I can't help but giggle as I recall the Stanley hotel episode and the 'suspense keeper' incident. Wisely Zak chooses to ignore me before I collapse helplessly.

"Instead we are employing you as an official consultant and that means you're going to get paid for your time." My jaw drops open, Zak grins at the stunned look on my face.

"But you really didn't have to do that, I was fine with how it was, being here doing this with you guys, meeting you was more than payment enough!" I stutter.

"You've been working hard, its only fair so don't argue." He says sternly and I notice the others agreeing with him again, I didn't stand a chance, I just nod as i'm in a daze. Zak grins again and leans towards me and whispers a number into my ear.

"Fucking drinks are on me!" I almost screech, on the verge of hysteria. Its more money than I had ever been given, possessed or thought possible I might earn for 4 weeks work. I was laughing but on the verge of tears with gratitude, I couldn't even begin to comprehend the possibilities. The crew are all laughing and smiling and patting me on the shoulder, I turn to Zak to find him watching with the best smile on his face, I reach for him and pull him into a heartfelt hug.

"Thank you so much Zak, you've changed my life." I tell him quietly and kiss him with all the feeling I can muster.

"As you have mine," He whispers back and I can feel myself turning int oa puddle of goo. "Just think of the possibilities, England, The Nook, Vegas..." He winks and my heart jumps into my mouth at the very idea, i'm sure he's just joking but oh the thought!

We spend the rest of the evening celebrating and letting our hair down. Aaron comes bounding towards us like an uncoordinated great dane puppy.

"Guys, guys! Look at this!" He shoves his phone under Zak's nose, Zak takes it from him and I peak over his shoulder.

'Phantasm annual masquerade ball. Gothic Sydney, Sat March 9th. All vamps, freaks, ghosts, ghouls and weirdos invited.'

"That's this coming Saturday right between lockdowns." Aaron points out excitedly.

"Oh we should so go!" I suggest almost as excited as Aaron, Zak rolls his eyes.

"Really you wanna go play dress up?" Not one bit as excited as Aaron and I "Hey, Billy, Jay, back me up here, do you wanna go to this shit?"Billy grins.

"Yeah,I wouldn't mind, looks fun." Aaron and I jump around whooping.

'M'eh, I'm not dressing up but I don't mind going." Jay shrugs, Zak doesn't look very amused, until I look closely and see a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Man am I the only grown up around here?" He grumps, " Ok ok we'll go,what the hell." Aaron and I do a victory dance and Zak can't help but laugh at our antics. Another celebratory drink was in order.  Cheers!

Hehehe, i laugh because i know what is coming next ;) *GM*

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