Chapter 56: Pushing him

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Back at the hotel we prepare to do some interviews and the initial walk through. As they get started I choose to hang back and observe, I'm not feeling like I want to be in the thick of it I would rather listen and see what I can pick up from the interviewees. While Zak is talking to the hotel manager we are touring the building marking any areas of interest that she points out, eventually we find ourselves outside of the room that Zak and I are sharing.

"This is the most active room in the place." Lara the manager points out and I whip my head up and move forward in interest. I try to read Zak's expression at that juicy tit bit but he remains a closed book focusing on the woman in front of him.

"Why is that?" He prompts for more info.

"Legend has it that a love lorn woman took her life in this room when she was jilted by her married quarry man lover. People have heard crying in the night, men have felt their faces being stroked, objects move and women will often feel unwelcome." Lara tells him and I feel the anger well up inside of me.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Zak exclaims. "Have you felt anything in there Tracy?" He asks me being careful not to hint at the fact that we are sharing the room and oblivious to my darkening mood.

"Nope." I answer shortly, acutely aware of the camera pointed at my face, I look at him daring him to ask me more, I see him think better of it and don't miss the scowl he gives me in return.

'Ok I think we'll wrap it up there for now." He says and thanks the manager. The guys collect up the equipment and take it out to the RV ready for the next location, Zak and I find ourselves left outside of our room packing up the last few cables.

"Did you fucking know?" I seethe, unable to keep biting my tongue.

"Know what Tracy?" He asks carefully taken by surprise at my temper.

"About the room and its history? The ghost that hates women but loves men?"I ask him. I know I sound ludicrous, as if I'm jealous of a ghost, but I'm mad at him for keeping it from me and I can't seem to shake this dark mood.

"No, no I didn't know it was our room specifically." He answers calmly, his features clouded in confusion.

"Yeah, right! Cos that's totally not your thing is it?" I mutter caustically. I leave him staring after me as I stomp off with a handful of cables and go and sit in the very back of the RV without a word to anyone. As Zak reaches the van Billy asks him what's  going on.

"I don't fucking know man!" He shakes his head, bewildered and more than a little annoyed at my attitude.

In the van they all sit up front leaving me to stew in the back corner, I know I'm being completely unreasonable but all I want to do is rage and shout. Its a good thing that they left me well alone for the ten minute journey to the next location. At the railway tunnel I do what I can to help set up but keep my distance from everyone, I may be in a bad mood but I don't want to inflict it on anyone if I can help it. While Zak interviews the witness I stay well out of the way and soak up the atmosphere. It doesn't help one bit as the tunnel had been a well known suicide hot spot back in the day. The sadness and torment is overwhelming. It soon overcomes my feelings of anger but I have to step outside before I succumb to it completely. I whisper to Jay that I need to take a break for a moment and wonder down the road to a field full of cows and take some deep breaths and try and figure out what the hell had gotten in to me today.

After a while I'm brought out of my thoughts by a bump on my shoulder as Aaron leans on the gate next to me.

"What's going on Pompom?" He asks me warily and I shrug my shoulders.

"I wish I knew Aaron,' I sigh, " Maybe its just one of those days? But angry, sad, tired, I'm feeling it all right now. Maybe I just need some me time." I explain quietly trying to hide the wobble in my voice.

"Yeah maybe." He strokes the hair on his chin. "Just be careful ok and you know we're all here if you need to talk." I nod with a wan smile. "And try not to shut out Zak or take it out on him eh?" He winks and I nod again, I add guilt to my list of shitty feelings as I know that is exactly what I had been doing to him. "We'll be finished up in about 10 but take your time we'll wait back at the van for you." He gives me an awkward pat in the shoulder and goes back to the tunnel. I see him speaking with Zak and shrugging his shoulders as Zak looks in my direction but I'm unable to read his expression from so far. I decide to head back just as it begins to rain, pulling my hood over my head I shove my hands in my pockets and hunch my shoulders against the chilly water. As promised they were all waiting patiently in the RV for me, without a word and much to Zak's surprise I climb up into the seat next to him, rest my head on his shoulder and take his hand. He strokes my hand with his thumb and kisses the hood that I am still using to cover my head and try and shut out the world.

Back at the hotel we all go our separate ways agreeing that an early night is on order. I feel even more guilty that my melancholy seems to be rubbing off onto everyone else yet I still can't snap out of it. I watch as Zak kicks off his shoes and checks his phone for messages, I walk up behind him and hug him around the waist kissing his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for earlier." I whisper to him and I feel some of the tension leave his shoulders. He turns around and hugs me back. "It was just a bit of a shock to hear that and I don't know what came over me, I'm still not feeling great." I explain.

"Apology accepted. I had noticed you had been out of sorts, is there anything I can do sweetie?" He underplays his obvious concern and I'm thankful for it.

"I don't think so, thank you though. I'm sure i'll snap out of it, please try not to worry." I give him a small smile but I know its less than convincing. He looks like he wants to talk more but chooses not to push it any further for now.

We spend the evening watching mindless TV as Zak catches up on his emails and I try and take my mind off things and then take to bed early. As I get into bed I find myself turning away from Zak for the first time in weeks, feeling claustrophobic and in need of space. I hear him sigh quietly in frustration but he spoons behind me and pulls me close and nuzzling my hair. I love him and his proximity but I still have to fight the urge to pull away. Eventually I do fall into another fitful sleep but wake early the next morning to see Zak already awake and staring at the ceiling. 

Disclaimer: I just want to say that although Picton and the George IV Inn are real places I have been to neither so everything I am writing about them is all a figment of my imagination. I'm sure they have a lovely atmosphere and i'd love to go visit if i had the chance! *GM*

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