Chapter 77: Welcoming witch

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Thankfully the charms and warding seemed to work and the night was uneventful, in fact we both woke the next day feeling refreshed and ready to face the challenge ahead. Jay rang first thing to let us know that he had arranged for us to meet Amber Raven that afternoon. I was antsy, feeling both nervous and excited about the possibility of finding a resolution to our little demon problem. Zak took me out for a walk to try and calm the nervous energy that was making me chatter and pace and no doubt generally get on his nerves. We walked the seafront and along the breakwater to visit the small colony of fairy penguins that reside there. Zak knew well enough that the combination of the water, animals and his company would calm my soul. I relaxed into his embrace as he played with my hair and braced us against the chill wind rolling off the water.

"I needed this!" I nuzzle into his neck.

"I know, I think I did too, the water always helps clear my energy." He breathes into my hair causing a tingle to travel down my spine. "How do you feel about this afternoon?"

"Excited, apprehensive, skeptical, intrigued." I listed and Zak chuckled.

"Always with the skeptical." I shrug.

"Just keeping it real, how are you feeling?" I ask him in return.

"I'm trying to keep an open mind but I'm finding it kind of hard to trust my own feelings at the moment you know?" I look up at him and see the deep worry lines on his face, I feel guilty for not realising quite how much it had been taking its toll on him, I had been too busy defending us from the spot fires that I forgot about the simmering coals underneath ready to flare at any moment.

"I understand." I squeeze him and stand on tiptoes to give him a kiss, I will never tire of how his 6ft frame dwarfs my 5ft7.

We have lunch at the seafront bar and walk back to my house to collect my car. We had a 45 minute drive to Ferntree Gully where Amber Raven lives, we had contemplated going alone but the others insisted that they come for moral support so we had arranged to meet them there.

Amber's house was situated right on the very outskirts of town, edging towards the forest reserve of the Dandenongs. It was a breathtakingly beautiful setting and I breathed in the fresh green scent as I climbed out of the car. Seeing the boys' hire car already parked outside we made our way up the path towards the house. It was stunning. The path was bordered by mature frangipani and gum trees, chimes, lanterns and mirrors hung in their branches. There was a mossy rocky water feature bubbling away and the scents of flowers and herbs tickled the air, I cooed at its beauty making Zak smile. The house itself was almost a cabin, painted dark green surrounded by a wrap around veranda furnished with a mismatch of wooden pieces and even more chimes and crystal sun catchers.

Zak knocked on the purple wooden door and it was quickly opened by a woman of maybe 60 years old. Her long straight black hair was peppered with grey and hung glossily down her back and swished as she moved, her eyes were a startling bright blue but exuded happiness and welcome. The laughter lines only served to frame those eyes and accentuate the friendliness of her face. She wore a white crochet top over a plain t-shirt and baggy frayed crop jeans. Her hands were adorned with an abundance of silver rings and she had pentacle on a chain around her neck. I also noticed a tattoo peeking out of her sleeve at her wrist and another on her ankle, I loved her instantly.

"You must be Tracy and Zak." She greeted us warmly. "Come, come, the others are already here we're taking tea on the back deck, make yourselves at home." We followed the unmistakable sound of Aarons voice as Amber Raven shooed us through the homely lounge room. We find the crew sat at a large table with more mismatched chairs made cosy with cushions and blankets. I fist bump Aaron and sit down next to him as I greet Billy and Jay who sit opposite.

"Wassup daw?!" Zak waves hello at them all and takes his place by my side.

"Can I get you some tea?" Amber asks.

"I'd love some. Thank you." I smile and Zak nods.

"Let's see, peppermint with a touch of sugar for Tracy and Camomile as it comes for Zak." She mutters to herself as she busies herself at the tea tray. My mouth falls open dumbfounded, that is my favourite way to take herbal tea, nobody could have known that. Zak looks equally bewildered and Aaron laughs at our expressions.

"I know right! She got us too! Honey, lemon and ginger for me, bergamot for Jay and liquorice for Bill." He picks up his cup and takes a noisy slurp with his pinky finger sticking out causing me to snort through my nose in amusement.

"I told you she was good." Jay smiles.

"Yes, please don't be put off by my name, its real you know, parents were god damn hippies." Here eyes twinkle with mischief and humour as she passes us cups of steaming hot tea.

"It sure beats boring old Tracy." I smile, I think I am legit falling in love with this woman.

"Ah but our names are an important part of us Tracy, your name I think is very apt, it is of Irish origin and means warlike or fighter and can also be translated as 'more powerful' and is associated with the Irish word for 'three'. All very significant if you consider what you have come to see me about." We all stare at her in awe as she carries on. "As for you Zak or should I say Zachary, your name quite simply means remembered by God, again we can all agree how relevant that is for many reasons, least of all your line of work and ancestral history. Very few things happen by sheer accident, even the names we are given." I'm clutching Zak's hand left speechless by what we had just heard.

"Oooh ooh ooh do me! Do me!" Aaron bounces in his chair and raises his hand above his head, Amber's eyes crinkle in amusement.

"My dear Aaron, another biblical name, you are prophet, high priest and most importantly brother to all who are here." She smiles at him.

"Woah! Awesome!" He grins and I give him a nudge, he's like the bestest big brother you could wish for, that's true.

We sip our tea for a while over some general chit chat. Amber asks after Ash and Jay gives her an update, thankfully she seems to be getting better. The whole time that we are talking even when her attention seems to be elsewhere I get the feeling that Amber has Zak and I under close observation, its kind of unnerving and I play with Zak's ring and fingers to distract myself.

"I know that you know Tracy." Amber says making my head snap up to meet her gaze.

"I er, I'm not sure I know what you mean." I'm genuinely confused by her statement.

"You're well aware that I have been studying you this whole time. You have a gift, a strong one. Its time we got to the matter in hand don't you think?"

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