Chapter 74: You're so vain, I bet you think this story is about you

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Just as I think I'm going to suffocate Zak is on me pushing me back on the bed his lips on mine, hands entangled in my hair. Bringing his knee up he pushes my thighs apart and grinds against me making me let out a shaky moan into his mouth causing him to kiss me harder, biting my lip and teasing me with his tongue. He pulls back to look down at me his mood having flipped once again.

"You will be the death of me!" He growled, "Looking so vulnerable and scared like that, God Tracy! I couldn't stay away from you even if I tried." He brushes the hair away from my neck and nips it less than gently making me gasp. His face is just centimetres from mine when he speaks again. "I believe you, I believe your feelings are true and all yours, I do. I'm not going to say that I understand it, I can be a grade A douche bag and a single minded, stubborn , arrogant son of a bitch, so nope I don't understand it but I believe it." He kisses me again.

"You forgot a but vain." I whispered as he let my lips go.

"What?" He looks at me in confusion.

"Your list of faults, you forgot to add that you're a bit vain." I grinned as I reach and ruffle his perfectly styled hair. "See! Its friggin solid!" I cried with laughter and relief.

'Oh my god you cheeky b..." I cut him off with a kiss of my own, one hand at the back of his head the other pulling his hips against me making him groan.

"Oh and I'd say grade B douche bag, don't be so full of yourself!" I added tartily as we came up for air.

"Oh you didn't! You are so going to pay for that you minx!" He roared but his amusement was poorly disguised. Before I could think of another witty retort I find myself flipped over and grabbed by the hips so I'm on all fours. My leggings and underwear are quickly yanked down my legs and I squeal in surprise and pain.

"Did you just bite my arse?!" I look back over my shoulder just in time to see Zak dive forward with an evil grin and the pain is upon me again.

"I..I guess you did!" I pant as I feel his fingers probing between my legs as he continues to bite and nibble my skin. I feel the heat slowly build.

"You really like it, the pleasure pain thing, don't you?" Zak asks as he pulls his fingers away. I whine in combined agreement and protest, needing more. I hear Zak's belt buckle and feel the bed move, then he is in me, his hips connected to mine. He holds still for a moment and I grind against him desperate for some friction. He growls deep within his throat sounding like a wild animal, my wolf! My alpha! I feel his hand wrap around my hair and he yanks my head back putting his free fingers in my mouth. I suck them and grind against him making him tighten his grip on my hair. I gasp as he takes his fingers from my mouth, grips my hip and lunges forward to kiss me, ramming deeper inside of me than I ever thought possible. Keeping my hair tight in his grasp he fucks me with all the intensity he can muster, the sound of his pelvis slapping against mine reverberates around the room. It is not long before I am lost in oblivion, my vision blurs and I lose control of my muscles as I tense and release. Zak's grip in my hair and on my hip is all that keeps me from collapsing. The spasms of my body and the moan that escapes my lips brings Zak to his own climatic release. He almost howls as he thrusts into me one last time. He releases my hair and with one arm around my waist he lifts me towards him so my back is flush to his chest, he turns my head towards him and kisses me roughly as he rides the waves of his orgasm. As the pulses of pleasure begin to subside and we collapse forward the movement causes delectable shocks to run through my body. Zak rolls onto his back and pulls me over him cradling me to his chest and runs his fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp with his fingertips easing the pin pricks of soreness where he had grasped my hair so tight. I sigh in pure contentment.

"I believe." He whispers, his first coherent thought was still to reassure me.

"I know." I smile and kiss his chest.

"Even if I'm a vain, grade B douche bag you love me!" He grins down as I look up at him.

'Yeah, you're MY vain grade B douche bag don't you forget it." I laugh.

" I laugh

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