Chapter 94: The pleasure of the prey

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A/N: This chapter is especially adult in nature, if the previous graphic chapters weren't to your taste its probably best to skip. Otherwise enjoy my fellow smut lovers! 

I hit the wall behind me with a thud as Zak threw his body against mine. The breath was knocked out of me and I'm not sure I'll ever breathe again as I meet Zak's brooding gaze. It s as if someone flicked a switch, the jokester is nowhere to be seen. The intensity that radiates off of him has me on edge, I try to anticipate his next move even ready to duck and run if I needed to as I felt like a mouse trapped by its tail under the paw of the cat who was very pleased with its new plaything. I really couldn't fathom what he had on his mind. He grabs my chin in his hand, holding me still.

"You have been teasing and pushing my buttons since before I even got out of bed this morning, I think its about time you faced the consequences of your actions." He growled menacingly, his face inches from mine. I kept my eyes firmly on his knowing that if I looked away I'd be in even more trouble than I already was. He smiled but there was no good humour only a dangerous mix of darkness and desire. I couldn't help wondering if Aiden was making his presence known. He moved in as if to kiss me but instead pushed my head to the side and nuzzled into my neck. Grazing his teeth over the sensitive skin at my throat I swallowed down a nervous squeak realising he was only hinting at what I had in store. My teeth began to chatter as water from my soaked hat dripped down my back and Zak continued to hold me still, tormenting me with licks, nibbles and kisses at my throat.

"Cold?"He whispered against my ear, I shook my head against his grip. "Wet?"He asked instead. I was all too aware of the double meaning of his question, I flicked my eyes towards him as he leaned back and smirked at me. I lowered my eyes and nodded my head. "Look at me!" He whispers with a quiet authority. I meet his gaze and I swear he looks at me with what I can only describe as devil's eyes. I trust Zak completely but I couldn't help wondering what I had let myself in for. "We had better rectify this situation hadn't we?" I nodded again, knowing any other response would bring me trouble. He takes a step back and releases my chin from his grip. "Take off your clothes." I give him a questioning look but I unzip my wet coat and hang it on the back of the door. I kick off my boots and pull off my hat, I hesitate for a moment, I couldn't help but feel self conscious under Zak's penetrating stare. "Continue." He flicks his wrist at me enjoying my uncertainty. I peel off the rest of my outer layer of clothes until I am stood before him in only my underwear. I hug myself and shiver as goosebumps spring up on my skin. Never had I felt so vulnerable and yet there was a warm slow burn building in my belly. "Why have you stopped, remove them now!" Zak demands, his patience beginning to fray."


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"Zak..."I start to protest, the fact that he was still fully clothed had me feeling nervous. But it didn't stop me. I was compelled to do what he said despite any reservations I had. I needed to do as he said. So I stood before him completely nude,  but my nakedness brought out my defiance, I was still nervous but no way was I going to show it. So I stand tall and meet Zak's dark eyes that reflect the stormy grey of the downpour that continued outside.

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