Chapter 95: Last night come down

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The rain had settled in for the night and hung over us as if to reflect the black cloud of Zak's departure the next day. The evening drew in and we lit the fire and hunkered down against the elements outside. Even as we performed tasks as mundane as preparing dinner we remained as close as we could to each other. Subconsciously drawn to each other, seeking out each others presence and touch. Over our meal I broached a subject we had both been avoiding, fearing that discussing it would only make it seem more real.

"What's going to happen?" I ask Zak as I mop up some spaghetti sauce with a slice of garlic bread.

"What do you mean sweetie?" Zak finishes his last mouthful and carefully places his cutlery on the plate.

"After you leave I mean, what do we do?' I push my own plate away, no longer hungry.

"Well we'll call and skype and snapchat at least every single day until we can meet up again." He raises his eyebrows in question, wondering what I thought would happen.

"No, I know that, I mean long term. I know we've only known each other for just over a month. Fuck we've been together for even less than that!"I shock myself at that realisation, it felt so much longer. "But considering what we've been through together during that time, the fact that we've barely spent more than an hour or two apart, the fact that I am wholeheartedly in love with you. I don't think I can wait too long for us to be together. Properly together I mean, in the same place geographically at the very least. I guess I'm asking whether we're on the same page." I hadn't looked at Zak the whole time I was speaking, instead fiddling with the stem of my wine glass making the dark burgundy liquid swirl. He reaches and takes the glass from my fingers and puts it aside. Taking my hand in his he gives it a reassuring squeeze prompting me to meet his eye. The smile on his lips made the corners of his eyes crinkle as they sparkled a deep midnight blue in the soft glow of the lamplight.

'Sweetie, I think we are on the same sentence of the same page

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'Sweetie, I think we are on the same sentence of the same page. I didn't want to push you because, of course we'll discuss this, but its likely to mean a massive upheaval for you. Honestly honey, I would love nothing more for you to come and join me in Vegas."

"What about you coming to live in Australia?" I ask, hiding the smile that plays on my lips by taking a sip of wine.

"Tracy," Zak begins and I know he is going to explain why he can't but I interrupt him as I can't contain my snort of laughter.

"I'm kidding!" I grin as he narrows his eyes at me.

"Not funny! You minx." But he doesn't hide his amusement as he pulls on my hand making me stand so he can draw me onto his lap. I give him a quick kiss which works to appease him as he holds me tightly.

"I would love to come to Vegas, I have to make sure you treat that knife properly don't I?" My eyebrows knot together, it will take a while to be able to mention or even think of Hatchi without remembering some of the pain. Zak nips at my shoulder bringing me back to the room.

"you have my word on that don't you worry." He promises me.

"Yeah but I like to supervise." I chuckle.

"Such a control freak!' He shakes his head.

"Not always." I laugh and the fire in Zak's eyes grows. I force myself to ignore it as I feel the tenderness of my behind from our earlier escapades, I needed some recovery time. "Anyway, I also need to meet Gracie and Bacon and Dakota and Cece and your mom and look into opening my shop and..."

"Hey slow down there, one step at a time darlin'" His American drawl always seems to increase whenever he wants to calm me down and it always works as I listen carefully to his syrupy tones. "There's going to be few things to arrange first like visas, Rufus' transport and I insist you go back to England for an extended visit first, I know how much you miss it." I surprise him as I fling my arms around him and almost suffocate him in the hard hug I give him.

"You've really been thinking about this haven't you?"
"Since we were in Sydney, after the whole Picton thing if I'm honest." He blushes. "I guess when you know, you know, why waste any more time? Especially as we're both getting on a bit." He says completely deadpan. I give him a hard swat on his chest.

"Speak for yourself Bagans I am full of youthful exuberance!" But my body betrays me as it chooses that moment to catch me unawares with a loud yawn.

"Uh huh, you're full of something alright!" He laughs as I poke my tongue out at him. "I'll get my legal adviser to look into visas and that kind of thing as soon as I get back, then we can start planning as soon as we know what's involved. I'll also get Cece to talk to you to walk you through the whole social media thing. Its up to you how much you engage with people but fans are going to want to contact you once we go public and especially after the episodes are aired. But Cece will be able to coach you through that so we can still keep our privacy as much as possible. We'll have it all arranged in no time." He brings my face to his with a stroke of my cheek and kisses me softly.

"Will you come visit me in England? I really want to show you where I'm from and so you can meet my friends and family." I search his face and to my delight I'm met with a wide smile.

"I would love to, I want to know everything about you." I kiss him again and melt against him not wanting to let him go.

"I'm going to miss you so fucking much." I whisper against his neck.

"Me too." He sighs.

As we clear away the dishes we try to remain upbeat but its not long before the thought of the next day makes us both sombre. Zak grumbles as I make him watch Labyrinth with me, well he was just going to have to get used to my love of kids films, they help cheer me up. I smile to myself as I imagine how it will be when I can plan movie nights with Aaron, Zak will hate it! He was already complaining on snapchat and twitter about being made to endure David Bowie's bulge. 'Dance magic dance babe!' I respond to his tweet. He gives me a poke in the ribs as it pings up on his phone. I poke him back before snuggling against him, I want to make the most of every touch I can.

We agree on an early night, although Zak's flight wasn't until 10.30pm the next day. We still had to get back to Melbourne and I wanted to be able to spend a few hours with Aaron, Jay and Billy. Lets face it Aaron would never forgive me if I didn't, bless him. I was going to miss them all terribly.

Once we were in bed we talked in the dark for a while, neither of us wanting to waste time on sleep. We played with each other's hands and hair, stroking our skin and entwining legs and it wasn't long before our caressing led to more. I couldn't resist and I took my time as I took Zak in hand causing a sigh to breach his lips before I took them with mine. Zak's fingers were soon dancing on my skin before exploring and probing as I continued to stroke his length. We lingered as we stroked and explored, slowly increasing the pleasure for each other. I whimpered breathlessly as Zak finally entered me. He slowly but firmly rocked his hips, withdrawing almost fully before sliding agonisingly slowly back into me. The fire gradually burned brighter and hotter as he increased the pace until we both combusted together. I cried out and clung to his shoulders as he sank his teeth into the crook of my neck for what would be the last time for a long while.

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