Chapter 33: Time for reflection

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"Ummm guys you're gonna wanna check this out!" Billy interrupts his voice full of excitement. He and Jay had gone back to review the main moment again. "These are all the angles side by side from Aaron's and my cameras as Tracy is demanding it leave you alone. Watch Tracy closely." He points to my figure on the screen, one view from the back and one from the side. I watch but I don't see anything out oft he ordinary.

"Holy cow!" Zak exclaims next to me making me jump. His hand has flown to his mouth and he turns to Aaron and me. I turn to look at Aaron who's catching flies, his familiar shocked face in full effect. I turn between them in confusion.

"What am I missing?" I ask.

"Play it again Billy." Zak demands, "Watch, there, look!" He points to the space around me on the screens. "There's a glow! A faint glow around you, don't you see it? Look its gradually getting brighter and grows to, I don't know shield you and me. But when you look away its gone, that's when you're attacked." I squint and can just about make out a brightness around us as the recording gets played a few more times.

"So what does it mean?" I'm not really quite getting what all the fuss is about.

"We have no idea, its nothing we've ever seen before, we're going to have to really analyse it when we get back. Amazing!" He shakes his head still stunned. I'm not matching their excitement sure there must be some rational explanation and I tell them so.

"Really still skeptical?!" Zak asks me not quite believing his ears.

"Well I agree its weird, but couldn't it just be a trick of the light or something? I've gotta rule out all the more likely scenarios first, I don't have the experience or technical knowledge you do!" I get a little defensive, finding being the centre of attention uncomfortable and honestly i'm a bit over the weird shit right now.

"It can't be a trick of the light, its caught on both cameras atdifferent angles. But I love that you're looking at this logically and analytically, too many people will believe that its supernatural without ruling out the obvious first. I like that you can keep a level head through the craziness." He squeezes my knee I think he senses that I'm teetering on the edge of losing my shit.

"Even if I do seem to be shouting and crying an awful lot lately?" I ask feeling a little raw.

"Yeah, even so." He gives me such a warm smile that I melt into him and sigh as he hugs me tight.

Its getting late so I offer to go out and track down provisions while they carry on editing. It was a good excuse to get some space and some time to my thoughts. I wonder around the streets making note of the available eateries as my mind whirls. Almost a week had passed since the GAC had crashed into my life. Only a week?? I felt like it could have been a year with all that had transpired, what with ghosts and demons and of course the ghost man himself. Going back to my mundane life didn't bear thinking about. What was going to happen to us once he had returned to the other side of the planet? I sigh. Its best not to think about that for now, lets see what happens over the next few weeks first, I mean we could be sick of each other by then. Well he might get tired of me at least. 'Lets not get ahead of yourself girl!' I scold myself. Well, ok what about all this ghost investigating stuff? Its been more incredible than I could ever have imagined. It definitely wasn't short of excitement. Sure it was a bit scary too but I loved the adrenaline rush and the history was fascinating. This so called sensitivity thing they were adamant I had was intriguing to me. I had never really given it all that much thought before I sent that fateful email. But I can't deny that there seems to be something going on and it seemed to be growing stronger and weirdly especially so when I was around Zak. Alright, so I seem to have picked up a demon but I can handle it can't I? I'm bad ass! I chuckle to myself at Aaron's words, haha love him! So lets see what this attachment malarkey entails, I'm kind of glad that it picked me and not someone weaker, or someone I cared for. I shuddered, putting it down to the sun dipping below the horizon but there was a small seed of doubt in the back of mind. Ok lets stop thinking demon for awhile.

I wasn't sure how long I had been gone for but turned back before a search party was sent by Mr overbearing Bagans. I smiled to myself secretly enjoying his protective nature, not that I would be letting him know that any time soon. I am independent woman, hear me roar!

I decided to treat them to a traditional British and Aussie favourite of fish and chips. Yum! With a whole selection of steaming hot goodness and a case of cold bear I struggled back to the hotel.

"Knock knock!!" I yell as I get to the door with my hands full.

"Woah! What's all this? It smells awesome!" Aarons sniffs as he takes the case of beer from me.

"Fish and chips. The favourite of Aussies and poms everywhere." I smile.

"Huh? What's a pom?" Aaron furrows his brow.

"Its what Aussies call English people." I explain.

"Haha ok then pompom! " He chuckles and I have a feeling I may have just inadvertently stuck myself with a nick name.

"Anyway, tuck in they are best piping hot straight out of the paper." I gesture to the spread on the table.

"Ok pompom." Aaron winks and ruffles my hair.

"Gerroff!"I laugh and give him a nudge. I feel an arm slip around my waist and Zak hands me a beer and kisses my cheek.

"You were gone for a while, everything ok sweetie?" He asks me.

'Yeah,i'm ok, just need the air and some thinking time ya know?" I assure him.

"YeahI know."

"Knew you would." I give him a squeeze.

"Just as long as you're ok." I nod and smile, he returns my smile with one of his own and leans in to kiss me softly. His lips are damp and cold from the beer he has sipped, I lick my lips savouring the sensation, he watches with a wolfish look in his eyes and I have to look away knowing that my face is flushed.

"We had better have some of this food before its all gone!" I try to divert his attention.

"Uh huh." He responds with a chuckle, knowing exactly the kind of effect he was having on me as he pats my rear as I lean past him. I turn and scowl at him hoping my heightened state wasn't being picked up by anyone else. But he doesn't help matters as he grins and winks at me. I take a large gulp from my beer bottle trying to regain my composure. He's such a flippin tease!

Relaxing after our dinner feast I lay with my head in Zak's lap as he absent-mindedly plays with my hair. I had never felt so comfortable and content and it must have shown.

"You two make a disgustingly cute couple." Aaron suddenly declares. I smile up at Zak and laugh to see his face turning and interesting shade of pink.

"Shut up dude!" He scolds Aaron who just laughs.

"He's right tho, hey Jay?" Billy continues to goad, Jay nods and laughs.

"Dudes come on!" Zak whines but I see the smile in his eyes and my heart swells.

The beers all drunk we all head off to leave Billy in peace, Zak follows me to my room no questions asked. As soon as we get through the door he pushes me up against the wall and is kissing me hotly before the door is even closed. He devours my mouth as he pins me helplessly with his knee, his hands holding my face to him. He manoeuvres me towards the bed unable to keep our hands or lips off each other. Somehow we shed our clothes as we go and fall onto the bed lost in each other's presence. We spend the next hours exploring and tasting each other's bodies, we take our time to pleasure and enjoy each other until we collapse exhausted and contented, sleeping the sound sleep of a fully satiated appetite.

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